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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by FluffyChix

  1. Dunno? I've never been. I found one at the hospital up here that meets on April 2nd and I'm planning on attending. It meets quarterly. Then I have 2 that meet every month down in the Med Ctr which can be as much as 1 1/2 hours away with traffic (for a one-way trip). But I'm thinking I might start going. Cuz I want to keep the motivation high? But was really interested in everyone's experiences too!!
  2. FluffyChix

    Feeling Really Down

    Just do what the doc and RD say. Follow the rules. Don't cheat even a little and get to your goal as quickly as possible!!!!! Make "Failure is NOT an Option!!!!" And ingrained word. Do NOT be the girl who never reaches goal. Seriously. Don't be that girl. ((hugs))
  3. FluffyChix

    My butt aches when I sit too long

    Hahahahaaha! Congrats dude!!!
  4. Awwwww!!!! What a cool Easter girlie!!! I love the sound of all of it, and still love that you make a basket for your 21 year old. We do that in our fam too. We're gonna be with my sissy's fam and all the chitlins, and granchitlins. We will die/hunt eggs. We will make the Easter brunch. We will make baskets. We will have a blast. And I'm hoping we will go for a walk or something Sat. morning around my old stomping grounds, White Rock Lake or the arboretum. I'm not nervous one little bit! I'm looking forward to seeing everyone! I am looking forward to shedding a layer of clothing even though my arms and ass are still prodigious. LOL. I'm just happy to be with them! I will eat a few bites. I will make Mr. F. a sugar free Easter Basket and if I really feel compelled will eat a SF Reese's cup--about my only siren in the Easter Parade. LOL.
  5. FluffyChix

    I think I struck gold ...

    I think it's good in theory hon. I got to "bypass" (get it) pureeds entirely! I started with eggs. Any kind. I can teach you to make a soft boiled egg to make you scream in ecstasy. Also super easy to soft scramble eggs. Then I progressed to canned chicken and pouched tuna and salmon. Mix with a little cottage cheese and yum! Cottage cheese and applesauce--yum. Cream soup with added protein powder (unflavored can even buy in bulk isle of food store). Can use canned. Lentil soup, split pea, creamy mushroom, creamy poblano. YUM! Borracho beans. Buy Taco Bell beans and cheese. Buy Wendy's chili And badabing, you have enough diversity to get you through the dreaded pureed phase! Also, you'll be doing the protein drinks still and sf jello, sf popsicles, and even sf fudgecicles if you find some low fat, zero sugar. No need to cook a lot. Really, just open things and heat and eat. Of course, you COULD cook a lot if you wanted...but even though the sodium will be a little higher, the amount we are eating won't push the sodium super high.
  6. FluffyChix


    Yay!!! Congrats, you did it!!!
  7. I have the same issue. I weigh and measure everything and resolve that no matter what, I won't go back for seconds--even if I don't feel full. I think some of us were used to chasing that "full" or "over-full" "stuffed" sensation. Ironically, that comes from engaging part of the hair cells in our duodenum, not really our tummy. Those "may have been removed? Or are part of the remnant? Not exactly sure of the true science behind that. I've also read that our nerves have all been cut, so sensation now isn't what it will be in 2-3months down the road? I also just listened to a doc on YouTube talking about knowing when you've had "enough" after VSG surgery. I would think it would also apply to us RNYers. He said, the second you feel like your hunger is extinguished push away from the table and plate--regardless of quantity. Well, I don't have that fine-tuned yet, but I'm going to start today to listen for "when is my "HUNGRY" light switched off"? If it's sooner than the amount on my plate, I'm going to push away. Last night I ate (did I mention I weigh and measure everything?) 2.13oz pan sauteed shrimp + 1.23oz steamed asparagus + lemon wedge + .5oz avocado + .5oz tomato wedge. I had a clean plate. Was satisfied, not stuffed, and literally could have eaten 1-2 more shrimp cuz it tasted so dang satisfying... I feel like I overate despite my whole meal being 142cals; 13g protein; 7g fat; 5g carbs; 1g fiber; 4g net carbs; 1g nat. occ. sugar. I'm 4 weeks + 1 day out. I hear all these docs saying at 4 weeks, you're sposed to be satisfied on 2-3 bites--eating 2tbsp of food. And I'm like, I want to call BULLSH*T on that dudes!!! LOL.
  8. FluffyChix

    Long term consequences?

