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Everything posted by FluffyChix

  1. FluffyChix

    7 weeks post op, 58lbs down

    Wow!!! Congrats woman! You look fantastic!!!
  2. FluffyChix

    No longer obese

    Oh yay for you!!! Congrats!!!
  3. Can't wait for you to tell us which one you are! I HEART the crap outta that show and am so sad, I'm done with this season. I may watch it over from the beginning!
  4. Ok, deal! You be Frankie, I'll be Grace! (I already dress sorta like Frankie...lol, for years. I was Boho Bit*ch.
  5. Really? Mom Jeans? And ice cream colors? That's my style! And bohemian tops! Part of my issue is my lymphedema arm is 2x as big as the other arm. And it still looks so filled with fluid. That short sleeve shirts are really tough for me to wear without being self-conscious. You know my secret? I want to be thin enough to dress like Grace on Frankie and Grace! I think she's so unbelievably beautiful. I might even buy a Raquel Welch wig so my hair looks like her's when I go out! *snic* (As for the sig/ticker update...it's a sickness really--my inability to just let my stats ride until I have more than 1/2lb of loss to report! ROFLMFAO!!! I swear...I get up...derobe, pee, weigh nekkid...see a .3lb drop and think, "Crap! I gotta rush to the puter and update my ticker and sig!" Bahahahahahaha! Me=Insane.)
  6. FluffyChix

    Big Ward

    Hahaha! I so agree! Gosh I feel for her and almost all of them! It occurs to me, their naivete and disconnect with real food and inability to cook, is perhaps one of the roots of their form of the disease! Makes me want to figure out how to pioneer a program that underserved people can get cooking classes and shopping mentoring and food delivery of real foods--to their underserved neighborhoods. Like in some of the wards in Houston, we have a food desert--no groceries or easily accessible access to fresh foods. But dayum if there isn't a McDonald's there selling their $1, $2, and $3 menus! And KFC with their $5 meals!
  7. FluffyChix

    What's Your Goal For The Week?

    @Creekimp13 I sparkleheart you. And I want to be you when I grow up! You are doing SOOOOO great!!!!
  8. LOL! I wanna go shopping, but the realist and broke girl inside says..."Why? You dumb fu*k! You're in a great, happy, head space right now! You see almost NO one daily that affects your life in a meaningful way"--other than Mr. F. and he's so tight he squeaks when he walks--but he's totally amenable to me going shopping for clothes that fit and ditching the magic pants. I think that my magic pants have 20more pounds before they become totally dead magic. So then I think, why do I want to go squeeze my size 20 ass into a pair of jeans when I KNOW that my size 20 ass looks terrible in jeans at this particular point in time? I know from experience and my shape, that jeans only begin to look attractive on me when I'm down to 170lbs. So why subject myself to heartache when I have pants that fit over my dwindling yet still ginormous ass? LOL. I realize I'm MUCH harder on myself than I would ever be on my fam, or friends, or pure strangers! LOL. But I carry my weight in my ass and thighs and they have not started to budge a lot yet...LOL.
  9. FluffyChix

    1 month post op mood

    Congrats on 1 month down and the weight loss. Dayum, 30lbs! You should totally fill out your profile and settings so we can see where you started etc!
  10. FluffyChix

    Emotional transition

    Congrats!!! That's the thing that is IMPOSSIBLE for us to understand as normies before surgery! We simply can't compute a situation where we can cook normally for our fams and feel ambivalence about eating or tasting it! You know? I grilled a t-bone for Mr. F. last night and made smashed roasted cauliflower and sliced heirloom tomatoes and avos for him. He had a cab and this forking gorgeous meal and I was like, "Meh...that's a crap ton of food dude! Try not to eat it all at one sitting!" LOL. Then I had 1/4c of smashed roasted cauli, 1/2 sauteed chicken tender, 1/8c of brown gravy on the cauli, and 1/2oz of avo. I was so full! LOL. No deprivation or lingering cravings for his meal!
  11. FluffyChix


