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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by FluffyChix

  1. FluffyChix

    February bypass buddies?

    Well it's not me. LOL. And congrats on your great progress girlie!
  2. FluffyChix

    February bypass buddies?

    Nooo! We just started it last week. That's why I've no idea. And of course we should all post on our milestones! Both of your posts cued me to ask if we were still gonna do it. This is an area about sharing! So please please share! And I'm not the sheriff in town either lol.
  3. FluffyChix

    February bypass buddies?

    Congrats! I wouldn't expect you to wait either!! You're doing great!
  4. FluffyChix

    February bypass buddies?

    Are we gonna do our Wednesday Weigh-ins tomorrow? Or just do freestyle? Inquiring minds and all.
  5. FluffyChix

    Surgery delay

    Awww damn! So sorry to hear this. Hang loose as you can and keep working your plan!
  6. FluffyChix


    I also make a super easy pizza using a small non-stick omelet pan. Real Pan Pizza Makes 2-4 servings 1 to 2 oz part skim mozzarella, grated (or reduced fat grated cheese) 1/8c low carb/sugar marinara favorite toppings Parmesan cheese Red pepper flakes Don't grease your omelet pan but make sure it's non-stick. Loosely sprinkle in about 1 to 2oz freshly grated mozzarella cheese. Heat over medium high heat. When it starts to melt, sprinkle on granulated garlic and dried basil/oregano or Italian blend spices. Top with your favorite toppings and dot with about 1/8c of the lowest carb marinara possible. Cover pan with a lid, reduce heat to med low and let everything cook 3-5 minutes. Gently lift an edge of the cheese up. It should be dark brown! If it is. Remove lid. Remove from heat and let it sit for a minute. Slide pizza onto plate. Blot extra grease. Top with Parmesan and red pepper flakes. Cut and enjoy! The cheese makes its own crust. It's super quick/easy. Just don't stir it around or play with it while it's cooking. Part skim mozz works best for this cuz it's lower in fat. But cheddar will also work for taco pizzas, you just have to blot it more, cuz it will swim in fat--unless you use reduced fat cheeses by maybe Sargento?
  7. Day 21 - Week 3 Post Op - 212lbs (-10.4lbs from SW of 222.4lbs) Good morning. So today is one of the milestones: Week 3 Post Op. Just wanted to make a couple of key observations and I will probably post my food log for a tiny bit. It appears that the 3 week "stall" is alive and well perhaps? For the last 2 days, there really has been little scale love. It's been bouncing around between the same half pound--up and down. Yesterday I was up to 212.2lbs and today I'm back down to 212lbs. LOL. I realize that can be simple scale fluctuation. No scale is that accurate--even Tanita. I do have a slight feeling that all the sugar alcohols from my vitamins along with the 60cals/day that they provide is crazy making. And they may also contribute to the scale stuff. But I'm just gonna