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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by FluffyChix

  1. FluffyChix

    Carbs per Day?

    I honestly don't get the 2tbsp satisfaction thing either. I'm 1 week ahead of you. I get in 2oz of dense protein + 1oz veg easily. I'm getting <20g including everything p drinks and vitamins. I've no idea what my surgeon is gonna say when I see her this week for my 1mo. check-up.
  2. See I read this title as: New England Clam Chowdah... And I think...meh, I could eat! I want some!
  3. Dang! So sorry for the diahrea (go to the drugstore). Or call the doc about that. They have a drug called Lamotil that can help stop the trots from antibiotics. Maybe immodium does the same thing. But so glad you're treating your bladder infection!!!
  4. FluffyChix

    Let's Play A Game!

    astounding really!
  5. FluffyChix

    Hunger Gone?

    I had antipathy and little hunger in the first week or so? But now, sure, I get hungry. But like others have said, it's not the same "kind" of hunger. The intensity, white knuckle, will power fight isn't there for me. I just know I need to get food in my tums. And you know, 2oz protein + 1/2oz of veg to 1oz of veg and boom, done. It's interesting cuz I thought I would want to cook and engineer a lot of foods. But now, I'm like, dang, I have opened canned chicken, cooked chicken tenders, cooked shrimp, sliced turkey. I can just mix and match and as God is my witness, I shall never cook again!!! Yesterday I pulled out 2oz canned chicken, 1/2oz of steamed leftover broccoli and some WF Italian Zero Cal dressing and was done in 20 minutes of eating. Full for 4 hours.
  6. You can make awesome low carb protein pancakes. And as Matty said, there is sugar free maple syrup that doesn't suck too badly. Honestly, with the dumping, I'd really consider going low-ish carb: like maybe 60-70g per day? My RD says I "need" 60g per day just to fuel the brain. (That's ok. I let her have that...cuz honestly we need zero carbs. The liver is capable of making those 60g daily that the brain and a few cells in the kidney needs each day--otherwise, the main portion of the brain runs much more efficiently on ketones produced through lipolysis.) But with your low body weight now, you would have to be really on top of making sure to get your fats in and add avocado, nuts/seeds, etc in to make your calorie goals without having to eat a proteinpalooza every day. But at 60-70g of carbs, you would have room also for root veg like baked butternut and winter squashes, even quinoa in small portions.
  7. FluffyChix

    Can’t Sleep Because of Hunger

    I had zero hunger for weeks 1 and 2. And had righteous tummy growling--think acid production. Now I do get hungry--but it's appeased even if I think there is no way to get appeased from 1/4c of food. LOL. I will eat a tiny bit of protein just before bed (or drink an ounce of Premier Protein). That helps me a lot but YMMV. So sorry you're having issues!!! Hope you get them figured out soon!
  8. FluffyChix

    Onederland FINALLY! Progress Pics

    OMG! You're beautiful girl!!! And look amazing! What a difference 71.3lbs make!!!!! Congrats on making onderland!!!! Wooot!! Party!
  9. Hi guys! I did a search here, but think my search string sucked, cuz it didn't pull anything up. So would you mind participating please? How much did/do you eat post RNY at these milestones. I'm looking for total meal weight or volume broken out by protein/veg/starch or fruit if you have that information. I think it could help many of us surgery newbs so we don't feel like we're forkin' our surgery by eating too much! TIA!!!! ((hugs)) 2-3 weeks: How much volume or food weights? 6-8 weeks: How much volume or food weights? 3 months: How much volume or food weights? 6 months: How much volume or food weights? 1 year: How much volume or food weights? 2 years: How much volume or food weights? 3+ years: How much volume or food weights? I really appreciate if as many people as possible will answer so we can see a range! I will answer mine below in a separate post! Thanks!!!!
  10. FluffyChix

    Hottest social scene in town...