    ResearchWLS_MetabolicReset.pdf Here's a pdf of research I compiled when looking into what an RNY - metabolic reset would do for me. I am a 7 year survivor of a stage IIIC high grade breast cancer with regional mets to 12 or 14 lymph nodes (can't recall exact #). I have metaplasia cells in my esophagus, and duodenum, and inflammatory cells in my stomach lining. There is a very small chance that I could develop ulcers or cancers in my remnant stomach and duodenum and there will be no easy way to keep track of the changes because an EGD no longer will work to visualize these areas without doing a surgical procedure through the abdomen. I STILL chose to do it. I was only 222.4lbs at surgery. I still chose to do it because of the almost instant benefit it gives for cancer recurrence. The benefits of WLS extend a minimum of 12 years (metabolically speaking--that's what the latest studies show). But I've seen posters here and at other sites who have 15-20 years of benefits. That's good enough for me. We are all only as good as our compliance with diet, lifestyle, and vitamin regimen details. But even so, you may still have issues with iron deficiency, B1 or even B12. Some have Vit D issues and others have folic acid issues. They happen. Sh*t happens. Some lose their teeth. My mom never had surgery and had upper and lower full dentures by 35. What a kick in the teeth. If this surgery can help reduce my cancer (all cause cancer that is obesity driven) by 38% mean average, you can pull every one of my frickin frackin toofies tomorrow and I wouldn't care. LOL. Throw me some dentures mama and let me get on with my life. LOL. So the point is...we humans are so smart, we're capable of scrounging up research to support our individual biases, perspectives, beliefs, and desires. It's a well-documented psychological bent. Hope you decide to do your surgery. Congrats on your loss thus far! Welcome to the boards. We brainy science geeks round these parts!
  9. FluffyChix

    Long term consequences?

    Ok, so the big question is whether you're looking to convince yourself NOT to have surgery and "try to lose it yourself" with traditional methods, or are you actually really completely gung-ho and wanting surgery, but have a few fears? Cuz the 2 are diametrically opposed. Doh. Sorry prematurely posted. I will continue in the next window with my research and point.
  10. FluffyChix

    February bypass buddies?

    Ok, here's mine for this Wednesday, March 21, 2018: 4 weeks + 1 day post op SW 222.4lbs (2.20.18 RNY) CW 210.4lbs (sigh--Damn you 3 week stall--why do you have to tease me so?) Averaging about 450-500cals/day--eating mostly food for Protein. Having about 1/2 to 2/3 of a Protein Drink as needed to make 60g of protein. And the good news is that so far, I have not killed anyone yet due to my severe irritation with the scale and this forking stall!
  11. FluffyChix

    February bypass buddies?

    Good morning February Bypass Buddies! (Psssst, I almost typed "butties" bahahahaahahaha!) How is everyone doing this week??? Give us your milestones!!! It's time for Wednesday Weigh In and Updates!!!! Yay!!! Come one-come all!!!
  12. FluffyChix

    Today's the day!

    Congrats and good wishes! You will smash this!!!
  13. FluffyChix

    What's Your Goal For The Week?

    This week, since I accomplished all of last week's goals, I'm going to concentrate on not killing anyone as the 3 week stall continues. I'm trying to find my mellow happy place. I seem to have misplaced that damned thing...
  14. FluffyChix

    Today’s lunch picture

    Just to try to copycat you, I had shrimp last night and I made asparagus. So so so yummy! I ate 3 jumbo shrimp (2.16oz and 1.23oz asparagus). It was not however, a stall-breaker. LOL.
  15. Ok, here's why reading comprehension is imperative: bahahahahahaaha! I first read this while skimming as, "Thanks-I gained 15 frickin' lbs after reading this!!!! Grrrr. Now I'm back on track again. Thanks. " Hahahahaha instead, I came back and re-read to make sure I understood and I finally read it right: "Thank you! I'd gained 15 lbs, but after reading this information, I'm now back on track! Yeeeehawwww!!!! "
  16. LOVE! So cool and love the piccys! You 2 are nuts!!
  17. @jenn1 Good lort, I sparkleheart you girl!!! Thanks for listening and for making me bust a gut laughin!!!!
  18. FluffyChix

    Pain is gone

    Congrats! You are doing phenomenally!!!! I love your determination and stick-to-itive-ness!!!!
  19. Dang lady!!! I had no idea!!!! Whydoncha come bellyache here more often? ((Hugs)) I'm SO DAMN sorry to hear about that!!!! OK, but wait. Why in Sam Hill are you 4 months out and only eating 2oz of protein per meal? Your body is prolly tellin you to feed it more! How much are you getting in a day in protein/cals/carbs/fats? TYTYTY! You should be eating 3oz of protein per meal and 1oz for 1-2 snacks. Just sayin'... ((hugs)) Ha! Look at me! I'm the big cheese! I just learned how to double quote in a single window! Woooot!!! Yes, it was ENTIRELY epic wasn't it? It did make me feel better after. Isn't that silly? Yes. well, I've only been measuring 1 thing and that's my waist. I've gone from a 40.5waist pre-op SM. Today it is 40waist. But, it's hard to attribute that to weight loss, cuz it probably isn't. It has more to do with surgical inflammation and swelling going down. LOL. You know? And day of surgery I was full of poop...so that wasn't even an accurate measurement. LOL So. Yeah. There's that. Bahahahahaha!
  20. Absolutely true girl!!! Way to turn my frown upside down!
  21. FluffyChix

    Insurance approval!!!

