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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by FluffyChix

  1. FluffyChix

    Hunger returns??

    Yes. Mine has returned. But as you guys have said, it's not an intense, FEED ME SEYMOUR! type of hunger right now? But then again, we're most of us newbs still eating <500cals/day. So yeah...it figures that we would be hungry at some point. Right?
  2. Wow! I'm incredibly excited about this! Thanks so much for the heads up. It has about half the carbs of regular rotini and about 3/4 of the cals. And as you said, if we're only eating 1/4c mixed with protein and other veg, it really makes the carb count manageable.
  3. Split the cheese into squares and nuke on parchment (NOT wax paper) at 20 to 30 second intervals the first go round. Then in 10 second intervals after that. When you JUST begin to see golden, take out and let cool. They will crisp as they cool. That cracker is 1/2 of a slice of 2% DeliDeluxe Kraft American split into 2/3rds. 2% DD Kraft American works the best. The full fat sucks cuz it doesn't puff anymore. It has to be the one without individual wrapping. I also split it into 16 pieces to make cheezeitz size, split into 8 to make wheat thin size, and split into 4 to make saltine size. you can also keep it whole to make a sandwich size. Your time nuking in intervals will change with all of those. Since I was only doing 1 square, I started with 30 then 10-10-10.
  4. Week 4 I am thinking I might put this out for anyone interested--maybe on a weekly basis--at least till I get bored with it. This is 1/2c of food by volume + cheese cracker. You can add it up by weight. Egg White Scramble with Baby Spinach, Mushrooms, 2% Kraft Cheese, and Taco Bell Mild Sauce + 2% Kraft Cheese Cracker Serves 1 (ME! You might eat less. Meh. Knock yourself out!) 1oz baby spinach 1oz mushroom, fresh 1/4 tsp granulated garlic (Tones) fresh ground black pepper (optional) 1/4c water 60g Real Egg Whites (HEB) 1/3 of 1/2 slice of 2% Kraft Deli Deluxe Cheese (for the omelet) 1tsp Taco Bell Mild Sauce Cheese Cracker 2/3 of 1/2 slice of 2% Kraft Deli Deluxe Cheese (for the cracker) Nutrition for entire breakfast: 74 cals; 10g protein; 2g fat; 3g carbs; 1g fiber; 1g naturally occurring sugar (from veggies) ***I'll be back to post my lunch later! Whooot! The hits just keep coming.
  5. Week 4 Dinner - Soft Diet (Phase 3) Steamed Shrimp with Asparagus, Avocado & Tomato with Sriracha Sauce Serves 1 (Don't know the volume on this--go by weight) 1.5oz shrimp, steamed 1oz asparagus with 1/4 tsp brown butter .5oz avocado .5oz tomato .5tsp Sriracha sauce Nutritional totals for the meal: 91 calories; 10g protein; 4g fat; 3g carbs; 1g fiber; 2g net carbs; 1g nat. occur. sugars in veggies ***That's it folks! I'm at 59g protein for the day and I will either call it a night, but will probably have a cup of hot decaff with a couple of ounces of Premier Protein as a creamer to go over protein for the day. **Daily Totals including the bedtime protein latte coffee drink with 2oz Prem. Prot: 453 cals; 64g protein; 13g fat; 23g carbs; 7g fiber; 16g net carbs; 5g nat. occur. sugars.
  6. FluffyChix

    My butt aches when I sit too long

    Hey Matty, maybe you have me blocked? Can you look?
  7. Week 4 Afternoon Snack - Soft Diet (Phase 3) This is just such a simple snacky-poo. The light cheese wedge makes the turkey go down very easy! Use any flavor of turkey. I get our's sliced on a #1. Turkey and Light Gouda Roll-Ups with Hot Mustard and Grape Tomatoes Serves 1 - Have no idea about the volume of this. LOL. 1oz Boar's Head Blackened Turkey Breast (or your fave) 1 wedge Light Smoked Gouda 1/2tsp Lowensenf Hot Mustard (of your fave) 1 grape tomato Nutritionals for the entire snack: 63 calories; 9g protein; 2g fat; 2g carbs; 1g fiber; 1g net carb; 2g nat. occur. sugars from veggies ***Be back later for the last meal of the day, dinner! Yay!
  8. FluffyChix

    Buyers remorse

    Ugh! Sorry you're struggling! I'd call your doc or RD and ask them for help? How many g of protein are you getting? I kinda think you really need to up your hydration and you probably aren't getting in enough protein/cals for the amount of exercise you get, but it's hard to tell from your posts? ((hugs)) Hang in there.
  9. FluffyChix


    I'm not cleared for raw. I'm on a soft diet - phase 3 and am 4 weeks + 1 day. I eat 2oz protein + 1oz veggies at each meal (3 meals + 1 snack + 1st brekky which is protein coffee) I can NOT wait for raw veggies and salads! I miss them long time mister!
  10. FluffyChix

    Week 8: -34lbs and I feel great!

