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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by FluffyChix

  1. FluffyChix

    Weight percentage question

    So ok, can you use her weight in a math example? Please show your work! hehe -- sooooo not kidding. I need to see it to understand it. MUAH!
  2. FluffyChix

    February 2018 Success Stories

    Travelling can cause water retention. Also, you may be in the 3 week stall that hits any time between week 2 and 4. ((hugs))
  3. Good luck. It's really the doctor's schedule--NOT your schedule that will determine whether any doc in the lands would operate on you with your present agenda. LOL. It doesn't matter what we want. It matters what the doc and insurance companies want. LOL.
  4. FluffyChix

    February Surgery Buddies!

    Well, it's only a no-no if you don't share the recipe with us! So go ahead and share it, mkay?
  5. FluffyChix

    Freaking out

    Congrats! Follow all the doc's rules and you'll do great!!!
  6. FluffyChix

    Scared since vsg

    I think some of what you describe can be a normal phase for some. But it sounds like your anxiety is really peaking. And that's not so normal. So if it were me, I'd call my surgeon--cuz that's what they are there for--and get a referral to a psych and start counseling so you can get this handled now before it becomes a bigger problem. I will tell you that you sound very stressed out--and the cortisol and hormone dump that corresponds to that is seriously bad for you and can bring on many different medical challenges. So make the call this morning ok? ((hugs))
  7. FluffyChix

    3 months surgiversary pics

    Holy cow Batman! Congrats on such outstanding work. You look fabulous and are so close to goal!!
  8. FluffyChix

    How often do you throw up?

    Yes, very serious. So make sure your bowels are evacuating well after surgery before starting to dump in a bunch of food. LOL.
  9. FluffyChix

    Soft Serve Protein "ice Cream"

    Can you freeze it? What's the texture like after freezing?
  10. FluffyChix

    Unsupportive spouse

    Congratulations! Tell her what she's won, Johnny! YOU little lady just won the internet!!! Congratulations!!!
  11. ((hugs)) I got decaff on day 2 as part of clears. Think it really depends on decaff v. caff. But it may be diff for sleeve v. rny? Hang in there my friend!
  12. FluffyChix

    Trouble urinating

    Call your doc tonight. You need relief. He will prescribe and antibiotic and you should also get AZO Standard Max Strength OTC pain reliever for UTIs. It makes your pee orange but it is a lifesaver. Don't wait. Call now.
  13. FluffyChix

    In Praise of Salad

    Congrats girlie!!! Only 20lbs to go! You're gonna be there before you know it!!!!
  14. Oh gosh me too! I would be so happy to even just get rid of the Advair and only do Flonase!
  15. FluffyChix

