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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by FluffyChix

  1. FluffyChix

    12 weeks today - record of progress

    I especially love your darling face! bahahahahaha!
  2. FluffyChix

    12 weeks today - record of progress

    I wish I could bazillion like this! You look amazing woman!!!! Congrats!!! What a cute figure you have mam!!!
  3. I'm right at about 500cals pre vitamins. My damn vitamins are 55-60cals a damn day! #cussmuch?
  4. Well dammit! You better ask her ass if we're sposed to eat veggies! bahahaha! Cuz i guarantee if I ask mine next week, she's gonna look at me like I'm seriously brain damaged, like, duhhhhhh! LOL!
  5. Aww! I'm so sorry you are having to deal with this! Take it one hour at a time, one day at a time hon! Post here often!
  6. Thanks for replying. I swear I did a search. But somehow, I can never make that damn thing work for me here! Did you nut tell you why to hold off on vegs for as long as possible? I know I'm holding off on carbs and forgoing fruit for the foreseeable future?
  7. FluffyChix

    Help with dehydration

    If you've honestly only had 1 bottle of water since yesterday, you MUST call your doc. Likely he's gonna want you in the ER for fluids. You can't di*k around with dehydration hon. I would NOT eat without being able to have fluids. I would try everything: ice chips, tons of sf popsicles. You do NOT need food or protein right now. You need liquid hydration first and foremost. If you try to eat while seriously dehydrated you can bring on nausea, cardiac issues, vomitting. Lots of bad juju. Sorry you are struggling! Call your team! That's why they get the big bucks!
  8. FluffyChix

    Incision around navel

    Sh*t! That'll leave a scar! ROFLMAO!!! That almost seems as bad as giving birth would be?!!
  9. FluffyChix

    Belching and flatus!

    Do you still have your iv? Have you told your nursing staff about the burning? I had to start by Day 1 drinking 1oz per 15 minutes/4oz per hour. As I understand it, 4oz per hour is the bare minimum to stave off dehydration in an adult? I drank 4oz per hour from 4am in the morning when I woke to take my thyroid med, to 11pm at night when I went to sleep. Like clockwork every hour. Sip, sip, sippy, sip. Happy little sips! I had one job.
  10. I had a slice of cheese with breakfast this morning--against doc's advice...then I thought better of it and said, "Dayum, shazam!!! How stupid are YOU?" So I felt compelled to have a cup of smooth move tea this afternoon. All I can say is... The sea was angry that day, my friend...
  11. FluffyChix

    Post op fever

    I agree with @shedo82773. Let 'em know. Mine was let them know any fever over 100.4 or any low grade fever lasting longer than 24 hours. I ran a 99.somepin on and off for about 2-3 days during the afternoon and early evening. Then it would go away. Someone said that's often a result of anesthesia. So I did a bunch of deep breathing work and coughed my toes up and hocked a few lugeys and felt better! Hope that works the same for you. Drink lots of fluids! Do any of your incisions feel hot to the touch or look redder?
  12. FluffyChix

    Dry Mouth and Neck Pain

    Oh man on the chapped dry lips. I get it! Keep it slathered with lip balm. Someone mentioned Vaseline Jelly? Hang in there! Wow on the black eye and bruises! Did you ask your doc? I'd def pursue that!
  13. FluffyChix

    Do any of you have hair loss?

    Oh soooo much hair loss. I'm collecting it. I will either make my own hair bump? Or else I will make a tiny little generic voodoo doll that I will use indiscriminately with great whim here and elsewhere on Al Gore's Internet.
  14. What it's a town in West Texas...just sayin.
  15. FluffyChix

    Feeling tired and sleepy

    How are you feeling today? What did your doctor say?
  16. FluffyChix

    3 week’s post op pics

    Dude! You look amazing!!! Congrats!
  17. I seriously sparkleheart the dickens out of you!!!! You've captured the chaos brilliantly!!! Congrats on fitting into 2 new pairs of "new/old" pants! I "get" every word you say and resemble those remarks!!! And look at you at 185 and 5'7" I bet you're smokin hot now (not that you weren't before)?!!! I'm thinking the crowd is demanding piccys? Crowd? Are we demanding piccys?
  18. FluffyChix

    Stomach Making Weird Noises

    So this is a forevs thing? LOL. It sounds like a clogged drain! Liquid plumber won't hurt pipes! But it will kill us! ROFL!
  19. FluffyChix

    Not full [emoji33]🤬

    Hang in there!!! Post op liquid diet sucks so bad and is second only to pre-op liquid diet suckage!!! Drink LOTS of clears!!! Also sf popsicles are your friend! So is sf jello.
  20. FluffyChix

    So tired but unable to fall asleep

    Oh I hate that feeling! Hope you get to drift off soon. Do you have any go-to movies that make good "white noise" that you can put on and listen to on low? Also, I have to have my blankly and the temp super low and the lights out except for the tv when I get like that!
  21. Wow! I just got to sit down and read this whole thread! @kaynga I'm so sad to hear you're experiencing this problem! ((hugs)) I hope you feel better quickly. I love the idea of Pedialyte if your doc says it doesn't cause you to dump! I hope you can start keeping liquids down soon!!!
  22. Bone broth (especially homemade) is an awesome source of nourishing liquid. There is some debate in studies about how many minerals and such it actually gives. But when you leach nutrition from the bones, you don't get all 9 essential amino acids that make it a complete protein. Sad but true. The only awesome sources my RD recommends are whey protein isolates and soy protein isolates. But of course, there are some others out there. She likes egg white protein too. But she is not a fan of bone broth for protein. It's incomplete. Just giving out information, not trying to put a super pretty asshat on or bring anyone to the dark side. So take it or leave it. Makes no diff here.
  23. Please don't count this as protein. Count only as fluid. Why? Cuz most (99%) of all "bone broth" is made from hydrolyzed collagen and proteins that are not complete sources of protein. Although we all need collagen and jello-type proteins in order to assimilate lean muscle proteins, if you count on that for your protein totals each day, you will be loading up on only 1-2 kinds of amino acids. Sorry for geeking out on y'all!
  24. FluffyChix

    Had my bypass

    Congrats!!!! So glad it went well!
  25. FluffyChix


    Abe, how early did you start taking those after surgery? TIA!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
