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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by FluffyChix

  1. Oh sweetie, that post surgery iv and inflammation weight gain is a heartbreaker!!! I think it took me a week or more just to get back to my SW. ((hugs)) I did it too. I weighed maybe 3-4 times a day to see...is the fluid coming off yet? Is it coming off yet? LOL. Not quite 4lbs/week, but entirely, wholly average. I'm average. I'm just average. I'm an average girl. Gah!!!! I'd like to put the FU in average!
  2. FluffyChix


    Valid points. And the good news is that these days it's cool for you to "Do You" and I will "Do Me". LOL. Carry on wayward son. They'll be peace when you are done!
  3. FluffyChix

    February bypass buddies?

    That looks beautiful. I can't wait to have my beloved shirataki noodles again! I heart them so! What brand did you use?
  4. FluffyChix

    February bypass buddies?

    Maybe put some antibiotic ointment on it today and watch it? IF it starts feeling warmer or gets red around it, call the doc and don't wait. OK?
  5. Update: 3weeks + 3 days Post Op - 210.4lbs (-12lbs from SW of 222.4lbs) Sooooo yesterday I had an interesting break through after my long post yesterday morning! LOL. All my meals were strictly 1/4c or else were 2oz protein + 1oz veg. And I did just fine. I wasn't "full" at any of them. But I was ok, walking away from the meal. They all took 20-25minutes to eat. Yada, yada, yada. LOL. I felt like I wan't forkin my surgery! Yeeeehawwww! Now fast forward to last night. I was hungry. I was low on protein that day cuz I only ate my 1/4c and 2oz at each meal...so I was tempted to just sit down with my full recipe that I made--which was 3/4c of food! But. I. Did. Not! Yay!!!! I made my recipe and split it into 3 servings. And ate my dinner plus 1oz of cottage cheese and 20g of Splenda canned peaches (1 slice of peach) and was done! Yay! Win one for the gipper. I think I "might" be figuring this stuff out! Chicken Florentine - Soft Foods Phase 3 Serves 3; 1/4c each 1oz chopped frozen spinach 1oz broccoli, frozen or steamed (leftovers work great here) 1/2oz mushroom, chopped fine 1oz canning liquid from chicken or low sodium chicken broth 1/8 tsp granulated garlic 1/8 tsp dried basil 2oz canned chicken, flaked (reserve canning liquid) 60g Classico Light Asiago Romano Alfredo Topping after dividing meal: 4g grated parmesan cheese Combine first 4 ingredients and nuke at 1 minute intervals for about 2-3 minutes until veggies are super soft. Add flaked chicken and alfredo. Nuke another minute until heated through. Stir well to even distribute ingredients. Divide into 3 portions. Top your dinner with 4g of grated Parmesan cheese. Enjoy. Nutritionals full recipe: 113 Calories; 13g Protein; 3g Fat; 7g Carbs; 1g Fiber; 6g Net Carbs; 0g Sugars Nutritionals 1/3 recipe (1/4c): 37 Calories; 3g Protein; 1g Fat; 2g Carbs; 0g Fiber; 2g Net Carbs; 0g Sugars . Notes: Sooooo when you split into 3, the recipe is more of a snack than a meal. I coulda safely eaten 1/2c of it, but as mentioned, I'm trying to do the whole 1/4c thing for now--until my Thursday meeting with my surgeon and RD. LOL. That's why I added the 1oz of 2% cottage cheese and peaches as my "dessert". So even when you heal more and can eat 3/4cup for a meal, this will be a fairly good meal. You could even add another 1/2oz of chicken without adding too significantly to the volume for the full meal! It tasted pretty yummy for semi-homemade!
  6. Yep. Or if you recognize that you cannot control this type of behavior over time, to seek bariatric food counseling sooner rather than later to deal with the food issues?
  7. FluffyChix

    February bypass buddies?

    Ok, so it's probably nothing. But here's what I would do in an assessment: 1. Take my temperature. If it's over 100.4 degrees>>>call the doc/If it's normal, then I'd just watch the pain level and take things easy today and eat lightly. If it's 99-100, watch it and drink plenty of fluids, take it easy, eat lightly, rest. 2. Look at the wound. Is it red, *****? Is stuff coming out of it? Does it appear swollen? Does it hurt to touch it? Does it feel hotter to the touch than surrounding flesh? If any of this stuff>>>call the doc. If not, just watch it and have an easy day. The reality is that maybe you just walked more or slept wrong, or leaned against the counter, or picked something up. I did dishes and leaned against the counter yesterday and my left incision hurts at my waist. Also the pair of panties I had on yesterday stopped there.
  8. FluffyChix

    Tonight’s Shrimp Dinner (picture)

    Philistine! LOL. I made some of them raw in salads. They are great with vinaigrette dressings. I make a mint vinaigrette and used to do beets and carrots and purple onion? So great with lamb chops!
  9. FluffyChix


    Yes I get this. But honestly the question is why if you are suffering from morbid obesity to the point that you need surgical intervention, would you put a drug in your body whose side effects for increasing appetites are WELL documented? I think people lie to themselves all the time! I can personally rationalize the CRAP outta anything I want--especially if it's something I'm addicted to! Hell, I love oxycodone and live with a 5-6 pain level daily. But. It does NOTHING to help me lose weight. Why on earth would I take it daily? Just to reduce my pain level by 2pts and I feel ever so mellow after taking it? f**k no. I went through too much not to kick that **** to the curb and optimize the time I have in my honeymoon period!!!!
  10. FluffyChix

    Insomnia cause - B vitamins?

