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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by FluffyChix

  1. Remedial math, no sleep due to cramping pain, and no food since Monday. Three months which for you is 13 weeks, IS much different than 3 weeks. My apologies. 30lbs in 13 weeks = 2.31lbs/week. I can understand where you would feel greater expectations. It's still in the 2-4lbs/week normal range, but yeah, you'd potentially expect a bigger bang for the buck. But as my doc said this morning, we're low weight surgeries. We can NOT expect to lose at the rate of others who are in the upper 2-300s or more. When was the last time you consistently lost 2.31 lbs week in and week out? For me I was in my teens! LOL. If you are able to do that consistently (but you won't cuz there will be stalls), you could lose 120lbs in a year. Dunno bout you, but I will take that any day of the year! And as far as demeaning. Oh dear, everyone has bad days and misinterprets things. Mistakes happen EVEN on support boards. So I would have to come back and say if that's the worst thing to happen to you today, you're again doing better than most people in the world.
  2. FluffyChix

    How often do you throw up?

    Threw my toes up Monday cuz of terrible bowel cramping and near-impaction. The only time.
  3. FluffyChix

    I miss you, Richard!

    Yay!!!! I got worried for a sec! I know he was all "Where is Richard Simmons" lol, but I thought maybe now he'd died! Thanks girl!
  4. FluffyChix

    February Surgery Buddies!

    So, not that I have the answers, but this is what I was doing. Maybe it will help? 1Brekky - decaff coffee and 9-10oz Premier Protein as creamer (23g P) 2nd Brekky - 1 egg softboiled (6g P) MS - Egg Salad (6g P) L - Egg Salad (6g P) AS - Yogurt/Cottage Cheese/Applesauce (15g P) D - 1.5oz dense protein of some kind (9g P) BS - Yogurt/Cottage Cheese/WF Blueberry Syrup (10g P) 75g P for the day! Voila!!! It's a lot of meals, but in the beginning we're only supposed to eat 1/4c of food max. As our volume increases, meals decrease. And you're only taking in 23g of P from protein drinks even only 2-3 weeks out? Hope that helps. Just word: MAKE SURE your poop chute is cleaned out from all the stuck-in crap from surgery or you will have constipation/blockages like nobody's beeswax!!!
  5. FluffyChix

    I miss you, Richard!

    Crap! Did he die? I sparkleheart this guy!!! I've walked more with him than with any other dude except Mr. F! *sniff*
  6. Bi*ch please. OMG!!! You've lost 34lbs in less than 3 weeks! WTF more could you ask for? AND you're a low BMI???? HOLY Fu*KKKKKKK someone please get this girl a big glass of reality please? LOL. Jesus Mary and Joseph! It's official folks. I've now lost every one of my marbles. You should sent me to Snarkville Time-Out! I should report myself to Alex for attacking another poster. IN my defense I've had nothing but clear liquids since Monday afternoon. Seriously annoyed by this douchey comment!
  7. FluffyChix

    February bypass buddies?

    Dang all of you little knuckleheads have done super!! Congrats on the weight loss and feeling so goood post surgery!!!
  8. FluffyChix

    February bypass buddies?

    Congrats! Love the report, results, AND the quote girlie!!!
  9. FluffyChix

    I made it outttttt wooohoooo

    Congrats! Welcome to the other side!!
  10. FluffyChix

    12 weeks today - record of progress

    Yay!!! Congrats. So glad you started your journal! And what a beautiful weight loss graph!!! Thanks for your constant thinspiration!!!
  11. FluffyChix

    Advice you wish knew before surgery

    LOL, fail on this one and I swear, you will NOT be smiling when you're diggin this out! LOL!
  12. FluffyChix

    Advice you wish knew before surgery

    ^^^^This.^^^^ Wow. Just wow!!! I only have 1 more to add: 7. Don't start worrying about piling on the food down your piehole until you are 300% sure you've TOTALLY and I DO mean TOTALLY cleaned out your poop chute from pre-surgery and anesthesia holocost survivors. I swear truth to the nth about this!
  13. Hahahahaha! Wonderful! I'm glad! Sometimes, I know I sound like a bi*chy little snark! But I don't mean to...I just appreciate honesty and being told if the King's new clothes leave him nekkidy. LOL. So I kind of dispense knowledge from that unfortunate perspective!! You're really doing great. Keep it up and it will add up in no time!!!
  14. FluffyChix

    Reached my first milestone today!

