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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by FluffyChix

  1. FluffyChix

    Celebrate Multivitamin + B-12?

    Ok, so here's my thought. You MUST get a doc to follow you. Whichever it is...surgical team or PCP, you MUST have yearly blood work for your vitamin levels. To do anything else at your age is so reckless that I just can't even think about it...ok, there I got that off my chest. Now, the other thing I'm thinking is that I have the same issue minus the iron, since I'm taking my iron separately. After surgery some vits aren't absorbed very well. This can be especially true of VSGs and B12--but not always. I just figure I will pee out my vitamin's B12. So I also take my sublingual B12. I know I have a much better chance of absorbing the sublingual. And bottom line, if I'm getting regular blood tests, I'm gonna know if my B12 goes too high. Then I will back off on my sublingual and take it every 3rd or 4th day rather than every other day (1000mg every other day).
  2. FluffyChix

    Needing to pee all the time

    Call your doc dude. It could be as simple as a more acidic pee cuz of ketosis, but it could also be a uti or some other underlying prob. Hope you get it figured out! Oh and it could just be because you're drinking lots of liquids!
  3. FluffyChix

    How offen do you go #2?

    Thank God! Regularity restored thanks to 2 colace + Miralax! Will be resuming psyllium in about 3 weeks. Can NOT wait! :D!
  4. Dude. Ok, you don't EVEN look like the same guy as the one in your avi! (hehe) Congrats. You have my permission to spank me, call me out for bad behavior and correct my mind anytime you want as long as I can end up with such spectacular results!
  5. FluffyChix

    Over eating before surgery

    You got this girl! You can do it! You CAN! And you know what? It will be easier than you would have ever dreamed. And the only regret you will have long term is that you didn't do it sooner. You GOT this!!
  6. FluffyChix

    Over eating before surgery

    Look this is your golden shot. Don't fu*k it up. Right? The time for secretive behavior is gone. You know? Put it ALL out on the table cuz at NO other time, will you have a team of professionals at your beck and call whose sole mission is to help you lose the weight. You know? So take EVERY advantage of them and work your keester off. Most of us can lose and lose big. NBD. So what. But most of us 95%+ are incapable of keeping it off long term Some of that is our own fault (we revert to old habits and go back to eating the same old crap that brought us to the super morbidly obese ball in the first place). But other parts are beyond our control (hormones et al). This surgery will give us a better shot at long term weight loss success. But it isn't magical. You eat the wrong things you regain. And it's worse than you can possibly imagine to get it off again at that point. So don't regain. Back to the original statement: This is your golden shot. Don't be a screw up. Don't fu*k it up. Determine that you are emotionally ready to change your relationship with food FOREVS!
  7. FluffyChix

    Scared about being big and having surgery

    You're doing great and you will be fine. You will NOT believe how much better your lungs will feel when you begin your post op eating. My asthma and lungs feel so much better!!! You've got this. Keep your eye on the prize and do NOT give up. Our fat brains will say or do anything to keep us fat and down on the farm. Trust me, if your surgeon was afraid to operate on someone of your size, he woulda kicked you to the curb in the very beginning cuz they can't afford to have even 1 bad outcome. They NEVER gamble. They're like the house who only works with a stacked deck. They want 100% great outcomes! Keep on keepin' on!
  8. FluffyChix

    Over eating before surgery

    You don't believe this, but you can "enjoy" everything post surgery that you can pre-surgery. Swearsies. The CHALLENGE is in not eating it. Post-surgery, something magical happens to many of us--don't know how long it lasts...but I ACTIVELY want to make better choices. It isn't the nailbiter making better choices once was. It's like my mind and tummy are finally on board with the master plan.
  9. FluffyChix

    What do you guys do for fun?

