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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by FluffyChix

  1. Wow, so sorry to hear this. ((hugs)). I second the using either unflavored protein powder and adding it to broths when you're cleared for it, or to add in some other form of protein like egg white protein, or vegan protein. Whatever you can get in. My RD said in a failsafe worst case scenario, I could whisk in pasteurized eggs (Egglands Best) into my broth so that it was creamy, not like egg drop soup. That means you have to keep the broth around 140-145 degrees. Just to get some protein in. I know it isn't unusual to have diarrhea when all you're having is Gatorade and clear broth. Can you try the Powerade Zero? Theoretically it should firm up with solids. Hang in there!!! It WILL get better!
  2. FluffyChix

    Today is the day

    Yay!!!! So excited for you!!
  3. FluffyChix

    Post op day 2

    Congrats! Hopefully the irregular hbs turn out to be nothing!!! Welcome to the other side!
  4. FluffyChix

    Getting there!

    Congrats on the 100lbs down in 5 months. That is outrageous and spectacular!!!! WTG!!!!! You will be at 200lbs in the blink of an eye!
  5. FluffyChix

    Loving my feet:)

    Yay!!!! I'm so happy for you!!! That is such fantastic news!!!! Paint your toenails girlie and wear those sandals and capris!!!
  6. FluffyChix

    Very discouraged op 1/11/18

    @dreamingsmall Thank you. This was exactly it. I meant no disrespect. I also was giving her the advice given to me from so many of the vets here which has REALLY and truly helped me get my head in the game: "Just because you "can" eat, doesn't mean you "should" eat "fill in precise quantity as it applies to you". You know? But it's so very difficult to give any kind of practical help when we don't even have a profile filled out or any background information to go on!
  7. FluffyChix

    Pain management post surgery

    I had a pain med lolapalooza on day 1. As long as it was offered, I partook. I had pretty searing pain that went through to my back at my upper incision area. When it got to my back the nausea would start. But then they dialed in my meds and added IV Tylenol as mentioned above and also gave me a scopolomine patch. Oh wow!!! What beautiful beautiful things! LOL. By the end of day 1 I was only on the iv tylenol and oral meds. By day 2 I was only on oral meds: gabapentin and tramadol. I stopped tramadol and stepped down from gaba at about day 4. I coulda done it sooner. Maybe I did. Maybe it was day 3? Then I just had intermittent liquid sugar free tylenol. NBD. Pain SOOOOO easy. I'm sure I over-medicated. They have these surgeries down to a science. They KNOW the pain to predict and medicate for in the majority of their patients. And they get it drilled down and taken care of very very efficiently.
  8. ROFLMAO!!!! I am so sorry for any and all who have endured this Rosemary's Baby event!!! @kennyranking You win the internet dude!!! Seriously! Anaconda? Ha!! I JUST went through this on Monday! Pain like never before! Throwing up my toes! Couldn't keep ice chips down! Went to ER, had to get fluids, CT, xrays, barium swallow...and got iv meds for nausea and bowel spasms. And then had to load on the colace and MOM! It took 8oz of Mom to finally dislodge Rosemary's Baby! Dear God, Satan's Spawn!!!!!! 6 poopies later - today...LOL> This was all backed up since pre-surge liquid diet. The doc saw it in surgery and told me to get going getting it cleaned out--which I thought I had! But um, clearly. I had not! Man WORST pain evs. Worse than surgery!!! FU fentanyl and anesthesia! Just FU! LOL. Today my bowels are still gassy, windy, noisy as well, um, crap! But I have started eating again. And am concentrating on yogurt and taking things slowly! I am now on a strict regimen of daily colace, Miralax, watching to make sure I poo every couple of days max. And I'm sposed to slowly start Benefiber. Later, I can go back to my beloved whole psyllium husks.
  9. FluffyChix

    1 Week Post-op

    Congrats on having such a great transition!!!
  10. FluffyChix

    Pre-Op Nightmares?

    Oh good God! I was Wendy Whiner about that very subject the entire 6 months I was pre-op! ROFLMAO!!! Here, you can read this for consolation!
  11. Yes. I was pretty scared! I HATE throwing up and the pain was Exorcism cray! LOL. But when I couldn't keep an icechip down without shouting Ralph, I knew I couldn't di*k around and had to go see if I'd fu*ked up my surgeon's beautiful handiwork. TG I didn't!!! Be a good conductor!!! Mind your schedules. Let this be a lesson for all!!!! Oh and don't eat cheese until you KNOW the trains are running on time!!! It will only make a bad thing worse!!
  12. FluffyChix

    Foods that make you feel full

    What kinds of foods are you eating right now? How far out are you from surgery? What kind of surgery did you have? What is the recommended quantity or weight in oz for your timeframe from your surgeon or RD?
  13. FluffyChix

