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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by FluffyChix

  1. FluffyChix

    Getting sleeved tomorrow at 12:30 CT!

    Congrats!!! Hope time flies quickly tomorrow!
  2. FluffyChix

    Post op day 1

    Walk lots! Hope you're feeling better soon!!!
  3. OK, so sorry you're going through this. It SUCKS!!!! Now, down to brass tacks...have you pooped lately? And when I say pooped, I mean POOPED! Like pooped long, hard, considerably!!!! That's going forward, gonna be my question to every newbie post surgery who has issues with loss and bloating. Why? Um, let's just say personal experience and leave it at that! So how many times have you pooped in the last week alone? How big/voluminous were they?
  4. FluffyChix

    7 months "slow loser"

    Dude she kinda looks like your cutie patootie wife minus the fish lips doesn't she? Maybe you need to buy her a black bikini and fork like rabbits? Just spit ballin' here...
  5. FluffyChix

    Made it to the losers bench@

    Dont you love it?
  6. FluffyChix

    First night at the hospital

    Congrats and welcome to the losers' club!!!
  7. FluffyChix

    Made it to the losers bench@

    Congrats and welcome home!!!! That's wonderful!!! So glad you're a loser!!!!
  8. FluffyChix

    I hate eating out now!

    OMG. I sparkleheart leftovers! My entree made 4 meals for me. And I ordered a cup of shrimp gumbo/no rice to bring home and it froze into 3 more meals. Score!!! #winningdinner!
  9. FluffyChix


    Ouchie, sorry about your pain dude.
  10. FluffyChix

    Did I Stretch My Stomatch?

    Yikes! I missed a 19lb gain! No gain for me, but I feel like I can eat too much if I let myself. I easily can eat 1/2 cup and some things could eat 3/4 cup total food . That's 2oz dense protein, 1/4 cooked veg, 1/4 smashed cauliflower, plus 1oz low carb low cal gravy. I'm eating fork tender foods and 450-550 Cals, 60-65g protein at only 3weeks. That sounds like a lot of fickin food for 3 weeks?
  11. FluffyChix

    Did I Stretch My Stomatch?

    Hey Jenn, she has the same concern I do. We're barely 3 weeks out and feel like we can eat a lot of fuckin food without feeling discomfort. ((hugs))
  12. FluffyChix


    Dude. Put the pipe down. Ask yourself, do you really need a case of the munchies?
  13. FluffyChix

    7 months "slow loser"

    Yah you do! And quit pervin' on illustrated avitars of fictitious nekkidy women. If I was your wife, I'd have to kick your ass. bahahahahahaaha!
  14. Thank God for you my Tang-flavored friend (Celebrate 3 in 1 Essential Multi + Ca + Fiber). You are a bright spot in my post 2nd brekky day. I look forward to our time together. I linger over you. You are totally worth the 20 cals, 4g carbs, and 3g of fiber. Totes worth it, Bestie!
  15. FluffyChix

    Bloated and Can’t Eat.

    LOL, just goes to show you--we're all full of poop! Glad the trains are back running on time!
  16. FluffyChix