    To tell or not to tell

    I took a leaf from someone's book here. It really resonated. They said, they did this surgery for their health--for them. They didn't do this surgery to become the poster child for WLS or WLS advocacy or acceptance. And I was like, FU*K yeah! Am I yelling? LOL. I am NOT anyone's poster child for doodey! So I tell everyone outside my very tight inner circle (inside the vault) that I had a hernia repair. It's noneya! Noneya damn bidness, nosey! But, I did tell my family and swore them to secrecy. Told them, this is not up for debate. It is NO one's story but my own to tell. So keep your big mouths shut or suffer the wrath of Khan. Nobody wants to suffer the wrath of Khan.
  16. Yep. I can so relate. You can't explain or convince pre-surg normies of this cataclismic change. They have to "get it" for themselves. LOL. Now, I'm still a foodie and enjoy interacting with food and making up new recipes. But if I didn't do that, I would not feel a loss! You know?
  17. 19 Days Post Op - 211.8lbs (-10.6lbs from SW-222.4lbs) Ok, so I have things to discuss. ROFLMAO. Let's talk Celebrate Vitamins. I chose to go this route because my RD and doc highly recommended them as giving good labs down the road. So that means, they are easily and well absorbed. To me, that's like a life insurance policy geared toward success. I also chose them cuz I got samples from several companies and these had (IMHO), the best tastes overall, and the most choices for types of vitamins (i.e. capsules, chewables, chewy bites, drink mixes, sublingual tablets, etc). So now I want to report on what I got and how I love them/tolerate them. I got 2 different kind of Multi-Vitamins because I was afraid that I would get to hate the drink mix if I had to have it 2 times a day. Here are my 2 multi-vitamins to take care of my daily bariatric needs: Essential 3-in-1 Multi Drink Mix in Citrus Splash and it's the 60 serving tub. So I use 1 scoop a day in water with ice. And what I get for that is: 1/2 of my multi-vitamin needs + 500mg of calcium citrate + about 3g of benefiber stuff. And it tastes like Tang! I'm a Tang kid. I loved the stuff growing up, just as I loved the instant Lipton Lemon Iced Tea. LOL. So I look forward to having my big glass of this stuff, 30 minutes after breakfast or morning snack time. YUM!!! I thoroughly recommend it. I love that I don't have any gross burps or nausea after it and it tastes yum. And I don't have to swallow a bullet sized multi-vitamin. The tub will lat me 60 days cuz I'm having it one time a day. The other multi is a chewable orange tablet that I take with dinner. Chewable Tablet Multi-Vitamin in Citrus. I like this vitamin. I let it kinda dissolve like a huge sweettart. It does have a mild vitaminy taste, kinda like the old chewable vitamins or baby asprins we took as kids. I like it, tolerate it and best of all don't get burps or nausea behind it. If only taking this vitamin, you need 2per day. But I take 1 at the evening meal and the drink mix for the other half of my vitamin. The drawback with this chewable is that it does not contain the 500mg of calcium citrate like the drink mix contains. So that means I require 1000mg of calcium citrate from another source which means more cost. But it gives me the greatest flexibility. . Calcium Citrate Chewy Bites - 1000mg/day (1500mg actual, but I get 500mg from my drink mix multi above--so I only need 2-500mg chewy bites) I love these chewy bites. I have to take 2 that are separated from my any other big vitamin source of calcium or iron by 2 hours. I take 1 at noon and the other right after dinner. Watermelon Chewy Bite - 500mg calcium citrate + D (love to take this in the afternoon) Chocolate Chewy Bite - 500mg calcium citrate + D (love to take this after dinner kinda like a sweet touch finish to the meal) . Thiamine 100mg Capsule. Nothin' amazing to report here other than that it is small and easily swallowed and digested! I take it in the morning since B1 thiamine is an energy vitamin! . Vitamin D3. I don't have to take an extra supplement because between my 2 multis and the calcium citrate chewy bites, I meet my 2000mg D3 requirements each day. Score! And a money saver! . B12 500mg/daily or 1000mg/every other day Sublingual Soft Melts in Wild Cherry. This is so easy to take. I dissolve it under the tongue. It dissolves quickly is faintly wild cherry. And I take it every other day with my Thiamine and Multi Drink Mix. YUM! And pretty cheap! . Iron 18mg (from iron fumerate) + C (for better absorption) Chewable Tablet-Tangerine Flavor (every other day at bedtime cuz I'm post-meno and only need about 10mg/day). This is another big chewable tablet that I let dissolve. It's not bad. Doesn't have an aweful taste and is the best choice so far for flavor and lack of after taste. It doesn't make me sick to my tummy either. Big score! I tried others that sent me praying to hurl! I only take it every other day at night. I separate from any other vitamin or tummy pill by 2-4 hours so that it will absorb. . Notes: And that is it. That's my vitamin regimen. I think the cost over time was about $35/mo? Or something cray like that? Bariatric Pal has these in their store at the same price as direct from Celebrate. I do love the customer service at Celebrate and work with someone there personally. So I do use Celebrate. But they are the same price and I'm sure you could get great service from Alex's crew. I don't know if I will continue doing the chewables and drink mixes over time. What I don't like is that rather than pills or capsules, I have 55-60 calories from VITAMINS!!!! and have about 10-12g of sugar alcohols (I subtract about 8-9 grams of fiber/sugar alcohols as a guestimate). So they could potentially impact your weight loss. I don't like to thing that right now, they represent about 10% of my daily caloric intake! Whoooooooaaaaaa Nelly! But I'm willing to suspend disbelief and continue to take them in the hopes that they will be well-absorbed and will keep my labs beautimous and also because I don't have to swallow huge ass pills right after surgery! OK, so there you go! Vitamin Central. LOL. More later...
  18. FluffyChix

    How offen do you go #2?