    LOL, no you just have to look totally clueless and lost and indecisive and stop short of shux mam...
  11. FluffyChix

    Post op fever

    Feel better soon! Deep breathing really helps if you don't have a spirometer!
  12. Happy St. Patrick's Day to each and every one of you! So just a quicky update. Last night wasn't my best night. I had some rebellion and overate by 1 serving. So instead of my little 1/4c, I ate 1/2c. I was uncomfortable. It was actually good to feel. I was going to make a beauty meal of grilled shrimp for me and grilled lamb chops for himself, but was too tired and Mr. F. suggested we "just have leftovers." Gotta love a man who says that kinda sexy stuff to you! I said, "Oh darn. Ok, if that's what you want!" LOL. But, at least I now know that I do have resistance! So made a big weekend brekky for him this morning. I made my beloved egg white scramble about half my normal size...but still substantial--about 3/4c of volume. And I sat down with it. I don't know why I didn't portion first. I think I'm dealing with a bit o' the rebellion? Cuz you know I want to put the FU in Future. Right? Cuz damn, if alls I'm eating is 500cals a day, I fekkin' want to see that scale moving down every live long dayo, laddybuck! And ifn it ain't movin' then I want to know there's a poop as long as my arm in there somewhere--but neither of those cases seem to fit right now. Soooooo! I'm pleased to report, I enjoyed my eggwhite scramble. Something mysterious happened. I got this little catch in my throat that said, "Psssst, put your fork down dummeh and push away from the table." So I did! And I have about 1/2 of my egg scramble left! Now granted, it only took about 15minutes to eat it. So I do need to work on smaller bites and eating slower...but hey, baby steps, right?
  13. FluffyChix

    Lungs hurt

    It's def. different if you had it from surgery rather than feeling good and you wake up with it a few days/weeks out from surgery. Then it's a potential issue. You know? Glad you're feeling better!
  14. FluffyChix

    Lungs hurt

    Nope. That's one of the listed things to call about immediately if it just comes out of the blue. Has it been sore all along? Did you tell your doc?
  15. LOL. Yay!!! Now, get in there and have 5-7 more dude!!! (not joking...)
  16. FluffyChix

    Let's Play A Game!

    The human brain weighs 3 lbs.
  17. I get ya. Addiction has many faces. I probably have lots of addictions. I think if I squinted real hard, I could become an alcoholic. But thankfully God stopped me up short of that one. LOL, I would like to become addicted to yoga or something...like, um, eating sprouted microgreens perhaps? Yeah. Sigh, sometimes it gets old. Sometimes we slip. Sometimes there's a bus. But I do think that for me at least, when I'm my most defensive is when the subject is the MOST IMPORTANT for me. And warning bells go off in my head that hey, here's a very painful opportunity to change my thoughts/behaviors/feelings/emotions. I'm a big believer in "I think therefore I feel."
  18. You know, THIS is a beautiful and super powerful statement you just made: "I have to reset... for 16months I’ve been making good choices because it was too unpleasant when I didn’t. Now I have to make good choices because I want to be healthy." I'm going to write that down and remember it my friend!
  19. Yes. None of us are perfect. And we are all trying to muddle through this. And I make phenomenally cray choices at times too! So I'm the last person claiming perfection! I'm a totally cracked nut! ((hugs))
  20. FluffyChix

    Before and After (So far)

    Hmmmm, I just don't see it? Have you lost weight? Ok, just kidding! You look fabulous!! What a change! What an inspiration!!
  21. Ok so I sooo agree with this. But the caveat is--if your brain and body chemistry are so called "normal." Like, in a perfect world. But honestly, my brain nor my body will ever be normal. I have a screwed up brain. I also have a body that actively wants to go to war with me--take me to the mattresses--in order to make me regain my weight. So how can loosening our controls on our disruptive brain patterns ever make something good and healthy come out of our injured selves? Obesity is a life-long disease. It is lifelong once you have it. It never goes away. It only goes into remission. Ever. Ever. And on top of it. I am a lieing liar that lies. My brain is capable of AWESOME and incredible rationalization so that I get the fix I desire. And worse, I have lost and regained and lost and regained and lost and regained since Moby d**k was a minnow. Do I honestly think things will be different now if I don't stop the insanity and change things up? I have done that by "stopping" my diet and resuming my old eating habits. There is no grey there---I'm either on or off. I suspect many of us are that way? Just asking questions here and being devil's advocate--not meaning to judge--only judging my own lack of moral pulchritude!
  22. Sorry, but this just seems so highly illogical. Like, gah, I know we're all human, but dang. Ok, walking out of the thread and closing the door before my mouth writes checks my brain can't cash.
  23. FluffyChix

    Stomach Making Weird Noises

    Now, don't be too hasty there @Mattymatt. Never discount a perfectly good reason to worry, prematurely! Mine was an angry sea dragon yesterday!
  24. BB in the AM to comment. Love you all. Nite nite!

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