    Whooooooaaaah! That's amazing dude!!! Congrats to you. This will be the first of many milestones!! Keep going strong!
  15. I don't know if your "Thanks for the positivity was genuine or snarky, cuz I can't hear expression in typing." LOL. But I AM in the same boat as you. I'm 15 days post op. I had lost 6.8lbs. NOT tearing up the streets, but "just average". And then I got put back on clear liquids. So I've had nothing but clear liquids and 1000ml of iv fluid and suddenly I'm back up 2lbs. So in 15 days and NO food of any sort, other than broth, sf jello, and a sf popsicle in 1 1/2 days. I'm now only at 4.8lbs loss. Below, well below average. So I DO understand your frustration. There should be instant gratification and a MUCH fu*king bigger payout for rearranging your anatomy and losing the biggest % of your stomach! But, if you continue to work the program, look toward life to get balance and other NSV payout, and just sit back and relax as you engage in healthy amounts of exercise and reconnect with people, all those 2-3 lbs will begin to add up and gain momentum. And when you look back in a year, it may look like a 70-100lb loss. And WHEN was the last time you were able to lose (or me for that matter) 100lbs in 1 year? Um, oh yeah...make that NEVER!!!! In life there will ALWAYS be someone faster than you at whatever it is you're competing in. But this isn't a competition with anyone else but ourselves. Hope that helps clarify and give you reassurance. (Let me remind you--in case you need a slower loser than you...In 15 days I've lost 4.8lbs. Snort. AND have a 3oz tummy capacity. ROFLMFAO!!!)
  16. FluffyChix

    Waiting is the worst part

    Oh and don't forget, there is actually a 2 1/2 before the Post-op Liquids...First REAL poo post surgery. Holy hell! Crying!!!
  17. FluffyChix

    Big Ward

    Ha! I just found it and watched the first episode while I did my 30 minutes of walking! LOVE it! Thanks for turning me onto it! I was searching for Fat Ward, no wonder I couldn't find it. Was simple when I searched for Big Ward!! TY!
  18. You have 12 weeks of weight loss data. Your 36lb loss over 3 months gives the data. You're averaging at worst 2.77lbs/week and at best, about 3lbs/week. You're doing great!!! LOL short answer is, don't compare yourself. It will drive you batsh*t crazy and it is the thief of contentment and pride in your accomplishment!!!!! Sorry, but true!
  19. You're right at the average of 2-4lbs per week, hovering right at 3lbs/week. Try not to compare. It will rob you of satisfaction. You're doing really well! When was the last time you were able to easily lose 12lbs per month? What does an average day of food consist of for you?
  20. FluffyChix

    Waiting is the worst part

    Well, it's actually the second worst part. LOL. The 2 week Liquid Pre-Op Diet followed by the 2-3 week Liquid Post Op Diet is the worst part! bahahahahaaha!
  21. FluffyChix

    Little Green getting little(r)

    Congrats girlie!!! It'll be here before you know it!!
  22. FluffyChix

    Hubby now wants surgery

    Oh wow!!!! I'm so excited for you guys!!!! Just think of all the money y'all will save! You can go out to eat. Order one appetizer, split it and go home rich! bahahahahaha! You can do free things like hike, camp, do outdoor stuff?!!! Wahooooooo! So thrilled. Congrats!
  23. FluffyChix

    RNY November 2017

    What a brilliant report and excellent results!!! Running to write this down to ask my surgeon tomorrow--if I'm cleared to have acids in my water at 2weeks!!! ((hugs))!!! Um, maybe it's time to see a 100lb loss in piccys. *wink wink nudge nudge* You know how we sparkleheart piccys!
  24. FluffyChix

    Surgery today

    Yay on you!!! You did it!!!! Congrats!!!! You're an RNY-kineer!!!

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