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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by FluffyChix

  1. FluffyChix

    Food stuck wth

    Well vets will be in shortly to give you the real scoop. ((hugs)) And so scary larry! Glad you horked it up!!! Make sure you go back to clear liquids (and my surgeon said that should include clear protein drinks) for the next 24 hours until it completely clears and doesn't cramp of make you nauseous. That kinda sorta happened with me, but in my bowels. I think it means, that it "could" be your new normal IF it was user error. Like, if you didn't chew well enough, or ate too fast, or ate too much--you could have the prob over and over. IF you have some kind of stricture, the same thing. But probably it was just too soon for you to have coconut and then wheat thins. Coconut will swell in volume. Dessicated means dried. So maybe when fluid got to it, it swelled and blocked the exit. The only way out was up at that point. Just my hypothesis of events. Maybe try coconut again in a couple of weeks but in much less quantity?
  2. FluffyChix


    @Mattymatt I think maybe it's either you, @Apple203 or @Creekimp13 who call it a right of passage? Whomevs, best every way to view it. Cuz it is!
  3. FluffyChix


    fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuddddddddddddddddddddddddddgggggggggggggggee- only I didn't say fudge... ((hugs)) What doo doo!
  4. FluffyChix

    My man said I cheated

    Yeah? Well that's a good thing, too! Cuz otherwise I woulda had to suggest we take this outside and settle it the real way...with MMA fight club kickboxing and a good ass whippin'. And I am happy to save you the humiliation, cuz we all know how stealth I am with my yehaw high leaping lizard kicks.
  5. FluffyChix

    My man said I cheated

    Well thank you for the dose of reality from the world according to @summerset. LOL, my high weight was 325. I'm now 208 this morning. I can ASSURE you that comparatively speaking, I now have a smoking hot bod even without further weight loss. Do I have some jiggly puff? Yep. Do I need to continue to lose and will that jiggly wiggle become more prominent? I am prepared for that eventuality. But MY guy who loves and supports me, tells me everyday how great I look. And it's pretty clear he wants me. And I can move better, have less pain while doing it, and it all pans out to better sex for us both...so I suggest we agree to disagree. It's a YMMV thing.
  6. FluffyChix


    OMG! Me! Me! Me! Me! I wanna be called Sistah Crankypants! My theory is that we're all internally and eternally hangry. And we are having silent blood sugar lows that make us cranks!
  7. Let me ask you. What is your diet like? What do you typically eat in a day over a few days. Please list the good and the bad. Reason being? IF you are eating carby, fatty foods, or even if you're eating bread/grains/pasta/rice/tortillas/corn products/sugar/fats/dairy (cheese especially)/tomatoes/alcohol of any kind, your GERD will be through the roof to the moon, Alice. Some people (every member of my fam) who have GERD go on Whole 30 and drop all the above foods and every single one had relief from GERD. My sis was on 3 meds for it, so was my nephew... Just a thought for you!
  8. 2L isn't what we honestly need. Most adults need a minimum of 3L per day and optimally more. Once you're dehydrated, it's tough work to fully rehydrate without IV. So it takes "over drinking" for a while and making sure that your body also has access to the electrolytes. That being said, eat to your plan and try to get in a minimum of 64oz per day. I drink 120oz per day. If I fall to even 48oz my urine goes dark and of course, it's smelly. But I agree. We're just schmoes on the internet. Call your doc.
  9. FluffyChix


    You are beautiful! And I see a huge difference! Now lose that stupid instagram or snapchat filter!!! It detracts from how pretty you truly are!!!!! ((hugs))
  10. FluffyChix


    Someone else says this all the time and I think it is very helpful...this is a right of passage. So kinda...welcome to hell week baby! It WILL end and you will get better and better each day. And the liquid diet is from the debil.
  11. Ok, I know for some of the pre-ops that attending meetings are required to qualify for surgery...but for those of us who are now on the other side... Do you willingly and happily attend bariatric group support meetings? If so, how often do you have these meetings in your area? Does your doc office run them or are they independent?
  12. FluffyChix

    5 Days Post Op

    Welcome to the boards here. Congrats on your surgery!
  13. FluffyChix

    4 days post op

    Welcome to the boards. Hope you jump in and post often!! Congrats on your surgery. You're about 5 weeks ahead of me. Glad your pain has disappeared and you have no issues eating different foods! Yeeehaw!
  14. FluffyChix

    I'm New, in Need of Support & Encouragement

    Welcome to the boards! Most of us here are nice, but I can be a bit*hy little girl sometimes! *snort* Congrats on taking the first steps toward a new life of your making!
  15. FluffyChix

    Hosting Sunday Dinner

    2 words: corn hole the end.
  16. Hope you feel better soon girlie and that it's nothing!
  17. FluffyChix