    Dang. I used to be so regular. My morning constitutional. I miss you so. LOL. Now if the trains don't move down the tracks by Day 3, I'm blasting them out with either MOM or 3fl oz of Mag Citrate. I'm taking 2pills daily of Colace, taking Miralax 17g daily...le sigh. I think a week is too long. My instructs are to call my doc if no BM by day 4.
  19. FluffyChix

    Tomorrow is my day!!!

    Congrats for your big days to both of you!!! Saying prayers!!!! So excited for you both!
  20. FluffyChix

    Violent moods swing?

    Hey if talking helps, stay here and post away. Someone will answer. None of us are equipped to be able to truly help with good advice, but we can at least be people online! Glad you talked to doc and have a psych follow up. I'm serious about downing the water. It can't hurt. Can it? Get well-hydrated. And keep the temp low so that it's very cool around you. Also a cool, wet cloth on the back of your neck at the base of your skull or at the front of your neck over your jugulars and carotid arteries is helpful and keep stimulation low. If your child is making too much noise, then maybe see if your wife and child can stay with fam until tomorrow?
  21. FluffyChix

    Food stuck - bite conscious

    Damn! ((hugs)) So glad you didn't have to go to the ER though!!! Hopefully someone will come by with the exact enzymes to take when this happens? I can't remember what kind and want to get them and keep them here. Think they are a mix of papaya and bromelain maybe? And they will help dissolve food in your tums so you can pass it? But can't remember exactly. I've wanted to get them to have for emergencies. I'm about where you are right now. And chew chew chewing is soooo hard to remember, isn't it? I have to cut things up so tiny it's ridic!
  22. FluffyChix

    Violent moods swing?

    Wow. I would say, call your doctor now. Today. This instant! Seriously. This is not normal behavior. Some things that might cause this are low/high blood sugars or swings, low or high blood pressure swings, reaction to pain meds/anesthesia. Even just having an absence of your coping tool (food). It's normal to have mood swings and episodes of depression, especially after gut surgery. Just messing with the guts can disrupt neurohormones that affect mood. BUT, if you are having idiations of violent rage, you need to be evaluated and to potentially have a med on board. Also, you may be seriously dehydrated. So I would immediately (if it was me--I'm not a professional), start invisioning peaceful scenes, taking super deep, slow breaths, and dumping water into my system as much as my surgery allows. And I would remove myself from the family and lay on cool, sheets with low light and lots of air moving. No loud noises or tv. Maybe low peaceful slow music...but only if it doesn't agitate or annoy.
  23. FluffyChix

    Nerves - babling

    ((Hugs)) It's so natural to have the nerves and excitement!! You've GOT this girl! And it's time you grabbed the brass ring for yourself, cuz you deserve it!!! I so get your pain/maybe even anger and bitterness about your past and all the painful memories. ((hugs)). At some point though, like a phoenix rising from the flames, in order to grasp a new victorious future, where we are powerful and purpose-filled, we have to leave the pain of the past as ashes--no longer visible through our rearview mirror. One thing I def intend to do upon reaching goal? Get a makeover and hire my niece to be a stylist for me! I want to finally feel feminine and sexy! I was always heavy, thick, muscular and jockish. So I'm going to see what happens! I think we ALL deserve to do that and explore the new person we want to become!!! You're on your way!!!
  24. FluffyChix

    February Surgery Buddies!

    Yum!!! I'm gonna wait until at least the start of week 4, maybe week 5. I bought some 10-15s on a super sale a couple days ago. They were still frozen. So froze on a cookie sheet, that way can take only 2 or 3 out at a time!
  25. FluffyChix

    What's Your Goal For The Week?

    I'm going to continue with my fluids at 120floz/day, vitamins as prescribed daily, getting 60-74g daily protein, keeping carbs around 25g net carbs, keeping fat 30g or less, and naturally occurring sugars <10g daily. And most of all, consistently weigh and log everything that goes down my piehole to have accountability. I'm going to walk daily for 45min-1 hour. I'm going to focus on the positive, the long term big picture, stay happy, motivated, and not sweat the small stuff! I'm going to get outside as much as possible, and maybe work on planting some herbs and greens in my containers. Work daily for 2 hours. Keep house, post her often.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