    I look forward to the day I can make mine again using Carb Sense Tortillas. I'm assuming I will only be able to eat 1/4 of it. Nuke 1 low carb flour tortilla on a paper towel for about 30 seconds. Keep nuking in 30 second intervals, turning over on the paper towel at each interval until tortilla is super crispy--about 1 minute 10 seconds in my microwave--but everyone is different. Top with 1 slice of provolone, or grated mozz. Dot with pizza sauce (about 1/8 cup of super low carb marinara--I use Central Market Taste of Italy--it has the lowest carb/sugar count locally). Top with your fave toppings. Place under broiler in toaster oven and toaste for 2-3 minutes until cheese is melty and it's heated throughout. This is a "monster version" with everything on it and 2.5oz of mozza on it and regular pepperoni and Italian sausage. And I could barely eat 1/2 of the pizza (2 slices) even as a normie! Fully Loaded Whole Pizza (pepperoni, Italian sausage, rbp, red onion) - 608 cals; 45g prot; 41g fat; 24g carb; 11g fib; 13g net carb; 3g sugar. 1/4 Fully Loaded Whole Pizza as above: 152 cals; 11.2g prot; 10.25g fat; 6g carbs; 2.75g fib; 3.25g net carbs; .75g sugar It tastes so much like a cracker crust pizza!
  12. To all in Suckville, ((hugs))!!! No words, just SUCKS!!!!! GHDWL (Ground Hog Day Weight Loss=where you wake up each morning and lose or gain the same weight over and over again) is the pits!!! LOL, I spent 89 days in the 230s. It felt like an eternity. I wanted to make like a coyote in a trap and chew one of my legs off, just so the scale would move!
  13. FluffyChix

    Bloated and Can’t Eat.

    Hahaha! I was just gonna ask this!!! TMI, but it took me about 6-8 "good size" poops to clear out from the pre-surgery liquid diet blues. I kid you not!!!! And today I had a small one and I was like, "Whatchoo hidin' in there Willis that I don't know about. I know you've got more for me, cuz it's been 3 days and about 2 1/2cups of solid food." ROFLMFAO!!! Hope the doc's fix has you feeling better and able to hydrate quickly! It sounds like EXACTLY what I had that sent me to the ER. Severe cramps even when taking a sip of water or ice chip and super nausea/bloating. ((hugs))
  14. FluffyChix

    Preop blues

    Yeah, the 2 week liquid diet is the diet invented by Satan's Spawn. LOL! It's the hardest part (IMHO). Even harder than the post-op liquid diet, cuz at least then, you're on a homestretch counting down the days! LOL. I think it's totes norm to still want food interaction--especially if you're a foodie or seriously food addicted. LOL *raises hand sheepishly*. I agree with @Mattymatt and @Sosewsue61. Try to stay in the present. And get busy! I played a crap TON of hearts and solitaire on my phone! haha!
  15. Wow!!! That's amazing about the no tort law suits! And about your medical coverage! And holy cow on getting to eat solids so quickly! Thanks for sharing your food plan! That's also incredible on the 5 years out at 900-1000cals with a high NO-Regain Success Rate! Aren't you glad? Do you also have the Fobi? Are you watching Big Ward? I LOVE the doc on there!
  16. FluffyChix