  22. Oh dear God I feel ya!!! ((hugs)) We gotta hang together on this mkay? Our stalls have GOT to break at some point. Right? I measured yesterday. I do have a waist (it's big, but it's smaller than my ass), and I had lost 1/2inch down from pre-surg and I'm thinking, yeah...that's nothing--it's just surgery swelling going down. So I don't even know what "truth" is in the measurements cuz of surgery inflammation. In plastic surgery they say give it 6 months to a year to know what you will actually look like once all the fluid is gone. I can't expect other surgery to be any different. Right? Sigh. It's the mental game that is the toughest, isn't it? LOL. We have to be warriors girl!!! TAWANDA!!!!!! It's my new war cry! Thank you Fannie Flag!
  23. FluffyChix

    Feeling Really Down

    I too would say this. ((hugs)) Hurting from any kind of abuse SUCKS!!! Receiving hurt from the person you love and trust hurts even more. But here's the deal. Become a warrior. Do it for yourself and your daughter and do it by yourself. Do NOT depend on him for any type of emotional support. AND choose your timing. While he supports you, do EVERYTHING you need to do to get healthy and whole and do it quickly with all haste. Be the best forking wls patient evs. Lose the most weight, the most inches, get in the BEST shape of your life. Do it on HIS dime. Cuz you know victory and paybacks are a b***h!!!! Go to therapy (by yourself FOR yourself). Take advantage of EVERY tool offered to help you become victorious and a smoking hotty with a brick shi*house body! Then review your reality once you've accomplished everything. If you can forgive this tool and move forward into the future with a new reality. Then meh, who am I to judge. But if it were me, I'd get healthy on his dime, then divorce his sorry ass and take half of his money to boot. I would get you and your daughter out of that toxic cesspool and start a new life that YOU define. ((hugs)) Remember, CHOOSE your timing and your battles. Don't keep making trips to the dry well. Don't show him your hand. You do YOU. Let him do him.
  24. Update: 4weeks Post Op - 210.6lbs (-11.8lbs from SW of 222.4lbs) Okey dokey...so 4 long weeks; 1 month post-op. What a trip. I'm coming to you from somewhat of a Negative Nancy (Disgruntled Daphne) perspective due to the dreaded 3 week stall/pox upon the land that is still with me. Sigh. I've now lost about 2.75lbs/week since surgery. No offense, but being average bites great big green ones. For those of you who are not post-op and who have not experienced a stall post-surgery, I can NOT describe the mental trauma the stall inflicts. Seriously, having a stall during regular weight loss makes you feel like gnawing off a limb just to see a drop on the scale. LOL. But having a stall after you've cut out 90% of your stomach and about 2m of intestines is EXCRUCIATING!!!! It's a mind fu*k the likes of which you've never known. It DOES feel like, this is the end of it. I will be the ONLY person on the face of the earth for whom the surgery did not work. LOL. On top of worry about that, you know, the whole calorie restriction thing that comes as part of the volume limitations in a tag-team one-two punch that adds insult to injury. Cuz I don't know about you, but I'm thinking, "FU! I've done all of this and am eating 450-500cals/day and I've lost 2.75lbs per week and nothing in over 7 days?" LOL, this is how fu*ked up my head is right now...last night, I had Bigtime Billy Badass rebellion and so I ate 1 1/8 ounces corned beef + 1 1/8 ounces corned pork + 1 1/2 oz "fried" cabbage and I felt GUILTY cuz my calories went over 550cals for the day! Let me repeat, I felt guilty for eating too much at dinner and for having the daily nuts of: 581cals; 69g protein; 29g fat; 19g carbs; 5g fiber; 14g net carbs; 3g nat occurring sugar for the day. How insane is that? ROFLMFAO!!! AND I walked for 1 hour yesterday on bursitis hips that hurt like a MOFO! *snort* *indeed* I'm whipping myself into high dudgeon and indignation. LOL. Can you tell today you should all call me Ms. Cranky McCrankypants? I don't wish for complications. But I honestly do NOT understand how every doc on The YouTube says I should be getting full on 3-4 bites (about 2Tbsp of food) at 3-4 weeks post-op and I'm like, dudes. Have you EVER had surgery? You're nuts! I can eat 1/2c - 3/4c of food COMFORTABLY! Hells I could prolly eat 3oz of dense protein right this instant. I could prolly eat 2 eggs. TWO eggs! LOL. I could tear it up!!! *le sigh* It is my fervent hope that my visit with the surgeon this week and with the RD right behind her appointment will give me the answers and tools I need to relieve me of the ginormous asshat I am currently laboring to wear. It weighs a ton, is uncomfortable, offers poor visibility and the flies are a liability. The End. kserrynotserry this couldn't have been a rainbows and unicorns thread. But this 3 week stall sucks huge green donkey dicks and if I could shoot it in the face with something I would! There. I said it. Bite me.

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