    1-Year Post-Op

    Congrats on a very fruitful year!!!! So many milestones! You deserve to pat yourself on the back!!! Thanks for the inspiration!
  17. Wow! So they do different size pouches? How soon were you comfortably eating a cup of food? Congrats on being so close to goal after only 6 months!!!! That's bloody fantastic!!!!
  18. Yes! Absolutely! I've been using it precisely as meat lube! LOL, cuz I don't really want to eat chilis/soups and wet foods. Prefer eating shredded or finely diced chicken breast/tender, or ground turkey or chicken, or foil baked or grilled fish. So I've been trying to make them easy to get outta my pouch. So I will quit that today and see if there is a difference! Thanks for walking through this with me! My second brekky just now--ate it like a champ in 25 minutes. Feel great! Like it was the perfect amount. Not really "full," definitely "not hungry" any longer, it's more of a I'm just "done." This will hold me at least 3 hours, maybe 4 hours: Egg Spinach Turkey Scramble Serving Size: 3.6oz by weight; 1/2c by volume 1 large egg 1oz frozen chopped spinach 7g turkey sausage crumbles 1/2tsp hot sauce granulated garlic kosher salt No fats, sauteed spinach and turkey in water until tender to keep cals down. Added beaten egg and cooked until soft scrambled. Nutritionals: 92cals; 8g prot; 6g fat; 2g carbs; <1g fiber; 2g net carbs; 0g sugars
  19. Ok, yes. That makes sense of course! We hear so much on here about people struggling with their fluids, protein intake, eating pureeds and soft solids. So I kinda feel like a freak cuz I don't feel any of those issues. Then paranoia sets in--is there something wrong. Will I be the only one for which a bypass didn't work? LOL. Stupid stuff. Like you, I had no problem sip, sip, sipping from the get go--even in the recovery room, I could do ice chips very easily. And like Dr. Weiner says, focus on quality over quantity. That's what I've been trying to do pre-op as well as post op. Just cuz I "can" eat 3/4c, doesn't mean I "should". LOL. So I've been trying to keep it between 1/4-1/2c max. And trying to focus only on proteins and veg. And my cals just naturally come in low by doing this...which is great! But that's why I was hoping to hear from a lot of peeps about their quantities--so we can have a broad picture of "normal". I suspect as you say--it's a very wide range!
  20. Thanks Rick! I'm a go look at this one. Love Dr. Weiner and remember seeing this vid but it's months ago and I forgot all about it! Will check it out now! @RickM So he's says at 1 month-it's 3 bites!!! Holy crap! I can easily eat 1/4-3/4 cup of food--2oz of dense protein + 1/4c (1oz) soft cooked veg! Do you think something is wrong with my surgery? I'm only 3weeks + 2 days! But there is no satiety /resistance at 3 bites!
  21. FluffyChix

    7 months "slow loser"

    Great post!!! Congrats on your amazing success! I'm so happy for you!!
  22. FluffyChix

    ONEDERLAND - Finally!

    Wow!!! That's utterly onederful!!!!! Congrats!!!! Let's throw you a party with rainbows and unicorns!!!
  23. OMG, mon frere! I can always count on you to make me laugh explosively!!!
  24. Update: 3weeks + 2 days Post Op - 210.8lbs (-11.6lbs from SW of 222.4lbs) Mood swings post surgery are real. I'm in Crank Town today and passed Douchery about 10 miles ago. I'm wearing my fancy ass hat on my head and I just feel like someone ought to call me Snarla. Cuz dayum, are the claws out and sharpened. I've no idea why I feel this way. The sun is out. The temp is beautiful. Work is going well. I feel great--a little low on energy. The trains are running perfectly on schedule with only colace and Miralax on board. I can seemingly eat whatever the fork I want. I'm walking well. I've got a great guy who loves me despite OTT ass-hattery antics. I have a lovely fam who supports, accepts, and loves me. The only stressor in my life is understanding my new tool's volume and the amount I can eat--coupled with feeling like I'm not losing so quickly--even though I'm perfectly a little above average at 3.528lbs per week. So there's no reason to be cranky, except, I still am working anesthesia out, and probably dealing with some hormones from the fat liberation going down 'round these parts! LOL. Ok, so I may go out and get some vitamin D therapy today to see if I can get over my bad self!
  25. FluffyChix


    Yep. All the low carb docs agree that when the tris are at or below 100, then almost to a certainty, your lipid ratios will be gorgeous and so healthy! Sorry for butting in...I studied this stuff (the science of low carb/fats etc) for about 18 years now at the feet of some of the most ground-breaking docs in metabolic medicine. And the misconceptions about this type of eating just sometimes really gets to me. And what the means, irrelevently is that it makes me a super educated low carb asshat today. Sigh. Ok, note to self: Quit acting like a douc*e today! Sigh.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