    I will say that B vitamins are considered our "energy vitamins". Personally, I won't take them after 2pm in the afternoon or I will be roping sheep all night long. LOL. Those buggers are quick, too! Weight loss, extra ketones from super low calories or super low carbs can also cause insomnia (or contribute) by disrupting circadian rhythms. They discovered this when doing studies on IF and calorie restricted diets. It's more prevalent with women, but it does affect both males and females. There's a whole bunch of gyrations you take at sundown to counter it... But I found, that if I just eat a tiny bite of protein or some nuts (can't do that again yet), I will sleep well. I also take calcium/magnesium at night too.
  11. OMG sweetie!!! THIS! ^^^^^ Yes!!! Soooo much. ROFLMAO! I'm a ginormous 20lbs of crazy stuffed into a 2lb coffee can! Hahaha! I worry, damn! Did she give me a big pouch? Did she decide to f**k me by not doing a 2m bypass? Did I only get 1/2m bypass? ROFLMAO! So. Much. Crazy! And silly me, knows, I am a worrier. At each stage I've worried. You'd think I woulda given it up for Lent this year! *snort* bahahahahahaaha! Ok. So let's make a crazypact here! We can come here and let our crazy just spew out on this page, ok??!!! Anytime we're worried about it? ((hugs)) Thanks for helping me know I'm not alone!!!!
  12. FluffyChix


    I don't know, but the cognitive disconnect of this thread is hysterical. Look I think MJ is perfectly lovely. But the side effects ARE: 1. Mellow 2. Lack of motivation after smoking, cuz you know...mellow...hellowwwww... 3. Munchies and increased hunger. For those attending the super morbidly obese ball like I did, you just GOTTA ask the questions: 1. Does this substance induce weight loss? 2. Do IIIIIIIIIIII need to be smoking this substance? 3. Do I need to be smoking this substance AT THIS TIME? Just sayin...(and I'm not categorically opposed to MJ!) But, there's a reason why they dispense this substance to people who are starving to death from cancer and who are at the end of life and not wanting to eat. Why make your road infinitely more difficult? You already are gonna have issues getting from 330lbs down to goal. Why make yourself proverbially walk uphill through the snow, barefoot, both ways while doing it?
  13. Just curious. How do you want us to help you with this issue/behavior? What are you looking for from us? Inquiring minds and all...
  14. FluffyChix


    Hahahaha! All 325lbs of me would argue that I don't get the munchies after a night with Willie's herb. ROFLMFAO!
  15. FluffyChix


    Oh that's super news! I hope to get the clearance this coming Thursday to add my green smoothies back!!! Whhoooottt! That will mean I can start my psyllium again too! So happy days ahead!
  16. FluffyChix

    Tonight’s Shrimp Dinner (picture)

    Oh go buy the Vegetti at Walgreens (As Seen On TV stuff). For $14.00 you can zoodle your heart out! I adore them!!! We make zoodles out of zuccs, yellow squash, butternut squash, even daikon and kohlrabi too! We just saute it with garlic and top with a sauce!
  17. FluffyChix

    Tonight’s Shrimp Dinner (picture)

    Wow! Looks yummy!!! You guys should experiment with the high protein pastas and things like lentil pastas, mung bean pastas, quinoa pasta... Love your Instagram name. If I did IG, I would totes follow! (psssst gimme all. the. shrimp. mister!)
  18. FluffyChix


    So what about psyllium husks mixed in smoothies? Is that a no-no too? I don't really like benefiber. I used to do a psyllium smoothie or psylli tea every day. It was awesome!!! And the thing I don't get is on the back of the Miralax bottle it says don't use longer than 7 days. But you hear people on here who have been taking it for year. It's propylene glycol! I don't wanna have to take that everyday the rest of my life. Sniff..I know this isn't about me...
  19. FluffyChix

    Sleeved! (3/13/18)

    Congrats! Welcome to the loser's bench!
  20. FluffyChix


    @Bhageerah Yes! Sing it my brothah! Holy crap! Literally right?!! Hey so how long post op was it before you started the psyllium? I think half of my issue is I had to stop mine at surgery and I have lost that lovin' feeling from it! Can't wait to get to start taking it again!
  21. FluffyChix


    LOL oh and I forgot, I keep the Fleet's glycerin suppositories on hand now too!
  22. FluffyChix


    Daily: 2 colace + generic Miralax If no poop in 3 days: MOM If STILL no joy, Mag Citrate bottle Sometimes I am so sick of MOM I do smooth move tea instead of MOM. bahahaha! Aren't you glad you asked?
  23. FluffyChix

    First Stanger

    Wow! Cool huh? Congrats!
  24. FluffyChix

    1 day post op question

    Walk a lot! Also, iv tylenol helped a lot while in hospital and liquid sf tylenol when I was home helped that pain that goes through to your back. But walk more than anything!
  25. FluffyChix

    Feeling tired and sleepy

    Yeah, sorry but you really need to call your doc on this--sooner rather than later? So many things it could be related to your surgery. Do you eat sugar or carby things often?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
