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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by FluffyChix

  1. Ok, cool! Thank you!
  2. FluffyChix

    Cooking for family post-op

    You won't believe it now, but like @Creekimp13 said, you don't have the same "demand" for food that you once had pre-surg. It's only me and Mr. Fluffy here. But I cooked for him during the pre-op diet (leftovers and veg - hey, it counts!) and I cooked for him after - full meals. I too love interacting with food and feeding people. It gives me pleasure while allowing me to continue to interact with food. So it's a win-win. We eat EXTREMELY healthy - and we have a zero tolerance for crap in the house. My niece is such a smarty. She and her hubs had a little post baby weight. The baby is now a 2 year old. So they started WW together - core plan. And lost all their baby weight together. And along the way, they have been feeding the kiddo their healthy choices. They don't disallow treats, but those things pretty much happen organically while at a celebration some where. At home, they eat healthy, non-snacky, non-crap food. REAL food, made from scratch or almost scratch: protein, veg, fruits, seeds/nuts, healthy fats, whole grains like quinoa, brown rice, buckwheat groats, barley. And as a result? Their kiddo (who has our bad bad bad fat genes) is slim, so active and healthy, growing like a weed. And is developing great eating and food knowledge and habits. You are the mommy and as such, dictate what the pantry and fam eats--even hubs! But especially the kiddos. Take this opportunity to get your entire family thinking about the future and fighting for great health and healthy food habits!! ((hugs))
  3. From 3.16.18 (the day of deep sadness and atonement) to yesterday, 3/22/16. I was officially 1 lb down from "that weight of serious grief." But, as a wise philosopher once said, I think it was Dr. Seuss or Mr. Rogers, "It's not the days in the stall, it's the number of bodies you hid during it, that counts."
  4. FluffyChix

    I think my depression is easing

    Well. I'm so happy to hear you say that!!! So the good news is you have 6 months to maybe even 18 months of grace to start figuring out how to eat better! So that once, your body does acclimate and regrow microvilli that increase absorption of nutrients, you will be eating a very healthy, diabetic diet for life. IF you don't have the book by Dr. Richard K. Bernstein. You should buy and read it today. This guy is brilliant, ground breaking and has saved 1000s of lives! He's a 70+ year old T1 diabetic with zero neuropathy, a lower A1c than me, and I think only takes 5 units of slow acting insulin daily. (T1!!! That's amazing!) He is an engineer and now an MD (diabetologist) and he pioneered the use of the home glucometer and "eating to your meter." The book is called Normal Blood Sugars by Richard K. Bernstein, M.D. https://www.amazon.com/Dr-Bernsteins-Diabetes-Solution-Achieving/dp/0316182699
  5. FluffyChix

    February bypass buddies?

    Yeah they approved me for any food yesterday, starting to add back slowly -- like every 3rd day I can add a new food. I'm adding raw spinach today. So freaking excited! You can make your own fish sticks: Cut a filet into fingers (your favorite, but I like cod or pollock, or tilapia, or pangasius). Smear lightly with some low fat mayo (I use 1 tsp Hellmann's or Duke's regular, mixed with 1 tbsp of WF Chipotle Mayo). Rub it all over. Then toss with a mixture of: Green can parmesan Almond flour Pork Rinds (crushed to meal in the food processor) Spices Then spray with olive oil spray very lightly. Then bake at 450 until done--usually about 15-20 minutes. I turn one time. I also use non-stick aluminum foil so the crust doesn't come off. I also use an empty parm can to shake the coating on. You want it VERY VERY lightly dusted so it adds a little crunch for the fewest calories. Sorry you dumped! ((hugs))
  6. I love my RD. I do refer to her as an RD out of respect for her licensure. But, I don't take umbrage at others saying Nut or nut. Meh, to each their own. There's a bazillion diets out there and I reckon, many paths to the same goal. Maybe fewer paths to maintain that goal... - but who am I to say? I'm just a schmoe on the internet who gets most of my wisdom from Charles Schultz and Dr. Seuss. The 3 week stall is real people! Just sayin...it's a wicked beast with 3 heads and a forked tail and it whispers lies and deceptions in your ear! And mine is gone (I think)! Woot! Take that you little bi*ch and suck on it! Down 1.4lbs since my stall... . The crops are saved and so is everyone around me.
  7. FluffyChix

    I think my depression is easing

    Congrats on vacating the diabetes drugs and on normalizing blood sugars!!!! Yay!!!
  8. FluffyChix

    February bypass buddies?