document and wait it out. It's not as if I have much option. LOL. I see the surgeon next week, and then see the RD right behind that appt. So I will def ask. The other thing that bothers me is the lack of consensus about volume. I continue to fear that eating too much volume, too early will stretch out my anastamoses. Fact or crap? No idea. But from 5 different references, each gives a different volume amount for 3 weeks. My RD (verbally at 3 weeks): 1/4c working up to 1/2c food + binder with diet--1-2oz protein, 1/4c soft veg or soft fruit, 1/4c starch; 3 meals per day; 2-3 snacks optional--1/4c-1/2c food depending on slider nature--1oz prot + soft fruit **This equals: 1/4-1/2c protein + 1/4c veg + 1/4c starch or fruit = 3/4-1c of food! . My Hospital RD (written diet) still alternates protein supplements with 6oz yogurt with a meal. Meal consists of 1oz protein + 1/4c soft veg on an alternating schedule. **This equals: 1/4 protein + 1/4c veg = 1/2c of food! . My Surgeon (verbally at beginning at 2 weeks) may advance to soft, fork tender foods stage, eating to tolerance 1-2oz protein + a couple bites of veg + a bite or 2 of soft fruits or starch. **So that's about 1/2c of food at 3 meals. (Plus I can have a snack.) . Obesity Coverage Website (thanks @Apple203)-Soft mechanical diet that actually per them begins week 4-5: (click to enlarge it) **This fluctuates between 1/4-1c of food per meal. . Big Ward: The doctor made a comment on I think Episode 7 that said up until about 3 months, you will be eating 1/4c of food at a time. . Dilemma: I don't really feel any restriction at 1/4cup. I can gulp (about 2-4 gulps before feeling a little discomfort and stimulation to slow down liquids). I can easily eat 1 large egg in less than 5 minutes! I do feel about 3 hours of satiety from 1/2-1c of food. But I'm only 3 weeks out!!!! I can eat this meal easily in 20 minutes: 2oz pan sauteed chicken tender=1/2 cup of food! 1oz brown gravy=1/8cup of food 1/4c smashed roasted cauliflower=1/4cup of food 1/2oz green beans=1/8cup of food This totals nearly 1 cup of food by volume!!!! . I can eat this meal easily in 15 minutes: 3oz Greek yogurt 3oz 2% cottage cheese 4g peanut butter slim powder 1/8c applesauce or 30g lite canned peaches . I just don't know if I need to MAKE myself limit to 1oz=1/4c of protein as per the example in Obesity Coverage image. Or do I go ahead and advance THIS SOON to 2oz per meal? I limited food to 1oz protein per meal yesterday and felt hungry all day. My meals only lasted me about an hour or two. Is it too early for me to feel satiety? Or do I have one of those cases where the surgery didn't help my hunger level? Do I have one of those stomachs that can handle eating more? I'm so scared of this! Yes, I'm having the crazies this morning. LOL. I just flat out don't know what to do. And it looks like the 3 weeks stall is here.
  8. I'm supplementing 4fl oz in coffee as a creamer in the mornings. And i'm getting 60g protein/day--around 500 cals.
  9. FluffyChix