    4 days post op

    Yay! Congrats! Super easy recovery here. No issues eating or getting 120oz of water in a day!
  18. Thank you hon! I know I'm trying with laser forkin focus! Ha! And excruciating attention to detail. Hope these posts don't drive you all batsh*t cray!
  19. Update: 1 Month Post Op Check-up - 209lbs (-13.4lbs from SW of 222.4lbs) The highs and lows of post-bariatric life are ginormous. I had a great check-up yesterday and was released back into the wild for another 2 months. Next check-up will be in 2 more months. I can dig that. She said I looked great, could start working out with resistance training and could start adding foods -- slowly. LOL. So I am! She did say that it is very possible to stretch your pouch--especially early after surgery as it's healing. Healing might take weeks or months even. So she said eating to a precise volume right now is very important. And eating consistent amounts is important. She said the pouch will dictate how much I eat on any given day, but if I can find a set amount, relatively, I'd do better. So then I went to the RD. And she was so pleased at my progress. I've lost 20lbs since I last saw her and she told me she could really tell. And that I needed to buy new pants that actually fit me. G'bye magic pants. I'm thrift store bound tomorrow. So although my RD didn't have an issue with me eating 2oz protein + 1oz veg at each meal, she did think I'm eating ahead of the curve for volume right now. And she also reinforced the need to try to establish communication with my pouch. She did NOT want me to add more food in at this point or for the next month. She said to stay around 1/2 cup to 5/8 cup of volume. But, she did say that now I can start adding in more dense, chewy, solid foods as I resume my regular diet. So basically, kill the canned meats and go to real cooked meats. That solid muscle will provide more satiety than ground or canned. And to go back to under cooking my veg to al dente rather than cooking the crap outta them! She said that probably texture and fiber were the things that would help the food stay in my pouch longer. So I started yesterday! And went to lunch with Mr. F. and Sis at a Chinese Food place. I had lightly steamed chicken and broccoli with a tiny bit of hot oil. And had about 4 spoons of wonton broth only, and a couple bites of the guts of a potsticker (no pasta). I had maybe 1/4c to 3/8c food and I was done. Just done. Not stuffed. Not still hungry and jonesing for food, just ok, no more. This made me VERY happy. Such a simple elegant solution for the volume blues--add texture and fiber to the same quantities. Last night, the same thing! I made stir fry turkey Italian sausage with broccoli, mushrooms and onions. And the veg were quite al dente. Instead of 2 oz of turkey, I only had about 1.5oz. And I had about 1.25oz veg all total. It fit at about 1/2c of food by volume. Score!!! This morning, I made lightly sauteed spinach and tomato with my new "Egg Sandwich" made on my low carb tortilla "cracker" to replace the toast I'm allowed. So for 2 net carbs, I get an "egg mccracker." Oh happy happy joy joy! Real live food with texture and crunchability! I'm satisfied taking longer to eat. Feeling the fullness. And am happy! Oh and I "think" my stall broke yesterday! Yeeehaw!!! I'm down to 209 lbs this morning!!! Yippee! So it's great news all around! Here's piccys of my breakfast sandwich--the egg mccracker. Serves 1 8g low carb tortilla cut out with a cookie cutter shape 1 slice Hillshire Farms Naturals Black Forest Ham 1 large egg 1/2 tbsp water 1oz baby spinach 1 grape tomato Nutrition: 120 cals; 11g protein; 6g fat; 6g carbs; 4g fiber (yay me!); 2g net carbs; <1g sugars
  20. FluffyChix

    People making decision difficult

    You are looking for external validation and for someone else to make this super-serious decision for you. That way, if you fail it won't be your fault--cuz it wasn't your decision to begin with and you'll claim that you had your own doubts all along. So I'ma call BS on this one and instead will say, seek your own truth. Make a pro-con list. Listen to your heart and your gut. Come to us for questions, research, experiences, etc--but don't come ask us to tell you what to do. Cuz opinions are like assholes. They are a dime a dozen and great supply. But sadly, nobody wants to see or hear 'em. You can DO this. Think for yourself. Do you!!!
  21. FluffyChix


    But what you don't understand is biology. A vitamin deficiency on a daily basis may not show up for years and once there, it's INIFINITELY difficult to correct (and expensive)!! For instance: You may "think" your calcium level looks great cuz your Ca is normal in your chemistry. BUT, serum calcium is tricky and the body is even trickier! The body likes homeostasis. If your serum calcium is low, then bada bing bada boom, let's grab some from this lovely full-bodied femur here. Or let's grab it from your iliac crest or teeth! Done! Calcium normal. Boom baby! Oh, my hemoglobin and hematocrit are crazy beautiful! But here's the thing...it has very little to do with what's happening with what's happening with your red blood cells and hemoglobin, it's all about free circulating iron (aka ferritin). For that you actually need a serum ferritin level. And people get to below 10 here ALL the live-long day and have a relatively normal hematocrit. By the time your hematocrit level starts to fall--you my friend are infusion bound and in deep doo doo. There are others too. I could go on-and-on. But you can't argue with someone who is firmly believing in their own position. It's like trying to argue with crazy. You can't. There's no winning. But I will just hide and watch for 5 years from now. I have a VSG friend who was almost dead by the time she got to the ER cuz her iron was so low. She not only required bags of iron, but she also required blood transfusions. And I don't know about you, but with today's blood supply the way it is, I might as well be dead rather than accept blood from rando strangers. It's THAT scary larry. But you do you. I'll do me. ((hugs))
  22. FluffyChix

    My man said I cheated

    Yeah, so. As @Sosewsue61 said and @Creekimp13 said, don't go to the dry well. Don't go to him for support. Don't ask him if those jeans make your ass look big. Here's the translation for him: Dude, I don't wanna hear it. Bottom line? I'm sexy and hot and you get the benefit of my new hot bod with all kinds of crazy great sex. If you don't like it, you can be replaced in 10 minutes. In this case, the destination is all that is important as far as he's concerned--the how and why of the journey is irrelevant and he does not possess the "need to know" security clearance. Easy my left fanny. His opinion of your actions should NOT determine your reality.
  23. FluffyChix


    Oh girl...I fear you are setting yourself up for a potentially hard fall. Maybe not so hard since you're sleeved, but if we didn't have issues fully absorbing stuff, I wouldn't say a word. We "think" we're getting all from our foods, but a big amount doesn't get fully absorbed. Just saying. Even with a sleeve not being a "malabsorptive process."

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