    Very discouraged op 1/11/18

    My questions were not directed to make you feel bad. You ask VERY important questions and need information but you give very little information about yourself, your surgery, your diet. How far out you are from surgery. So it's like asking us to have a crystal ball to give you very specific advice. The first part of my response to you was a reminder. Not a shaming statement. Someone makes it to me to remind me and I find it super helpful! The ONLY way I know that I'm not eating too much right now, is because I use the exact volume or weight given by my surgeon for this time in my diet. Do I want more? Oh sure!!! I do. LOL. I am not yet able to feel satiety. And, you don't mention your diet, but I can guarantee you that if I'm eating high carb foods, or drinking while eating, I will be hungry less than 2 hours later! Fo' shizzle. But if I only eat my protein, and maybe a bite (tiny bite) of a very well cooked veg, and a tiny bit of healthy fat, I am cool for about 3 hours. And that's only eating 1/4c of food per meal! LOL. Protein drinks do give me satiety. But for many, they do not! You know? Yogurt barely gives me satiety, but if I add low fat cottage cheese, then it keeps me for 3 hours, even at less than 1/2 c total volume. (I can have up to 1/2c of yogurt at this point.) So, THAT's why I responded as I did. To get more information from you, so we can possibly even stab at giving you AWESOME helpful advice. It was never meant to shame you! Sorry. And hope you stick around and keep fighting to win your surgery! If I eat slider foods, which I assure you even at 2 weeks I "could" theoretically do, they will wizz right past my new anatomy and go directly to my hips without passing go!
  14. IKR!? I may never look at another cat walking away without thinking of this meme! ROFLMAO!
  15. FluffyChix

    Scared thinking of canceling surgery

    I'm so sorry to hear about your brother. The one thing I would do absolutely before making a decision one way or the other is to talk to a therapist and do grief counseling. Talk to someone who specializes in bariatric patients. This is SUPER important! ((hugs))
  16. Wipe my booty without breaking an arm or a blood vessel. Reach my feet to scrub 'em. Paint my toenails dayglo orange!
  17. FluffyChix

    Food goes down rough

    ((hugs)) It WILL get better. Swearsies!!! Just go slow. There is NO rush to advance!! My doc told me this morning that we must be patient and that we each heal at different rates. You and I had surgery the same day. Things go down great for me, LOL, but, and it's a big butt! Elvis FAILS to leave the building as scheduled! He FORGETS to leave the forkin' building! Bahahahahaa!!! So see? We're just all plumbed a little differently! I swear, each day will get better. We're only 16days out. She reminded me that I am still barely 2 weeks from MAJOR surgery! And you are too sweetie! Hang in there!!!
  18. FluffyChix

    Any March 2018 Sleevers?

    Oh DEar GOD YES! YES! YES! Am I yelling? It sent me to the ER on Monday projectile vomiting cramps from Rosemary's Baby, a crap ton of dense sticky fentanyl poop from the Satan. TAke ALL. THE. THINGS now!!!!! I wish to hell I'd done a full bowel prep, instead of following my surgeon's and RD's advice of no bowel prep!!!!
  19. FluffyChix


    Good gosh! So sorry to hear that! I'm ok as long as I have them after a meal. Can't do on an empty tummy. It's so wild how different we all are! ((hugs))
  20. 2 Week Post-Op Check-up - 213.8 (-10.6lbs in 16days = 4.64lbs/week) Hi y'all! It's been a little bit of a rough week. I'm still swallowing well, getting in plenty of fluids, but I underestimated the sheer volume of trains backed up on the track and in particular, underestimated the dreaded effects of my eternal nemesis fentanyl and anesthesia. And I did not keep very good track on my train schedule. Consequently, we had a severe blockage in Tunnel #9 on Track #2. That resulted in such severe cramping that all materials imported on new trains THIS side of the blockage were stranded on the track. And the result was mass, explosive exodus or projectile vomiting. I ended up having to go to the emergency room where they thought I'd sprung a leak. A liter of D5W, a CT, and a barium swallow test showed no leak in sight, only fluid around the surgery and a high white count. So back on clear liquids until I saw my doc this morning. And I'm happy to say thanks for the giant economy sized bottle of MOM, colace out the wazoo, and a crap ton of water and glycerin suppositories, the blockage from Tunnel #9 is cleared (Oh DEAR GOD the humanity of it all! So very. Very. Very. Bad! Rosemary's Baby bad!) and they appear to be on schedule even though I'm still having pretty severe cramping and noisiness on the tracks that woke me from a sound sleep last night. And had me rushing to the train depot this morning! ROFLMAO!!! Good times! She (my surgeon) basically told me, I have to stay on top of keeping my bowels clear and that I may have slow bowels, so will need to go slowly advancing foods--even things like soft cheeses are a no-no right now until the train schedule is running like clockwork. She said that everyone heals at different rates and can tolerate things on a different pace. So she said, KISS (keep it simple stupid). LOL. And so I will not be trying to be tricky with any recipes for a while. I also got sent back to my RD for a remedial course in post-op food progression and nutrition. LOL. Lucky for me I sparkleheart her! It's like, THROW ME IN THAT BRIARPATCH!!! She's a mother-confessor, psychologist and RD all rolled into one! Ok, so that's the 2 week update. My bruises are finally starting to go down a little and I no longer look like I've been beaten with a baseball bat on my abdomen. Ok, yes I do. I still look like a beating victim. LOL. Ce la vie! I don't have to go see her for 2 more weeks, then I hope to get to go for 3 months! Oh and praise the Sweet Baby Jesus! I'm back on a normal soft/puree diet--with the advice to KISS and go slowly progressing foods! Ha! Ya think? *snort*
  21. FluffyChix

    8 weeks 8 inches

    Congrats! Fabulous!
  22. Congrats to you on reversing the apnea and asthma, and sharing this wonderfully encouraging study! Thank you for always thinking of us and sharing the latest med news!!!
  23. FluffyChix

    How often do you throw up?

    And it also happens when you get super constipated and your bowels aren't moving and you start having super-human cramps that cause projectile vomiting...

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