    Sleeve Tomorrow!!

    Congrats! It will fly by!!! Keep your mind occupied tonight!
  10. FluffyChix

    A stall is a good time for...

    Wow! Congrats. You look adorable and like a much younger sister!!! ((hugs))
  11. FluffyChix

    I am bypassed!

    Wahhhhooooo! Congrats dude! Now unblock us so we can like your posts! ROFLMAO! NOBODY puts Baby in the corner! Bahahahahahaha! Great report!!!
  12. FluffyChix

    Today is the day!

    Good luck!!! Can't wait to hear!
  13. LOL. Tell em to suck it! You look gorgeous!!
  14. FluffyChix

    Obesity: The Post Mortem

    Right. The girl is normal size. But the doc looks very overweight to me?
  15. FluffyChix

    Obesity: The Post Mortem

    It's seriously ironic that the pathologist doing the post mortem is morbidly obese...and wow, she only weighed 238lbs at death and was 1 inch taller than me...
  16. FluffyChix

    I'm Scared

    ^^^This. So eloquently explained.^^^ You win the internet again today my friend!
  17. I'm not allowed to have any cheese, especially since it was the generic laughing cow that pushed me to the ER.
  18. For those of us who can't have real cheese yet, I resurrected a very ancient Weight Watchers solution for a modern problem. LOL. Cheese is high binding and may cause some of us newbs to have constipation or occasional irregularity. My surgeon told me for the next few weeks, that I should not eat it. Ok. So I won't. Cuz I don't want to end up in the ER again. Horrors! Enter 2 playahs! 1. Red Star Large Flake Nutritional Yeast. If you squint real hard and cock your head to the side, this parmesan cheesy/ breadcrumby food looks kinda like old, golden Parmesan cheese--the kind from a green can. And it tastes vaguely cheesy. It's a favorite of vegans the world around. And it's available in the bulk isle and also in a jar in the health food section of most groceries. Also Bob's Red Mill carries it as well--that's on the baking isle with the rest of his stuff. Or online... . 2. Greek Fat Free Yo-Cheese (FCC recipe) Makes a little over 1 cup--about 267g after straining--about 75ml of whey from it). Serving size: 1/8th of recipe = about 34g 1 1/2c Greek fat free yogurt, plain (HEB) 1 clove garlic, peeled and pressed 1/2 tsp minced dehydrated onions (Tones) 1/2 tsp parsley flakes 1/4 tsp kosher salt Variations: 1/2 tsp lemon zest 1 tsp fresh lemon juice fresh herbs to taste Using a coffee filter placed inside a small mesh strainer, add yogurt and place strainer contraption over another small bowel or measuring cup. Cover and place in fridge. Allow yogurt to strain for 12-24 hours. Transfer strained yogurt to a bowl and add remaining flavoring agents. Make any kind of cheese you want! It mimics "boursin" or soft farmer's cheese. Nutritional Information Full Recipe*: 204 cals; 35g protein; 0g fat; 14g carb; 0g fiber; 14g net carbs; 11g nat sugars Nutritional Information 1/8 Recipe*=about 34g: 26 cals; 4g protein; 0g fat; 2g carbs; 0g fiber; 2g net carbs; 1g nat sugars *About the carb/sugar count of this cheese: There is no way to know what the true carb count is once this cheese is drained and the whey discarded. The whey is the element that contains most of the sugars and carbs. So by discarding about 75ml of this drained whey, this cheese is almost certainly lower carb and lower sugar than the original Greek yogurt I used. But to be as close as possible, these nutritional counts are derived only from the original ingredient prior to draining. I use this because it's filled with probiotics, is super duper low fat, flavorful, acts like a soft whipped cheese and won't stop me up or set my trains off schedule on the #2 track. I love it stuffed inside an omelet, mixed with lots of overcooked veggies, and smeared inside slices of deli meats. I also love it (down the road) as a veggie dip flavored with Ranch mix. Enjoy!
  19. FluffyChix

    I'm Scared

    Well, it's highly frustrating to expect us to try to help people without ANY information whatsoever on them. And these people NEED and DESERVE help. Cuz I don't know about anyone else, but I am not Clair E--effin Voyant.
  20. FluffyChix

    Weight percentage question

    Thanks girl! Great site and resource! (Wahooooooo! Only 2 more days!!!! So pumped for you!)
  21. FluffyChix

    I'm Scared

    NOOOOO! That's not what I said. Not what I mean or meant at all. LOL. What does drive a LOT of us nuts, is when we get asked questions and have absolutely ZERO information on you so we can't answer with any degree of accuracy. LOL. The only thing I know about you is that you have made 47 posts, have 27 likes. and your name and cute avi! LOL. That's all I know. How can we possibly answer questions for you or give you much needed and deserved reassurance? LOL. I asked eleventy billion questions here pre-op--probably more than most. I will be the last person to ever complain about excessive questions. ALL questions are valid!
  22. FluffyChix

    I'm Scared

    You're very normal. But if you read, read, read, read, and read some more here on the board--AND fill out your profile stats, signature, and weight ticker so you don't drive us all to drink post surgery, you will come to understand that: Your struggle will NOT be only eating 2-3bites of food for the rest of your life. Your struggle WILL be to only eat to your surgery and not around your surgery. Your struggle will be to make healthy choices rather than "eating the same things" in "MODERATION" and "small portions" that got you to the morbidly obese ball in the first place. The end.
  23. FluffyChix

    Weight percentage question

    Ok, so if you're textbook 60%, you will lose 113.4lbs?
  24. FluffyChix

    Sticks and Stones...

    Yep, was described as severely morbidly obese...and super morbidly obese. Pig fuc*ers. But, these are true medical terms that describe the staging of obesity. I think it puts it in Class III or IV maybe?
  25. FluffyChix

    February 2018 Success Stories

    Well, when I travel, I gain the weight in my lower legs and ankles/feet. My hands look totes norm. Dunno...

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