    Congrats!!! What a happy report! Can't wait to hear your progress!
  11. FluffyChix

    Long term consequences?

    I totally get where you're coming from! And I also get your need for anecdotal evidence based long-term results from us--the target population. I was and am totally the same way! The reason I asked my initial question was because when I first started my journey I began asking questions from the perspective that I was trying to support my argument with myself: that I could do this on my own and that these surgeries were far too risky. Then it changed and became me asking questions to try to support me having a balloon or lapband procedure (minimally invasive and reversible). Then it finally changed to getting down to the nitty gritty of the rewards/risk assessment for the surgery I actually needed (at least an RNY if not a full DS). So lol, what I'm inelegantly trying to explain was with each sequence my questions and even word arrangements were slightly different and actually were posed in a way to lead into getting the responses I wanted that would justify my current position. LOL. See what I mean? And sooo now, for the dental stuff...if it gets bad enough, there's a dental school here that I would go to--but hopefully it won't. But having said that, I'd still have gone through with my RNY just to have that 38% reduction in cancer recurrence even at the risk of losing all my toofies. (Also a reduction in cardiac complications from chemo and a familial pattern of CHD and CHD deaths.) I hope you will stick around and post a lot and ask a lot of questions too! I do personally heart science geekery!!!
  12. Week 4 Lunch - Soft Diet (Phase 3) Remember tuna casserole when you were a kid? We used to mix it with different veggies like spinach or broccoli or a box of blue box mac n' cheese to feed more peeps. But now days, pasta is off the table--at least for me while I'm in double stealth losing mode! I opened a can of salmon yesterday, now I'm in a race against time to use it up or make dishes with it and freeze it before it goes bad. And when good salmon goes bad. Man. You don't wanna be there! Salmon Stove-Top Casserole - Serves 1: 1/2c by volume (figure weight based on recipe ingredients) 1.5oz canned salmon, skinless (bones pulverized and mixed into salmon for the calcium boost) (HoneyBoy Pink) 1/4tsp minced onion 1/4tsp granulated garlic (Tones) 1/4tsp dried basil fresh ground pepper (optional) 1oz baby spinach 14g (1/2oz) frozen baby peas 1/8c water (to use for sauteing spinach and peas) 30g (1oz=2tbsp) Classico Light Asiago Romano Alfredo 1/2Tbsp grated parmesan (Frigo) Nutrition for entire lunch: 106 cals; 13g protein; 4g fat; 7g carbs; 2g fiber; 5g net carbs; 2g naturally occuring sugars (from veggies) ***I'll be back for afternoon snack! Stay tuned!
  13. Liquid diet sucks no matter how you slice it. I didn't have to carb detox since I already live a pretty low carb life, but still sucked huge ones. My sugars went into the 80s for the first time in many years!
  14. FluffyChix

    1st purée day

    Ha! IKR? Dunno. Think the magic words were: Are you SURE you didn't just stick a scope up my ass, wave your magic wand over my tummy and say, "Poof! Tummy leviosum, be gone!"? Cuz I can swallow liquids like a big dog and if I tried could gulp--only you told me not to. To which she laughed, told me I was doing famously and that I could progress to fork tender soft foods. Completely bypassing the pureeds in a triple dog dare sort of move!
  15. FluffyChix

    February bypass buddies?

    @TexasGal40 Hope you feel better quickly!!! ((hugs))
  16. FluffyChix

    1st purée day

    I wish I could help but I got to skip purees and go straight to softs.
  17. I had mine at the beginning of the journey. She likes to weed people out early. Then I also had one during surgery. I presume she either goes in prior to surgery to make sure things look good, and/or she does it after surgery to check out the interior of the new anatomy.
  18. Dang!!!! That's amazing!!! I wanna come live by you guys!!
  19. ((dayum shazam!!!!)) I can sooo relate. I hope it passes quickly and you can come play with us again!! You're doing so great and I'm so proud of your stick-to-it-ness!!!!
  20. Soon pobrecita! Soon!!! ((hugs)) I'll stop if this makes it too hard for you?
  21. Sorry! No! It's actually Week 4. I chew to an applesauce consistency. And have added foods slowly. I'm very easily eating 1/2c volume now and eating between 3-4oz total meal weight without issues. Looking at my RD plan, that puts me doing exactly what they theorize in their sample menus.
  22. Ok, so maybe I will drop my bedtime bite? Last night it was 1 slice of Hillshire Farms Naturals turkey breast. 3slices=50cals. I'm like, dang! How bad can 1 slice be for me? We also eat around 7:30 or 8:00pm cuz Mr. F. usually works late.
  23. Why yes they do Dorothy. Here in OZ EVERYTHING is sugar free! Go to Walgreen's. They have a crap ton of SF can'ies, little girl! LOVE the Godzirra toy! I am running right now to see if I can find one to order on Amazon!!! I swear, Mr. F has one in his future. Thanks for sparkin the idea!!! He used to sing me the "Go Go Godzilla" song when we were first dating. Hahahaaha!

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