    Well, I like long walks on the beaches, 60s tunes, great movies, and laughing with friends and family. I like candlelight dinners and cooking/entertaining and having long deep conversations in bed as I drift off to sleep. Oh...maybe you didn't mean it that way. LOL.
  10. FluffyChix


    Wow I can really tell a diff. Congrats! You're doing great!!!
  11. Thanks for the update! Have fun on your vacation! Does it make you feel fun and happy like Rainbow Brite?
  12. bahahahahaha! At first I was like whah? And then I was huhhhhh??? LOL!
  13. FluffyChix

    Feeling regretful, help

    She can't have that yet. It would shred her.
  14. Yay you! Not awesome at all. LOL, just determined, focused, a little nuts. We're wired pretty tightly doing this thing. You know? ((hugs)) Come here and rant and let's problem solve with each other any time!!! That's what friends do!
  15. Yes, Kathy and I answered you here. Did you not see it? I told you, that I screen shot the pop-up image that occurs when I try to "LIKE" you'rs or Alex's posts. I know they are working on finding a solution so you can receive "rep."
  16. FluffyChix

    Well I screwed up

    Majestic. Now that's a word you just don't hear everyday! Cudos 'mam.
  17. FluffyChix

    Over eating before surgery

    They recommended for me, that I do low carb at 60g of carbs per day, but that was because at the end she didn't want me to lose too much weight and drop below my 35BMI deck. I don't and never did do keto as it's defined today. But honestly, keto is anything that is low enough to get you into fat burning rather than sugar burning. So basically anything below 50-75g for most people. I just never added in the stupid amounts of excess fat the "new" keto adds. Mine was pure Atkins in the original '72 version that said: ONLY protein adequate, only 20g carbs, and eat fat only to make it taste good. Eat ONLY until hunger is assuaged--but not until full. That's vastly different from most people's concept of low carb, which is that it is a protein and fat fest. I absolutely have to watch calories like a hawk! And I have to watch fat too and protein cuz I'm very good at gluconeogenesis. I've only ever eaten around 65-75g of protein daily. That's what my RD wants me eating now. LOL. Ironic right? The idea behind it is because ketosis brings hunger cessation, that you NATURALLY eat fewer calories and thus, lose weight (and you also burn about 400 extra cals/day just converting protein and foods into ketones and a tiny bit of glucose needed to run your body). Congrats on your loss so far! Chances are by doing what you're doing, your liver is gonna be extra pretty!
  18. FluffyChix

    Over eating before surgery

    So look, I'm not gonna lie to you. I worked my ass off pre-op to lose weight and lost somewhere around 50+ lbs if I remember correctly? But along the way, I also had a few food funerals. But for the most part, my diet was very clean. I did this mainly cuz I was terrified that my liver would be as big as a foie gras goose liver! I wanted to reduce it over those 6 months. I truly was so scared I'd be the girl they'd open and close telling me, "Your liver was so damn big, I've never seen anything like it," and close me up without the surgery. So I had surgery about 5weeks ago. The doc told me my liver was small and pink and did just what it was supposed to do--stayed silent and out of the way during my RNY. So the angst is worth it. It's also worth it to decarb, dealcohol, desmoke, and decaffeinate. It's much easier to go through keto flu without the operation to deal with too. My recovery was obscenely easy. The surgery was obscenely easy. Cuz I prepared like hell up front. IF you are truly having eating issues and it sounds like you are, I'd look up a therapist--someone who specializes in bariatrics. I'd ask your surgeon. I would level with your team about what's going on with you and ask for help. My RD was all I needed, but some need more help. Don't be ashamed to do what you need to start your new life out on the right footing!!!
  19. FluffyChix

    Pureed food recipes?

    Now that sounds like pure comfort food. LOL.
  20. FluffyChix

    Bitchy grammar rant

    Hahahaha, well when in doubt, I blame hanger. What? Your food's not ready on time? I'M HANGRY DAMMIT! The laundry and house aren't done and picked up? IT'S THE HANGER! I CANNNNN'TTTTT! LOL... Well at any rate, I'm sorry for being a ******!
  21. FluffyChix

    Bitchy grammar rant

    Me either! BAhahahahahahahaha! Worse, I don't want to rehash it here, but I don't even remember what it was fully about. Damn short term memory chemo brain! ROFLMAO. Everyday is a brand spankin' new day! LOL.
  22. FluffyChix

    Pureed food recipes?

    Oh Butters! Don't go thinking your smarter than your doc and advancing things on your hon!!!! It's only 2 more days!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