    Keep in mind, you may need to verify your meal size with your doc or RD. Because when most people here 4-6oz, they start thinking weight--as in weighing on a scale. But, the reference they gave you still alludes to a volumetric measurement. 1oz by VOLUME (measure) = 2tbsp = 1/8cup by VOLUME = 1/4oz by weight 4oz by VOLUME (measure) = 8tbsp = 1/2cup by VOLUME = 2oz by weight 6oz by VOLUME (measure) = 12tbsp = 3/4cup by VOLUME = 3oz by weight ************** Conversely, most protein in it's pure/fluffy/cooked state, unweighted down by meat lube or other moisture additives like light or fat free mayo and dressings and sauces add up like this: 1oz protein by weight (then flaked, chopped fine, or pulled) = 2oz by VOLUME = 1/4c by VOLUME = 4tbsp 2oz protein by weight (then flaked, chopped fine, or pulled) = 4oz by VOLUME = 1/2c by VOLUME = 8tbsp ************** And then there's the whole "meat salad thing" like tuna salad, etc... 2oz tuna, salmon, canned chicken by weight (flaked, chopped, pulled) + 1tbsp low fat mayo/yogurt + 1/2tsp mustard + 1/2tsp dill relish = 1/4c by VOLUME = 4tbsp. It will weigh more than 2oz by weight because of the addition of the condiments. Fun and intriguing bs isn't it?
  9. FluffyChix

    I think my depression is easing

    Congrats hon!!!! That's outstanding!!
  10. FluffyChix

    Night Snacking

    Try a cup of hot tea or decaf to replace the snack. I agree with no food past 8pm. I started my plan last night! Woot! Let's hurt together girl!
  11. Ok, sold to the little lady in front with the turkey neck! So where do I find said oil in my neighborhood and does it have a smell?
  12. FluffyChix

    Bitchy grammar rant

    @Creekimp13 I think the old one was before your time. I'd just barely gotten here...and someone wanted to tear me limb from limb. Good times! And besides sweetie everything old is new again. It's still gonna be great fun. I reckon it will take 24hours to heat up to a nice little rolling boil.
  13. FluffyChix

    Bitchy grammar rant

    LOL Oh Lort! Last time we had one of the Lose/Loose Rants it turned into a complete shambolic bust-up that was very entertaining. So I'm gonna put my butt in this chair with my loose-ass pants and enjoy the really big shew!!!
  14. FluffyChix

    Feeling Less Sexy

    But Ash, you can NOT discount that you've got a whole lot going down right now. Plus being scared of PG, plus being scared of the effects of weight loss. Plus you've got hormones dumping that can decrease or increase libido...you know? ((hugs)) It can't be easy sweetie.
  15. FluffyChix

    Feeling Less Sexy

    Dang girlie. That makes it very tough and tenuous. Like there's not a linear relation. You know? I think he lack of verbal reflection may be contributing to how secure you feel? ((hugs)) Don't get PG!!!!
  16. Stalls--we all got 'em. We all hate 'em. Whaddawe dooooooo about 'em? How long (days/weeks) do your stalls generally last? How do you break on through to the other side beyond the stall? Ok, go!!!
  17. Ok, wow! Didn't realize I'd asked the same question as someone else! Doh! My bad. Thanks for the heads up. Will toodle over and read!! TY!
  18. Good question! I don't know that my clothes are greatly different, they were pretty big and loose before. I only measure waist. And it's gone down 1/2 inch but that's probably from reduction in surgery inflammation. You know? So no real way to tell other than i'm at the 3 week mark. And everyone says there's a 3 week stall.
  19. FluffyChix

    Feeling Less Sexy

    Is hubs giving you any feedback that you are still a turn-on and sexy woman?
  20. FluffyChix

    Good Changes!!

    Happy Birthday girlie!!! Will say prayers for onederland! Congrats on the changes, good things and new job! Yay you!!!
  21. FluffyChix

    February bypass buddies?

    I will. A little skeered! We're leaving now! Wish me luck!
  22. FluffyChix

    February bypass buddies?

    Where in hell-fire are all of our other Feb. Bypass Buddies? I MISSSSSSSS you!!! Come back and play!!! Update us with how you're doing. What are you eating? How much are you drinking? How much walking are you doing!!! Have a great day everyone! I'm off to my 1 month check-up with the "sturgeon" and then on to my RD. I'm kinda nervous cuz am meeting Sis for lunch at one of my former haunts, Chuy's TexMex restaurant. I'm reasonably sure I will either get grilled fish and shrimp tacos and just eat the guts sans cabbage slaw and take home leftovers, or else, will get beans and cheese, or else will get tortilla soup sans tortilla strips and corn! Wish me luck and pray for strength that no creamy jalapeno dip and chips will pass my lips.
  23. FluffyChix

    What's Your Goal For The Week?

    Dang girlie! We all think we have no shoes til we meet the one who has no feet. Your load is GINORMOUS!!! ((hugs)) Just take it one stupid step at a time and treat yourself gently. Control what you can and let the other stuff roll off your back like a duck. Your grandbabies are lucky to have you and hubs and they WILL look back on this time with you and will always remember. You are impacting their future in ways you've no idea about right now!!! ((hugs)) The two month stall...well FU*K!!!!!! It just sucks sweetie! I feel and know something of your pain. I do love the idea of knocking back your cals to 900 for the week. It's still a lot of food if you choose wisely with it! And you know, sewing new duds sounds hard to me, but think how darling you will look in your new fancies!!! People will all call you Fancy! Go for it girl. Convention sounds like a great goal for you, you know!!!! And fun. Did I mention the fun part? Hang in there sweetie!!! Saying prayers!
  24. FluffyChix

    Today is surgery day!

    Good luck y'all! Do this thing!!!
  25. FluffyChix

    Non-obese me - off on a SCUBA holiday!

    Oh wow!!! Have an awesome trip my friend! Don't forget, LOTS of piccys for us!!!! ((hugs)) What an inspiration btw!!!!

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