    Simple victories

    Nice post! Congrats to all!
  17. I seriously sparkleheart you!!! Ok, link me up again to your food plan please? I "need"! I NEED! I want! I WANT!!! I'm so happy to hear that you are another one of the peeps who can eat this much! So do you think eggs and beans are slider more of "sliders"?
  18. Yes, I can totally get this! I think for me, eggs/omelets especially are gonna be my go-to for a "known" meal that will work. Cuz, I use 1fl oz of high protein milk, it adds to the protein count a bit while keeping the egg soft, rather than so dense. So it goes down very easy. This morning I steamed some chopped fresh spinach, garlic, a mushroom and some of my turkey crumbles until they were fork tender. And used more of my garlic yo-cheese. I portioned it this time so that it's only 1/2 of the total omelet and will have the remainder for meal #3. So far, it's filling me up way more than last night's bean, egg, and yo-cheese. LOL.
  19. Thanks guys! You know, in a way it's reverse insecurity. So many of my Feb peeps are having issues swallowing water/liquids and getting their protein down--even to the point of not being able to get a whole egg down, and today I'm on board to get about 65g of protein and 625 cals in with only about 4-5fl oz of Pr. Protein. So I'm thinking, dayum! I don't want to pop a staple or something moronic like that -- just cuz I feel so great and can eat so much volume!
  20. 18 Days Post-Op - 212.8lbs (9.6lb loss from SDW) Ok, was gonna wait until 3 weeks to make my next post but yeah, the post op crazies (insecurities) are rearing their ugly head and callin' me "FREAK" in ginormous all caps YELLING! Pooping continues to be filled with angst. I'm taking 17g of Miralax, 2 colace, 2 tsps of mag citrate daily, while blasting with 60ml of MOM every 3rd day. F me! WTF??????? So today is MOM day again. *le sigh* So last night, I shocked and surprised myself by eating the biggest meal in my post surg history. Holy Fu*k! At 3 weeks my capacity per my RD sheets is supposed to be 1/4-1/2c and that should be closer to 1/4c. It's 1-2oz by weight for protein, up to 1/4c soft cooked veg or very soft canned fruit or applesauce, and whatever room is leftover a bite or two of starch. So last night I made a bean and cheese omelet. I'm still off cheese, so I made yo-cheese from Greek yogurt and spiced it up and added a shake of "nooge" = nutritional yeast that sorta tastes like parmesan if you squint and cock your head a little bit. In my former life, I grew up eating bean, egg and cheese breakfast tacos! I ATE the whole thing. Let me repeat! I ATE THE WHOLE THING! Am I yelling? Cuz I think I am! Here's the exact dinner: Dinner Last Night - Black Bean and Egg Omelet 1 large brown egg, beaten 1 fl oz Fairlife FF Milk, beaten into egg 3 seconds EVOO spray 1/4 c FF Refried Black Beans with granulated garlic, ground cumin, and ground coriander 20g Greek yogurt 1/2 tbsp Nutritional Yeast Nutritionals: 168 calories; 14g protein; 8g fat; 13g carbs; 5g fiber; 8g net carbs; 2g natural occurring sugars I believe the ONLY way I'm going to get my bowel function back is by getting my food fiber back up and by moving a lot and staying well-hydrated (and healing more--let's not forget that). But how in God's name could I have comfortably eaten this entire meal when most people at my stage can't finish a single egg? Am I fu*king up my new gift by eating this quantity???
  21. FluffyChix

    Progress pics

    Wow! You go girl!!! Looking fabulous!!!
  22. FluffyChix

    Hottest social scene in town...

    Dayum dude! ((hugs)) I swear I hope that feeling in your changes to victory, empowerment, and supreme healthy self-confidence asap!!!
  23. FluffyChix

    What length is your bypass?

    I only know she said she "didn't make my bypass length very long." I guess cuz of my lower BMI/weight?
  24. FluffyChix

    Hottest social scene in town...

    Hahaha! Hilarious. It's true, but not breaking news. LOL. My guy friends used to hang out in the produce section for as long as they could to pick up babes. LOL. Asking a woman how to pick out tomatoes or cantaloupe was their schtick. ROFLMAO. And they WERE successful! You cannnnn doooooo eeeetttttt!
  25. FluffyChix

    Freaking out!

    Sorry. I thought this was the OP's thread. I replied to her. She said she is having an RNY? I replied to her with my very recent RNY op surgical experience.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
