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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by FluffyChix

  1. FluffyChix

    Pills after surgery

    I was taking them Day 1. Day 2 I was taking honking gabapentein capsules.
  2. FluffyChix

    Calculating total weight loss

    I calculate from my highest recent weight for overall loss. Then I calculated my weight at the start of my pre-op diet to surgery day for the pre-op weight total loss. Then I calculate my weight from my surgery day weight to now for total post op losses. I'm also going to keep my monthly loss tallies. I keep track with my ticker and in my signature line.
  3. FluffyChix

    Anyone else?

    Sorry you're struggling! Hope you feel better quickly!
  4. FluffyChix

    Am I allowed soft foods yet?

    Theoretically by the numbers, you would begin softs very slowly starting Week 5 on March 29 and progressing with 1 new food per day. But it wouldn't hurt to call his office and talk to the nurse or your RD. My RD said I could call her anytime.
  5. FluffyChix

    Today’s lunch picture

    Thank you!!
  6. FluffyChix

    Today’s lunch picture

    Ok, so destroy my dreams and tell me the nutrition on them please? *holding breath*
  7. FluffyChix

    Today’s lunch picture

    Yummy lunch! And look at your handsome self!!! Great to see you dude!!!
  8. FluffyChix

    Insomnia cause - B vitamins?

    Oh gosh girl! The damn stalls from hell!!! I wish mine would too. *sob* *sob* I take my multi #1+Ca#1 after breakfast with my thiamine and b12. Then I take my multi#2 with lunch + Ca#2. Then take my Ca#3 with dinner. Then take my Iron at night. I used to take Ca/Mag at night and still do on the days I don't take iron. Presently I do 18mg of Iron + c every other day at night so it doesn't interfere with anything.
  9. FluffyChix

    Trip to the ER

    Ouch! I'm sorry about your struggle! I had that same thing...only they found out I was just "full of poop." LOL, I was like, well I coulda told you that and saved the trip! Ha! But that bentyl shot is good stuff isn't it? It really knocked out the pain and spasms quickly!
  10. Ok, I can accept that! I wish you all the best. I do mean that. (By the way, Lustig is a pretty controversial doc too...) Hope you'll stick around and prove me wrong. I welcome being told I told you so!
  11. I understand that. I'm sorry my tone felt derogatory. It honestly was no different the day I typed it to now. You should seriously Google the sugar/alcoholism connection. I would seriously disagree with your assertions. This has to do with how the brain lights up in the pleasure centers and dopamine receptors rather than liver metabolism...
  12. Ok, so of course we're all entitled to our opinions. And if you weren't here inviting our opinions, then what? If you post here or anywhere, surely you must be prepared for descent as well as people who pat your back and tell you you're making great decisions? I don't get that, honestly. Here is why I think this has danger all over it. This is your treat--roughly. (But since this isn't happening once every so often and appears to be happening daily, maybe you should just call it what it is: dessert. You are a recovering alcoholic. I have enough alcoholics recovering or otherwise in my family who've been there and done that, printed the t-shirt with the 12 steps...who will bold faced tell you: sugar is as sugar does. Doesn't matter if you're drinking it or seeking it out to eat it. And that need will build. It's like wrestling with a siren. You won't be content eating it now and then, or every day. Pretty soon it evolves to eating it preferentially for a meal in addition to dessert cuz it's easy and IT HAS PROTEIN! And it's easy. And tastes great. And IT HAS PROTEIN!!! You admit that you are under goal (congrats again, btw) and have wiggle room to experiment with fire swallowing once more. Well, that is a painful thing to watch from an outsider looking on. Can you succeed and only have a "taste" or a swallow? Maybe. But our chemistries as addicts don't really change so much. The propensity and RISK is hugely more than someone who does not share the addictive nature. Here's are some links about the connection between sugar and alcoholism/cravings: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20648910 https://www.mnn.com/health/fitness-well-being/stories/new-study-finds-link-between-a-sugar-cravings-and-alcoholism https://wellnessretreatrecovery.com/sugar-and-dopamine-link-sweets-addiction/ (I could go on...but why?) Again, you're entitled to live your life as you see fit. I agree you have that right. But coming here expecting that only those people who agree with you can post to your thread is not a logical expectation. I do not even begin to think that everyone will agree with me, or even like me--for that matter. But if I see new clothes on the emperor and it's really just him nekkidy...I'd appreciate someone telling me. I would tell them the king is nekkid. (And I think learning to make low carb sugar free treats is a much better choice, BUT it's still dancing with fire for the alcoholic who MUST have sugar or sweets or die--unless they totally kick it.) Again, I'm giving my opinion that is probably not popular. But you are free to do as you want as an adult. So I'm not judging you and finding you lacking personally. But your actions are questionable from my perspective. And sorry your sick, xyz, feeling down, fill in the blank...none of those things actually figure into the equation--instead they are rationalizations for the choices you're making. So EVEN you don't believe they are good healthy choices for you. But I am sorry you're sick and feeling blue. That sucks. ((hugs))
  13. Nice. Well one thing I do know. Ok, I know exactly three things. The first thing I know for a fact is that I know exactly Jack sh*t. The second thing I know is that I adore to baffle with bullsh*t. The last thing I know, is when in doubt, I will absolutely pull sh*t outta my ass. And what it all boils down to is I'm full of crap, and listen to my advice at your own peril.
  14. FluffyChix


    Love this! I shall copy it and paste it on my bathroom mirror! "Have you had a good poop lately?" TY!
  15. I was wondering if you'd lost that loving feeling for me! Seriously, I have had days of severe crankiness for no understandable reason at all--everything going well--but I end up becoming Snarla the Dough-faced Girl within minutes of waking lol. So no worries! I found one up where I live that meets quarterly and am gonna go. I may also go to mine down in the Med Ctr but dayum, that's about a little over an hour away on a Saturday. LOL.
  16. Yes, sure. But sometimes an in-person support group that's mediated by a licensed professional is very beneficial. I'm about to start going to mine from the hospital it's a monthly free group run by my RD.
  17. FluffyChix

    February bypass buddies?

    Awww man it's brutal!!! ((hugs)) Keep on pushing!!! Keep working the plan. Keep drinking the water and moving...Something has GOT to give. Swearsies!
  18. I actually do think that drinking while eating is a VERY big thing. It expands the stomach and can cause leaking. According to Dr. Duc Vuong (I think), it's one of the culprits of actually stretching your stomach out over time? But dunno. I don't think you've hurt it for now. But the potential is there. And the disregard for your rules is unsettling. So I would also vote to call your RD. And to also find a support group! Hang in there... (I was also advanced in my foods per my surgeon. I skipped pureed and went strait to softs at around 1 1/2 weeks.)
  19. FluffyChix

    Low cals post op

    400-500 cals at 2-4 weeks so far. I don't really go over 500 cals including protein drinks and vitamins. (Not intentionally keeping them low--it just happens). I get 60g protein daily.
  20. FluffyChix

    Sample meal plans

    Ok, I'll play! I'm only 4 weeks tomorrow. And I'm sure I'm eating more volume than most of my peers who had RNY on the same day or thereabouts. So I don't know if this is good info to give you ro bad? B1: 3 cupz decaff with Miralax (17g divided) + 8oz Premier Prot (divided as coffee creamer) B2: 1 egg scramble with 7g turkey sausage crumbles + 1oz chopped spinach + sometimes 1/2oz 2% cheese slice L: 2oz protein + 1oz steamed veg (canned chicken, chicken tenders, sliced chickie boob, canned tuna, sardines + mustard, leftover meat from dinn the night before AS: 2oz prot + 1oz steamed veg (see proteins above) + 1tbsp WF zero cal dressing of some flavor D: 2oz prot + 1oz steamed veg (see proteins above) + 2tbsp of some low calories/low sugar/low carb/low fat (LOL) sauce That usually gets me 60g of Protein for the day. That's my goal. The rest that just falls into place is: <500 cals; <20g fat; <20g carbs; <5-10g sugars (naturally occurring) But as I said, I think I'm probably eating 1oz more protein per meal than most can handle right now. I'm on fork mashable softs right now and will likely be here another couple of weeks?
  21. FluffyChix

    February bypass buddies?

    ((hugs)) You could be me...I'm 4 weeks tomorrow and for the past week I've actually gained a little over a pound. I'd only lost 12lbs since surgery. Now I'm at 10.8lbs loss. The scale is up and down in the cursed 3 week stall that can hit any time from 2-4 weeks. I am averaging 400-500 cals/day, about 60g of protein, less than 20g of fat and less than 20g of whole carbs per day and less than 10g of sugar per day. I actually can NOT figure out how our bodies can hang onto the weight with that kind of deficit. I walk every day for a minimum of 30 minutes (3/4 mile). I seiously got up this morning and just wanted to sob like a baby.
  22. FluffyChix

    Question about shakes

    LOL, at the point where Matty is, I was only doing Premier Protein, so it was a 1 and done. I've not graduated to "complex" shakes yet--but hope to get the green light for frozen spinach and fruit smoothies again! Can't wait to make Dr. Weiner's set point smoothie!
  23. FluffyChix


    Congrats!!! That is awesome news and so exciting. 6 months! Just wow!!!
  24. FluffyChix

    Question about shakes

    Protein drinks counts toward liquid. But like many, my RD wanted an additional 36oz just from clear liquids--not counting the protein drinks. But no issues for me, cuz I was doing 64oz per day by day 2 out of the hospital. And, I love water, so no issues there...
  25. With all due respect and concrats on goal and all, but you won't fully know the results of your experiments for another 6mos to a year. If I remember (cuz you don't have any of your stats up), you're around 18mos post-op? And from everything I read from vets is that they have no issues losing/maintaining until about 18mos to 2 years. Then it's like crap on a shingle. So hard to keep from regaining. To me, you are doing something so reckless it's difficult to watch or read about your antics cuz a voice in my head is saying, "Danger! Danger! Run away! Run away! Rock slide." And I can't see where your behaviors would be at all useful or advisable for any of us to do since it goes against most of our RDs advice... It feels like you're waving to ol' FU to your future and pouring kerosene on a smoldering fire you believe to be out for evs. I'm sorry for being judgey...but it now feels like you're just flaunting your choices in all our faces who struggle so with food addiction and it's not very good to read.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
