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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by FluffyChix

  1. FluffyChix

    Pre-Op Calorie Intake

    Are you losing or gaining at 1300 cals? I had the same issue. My RD put me on 1500 cals; 75g protein; fat to fill in the numbers; average 60g carbs per day, eating 3 small meals + 2-3 snacks daily. I did lose at around 2-3lbs per month but it was excrutiatingly slow. She wanted to retrain me to eat at regular intervals and to not fear the carbs. LOL. Also, if you eat too low now, then you may not have as much big spring right after surgery. This happened to me too. But meh. Oh well, it is what it is. But it made my withdrawals on the pre-op diet negligible. And made post-op dieting easier so that's a huge consideration. I ate a ton of veg and volume too! The ways to harmless up from 1300 to 1500 or 1600 is to add in some healthy fats: add an extra 1/2tsp of evoo per meal, add 1/2-1oz of avocado per meal, add 2tbsp of nut butter into a snack, add a little butter on your veggies (1/2tsp). OR you can also move to full fat products rather than fat free or reduced fat things like in dairy. Eat full fat Greek yogurt and cottage cheese. Use real eggs rather than egg whites. Eat full fat cheese. Use full fat dressing (vinaigrettes). But I'd only do that if you are not gaining at 1300cals. I also added the extra cals in 100-200 cals intervals every couple of weeks. That kept me from having a big up-tick weight bounce. Hope that helps!!
  2. FluffyChix

    Help--Cramps every time I eat

    Make sure you're pooping actively before starting fiber. Cuz if you are semi-impacted, you will have trouble pdq. I'd do some MOM now and make sure you have 2-4 really full poops first. But that's just my opinion.
  3. FluffyChix

    New to site

    Welcome to the boards! Dive in, the water's great!
  4. FluffyChix


    Congrats! Use the time to your advantage!
  5. FluffyChix


    This sounds totes weird, but get the chicken lunchmeat (or turkey) that has a more rectangular shape and put the filling inside it. Place it seam side down and sauce it. Bake as usual. But, I adore zucchini as a pasta sub. So that looks and sounds delish!
  6. FluffyChix

    Why are my neighbor's kids not wearing helmets...

    Well you know, it's all fun and games until someone splits open a forehead or gets concussion!
  7. FluffyChix

    Considering cancelling surgery

    I think you may have to be on a regular computer to add all that stuff. It helps to have it cuz it gives a frame of reference for all of us to answer questions and relate to one another. And I said what I did cuz the only thing that shows on you is your nic/ pre-op and that you've made 49 posts evs here and have 36 likes. In the past there have been posters who make multiple sock-puppet nics just to come in and throw their weight and comments on a pro/con side of a heated debate and to stir the pot. So when I see a nic like your's without the profile stuff filled out and a very low post count, it always sends my Spidey Senses wondering if this is someone's sock-puppet nic.
  8. FluffyChix

    Today’s lunch picture

    Hey girlie, don't know if you're talking to me or not? But I'll answer, I'm worried about it frankly! But I've now gone back to making sure I only eat 1/2c of food which for me is about 1 1/2oz protein + 1/2-1oz of veg (+ sometimes "meat lube"). LOL. The RD and doc both said that I'm pretty typical for her patients. That most likely I have very little inflammation and that I may have a less tricky stoma. She also said some people just "get it in their head" that they're supposed to have difficulty eating after surgery and it starts spasms in their tum or esophagus. So that after 2-3 bites they have a false sense of fullness. (This was the RD.) She said others have spastic colons that create the same issue. So bottom line was I was eating too much and just because I "can" eat that much, doesn't mean I "should" eat that much. But adding texture and more raw or low cooked veggies and denser meats have helped me realize I have a full level!
  9. FluffyChix

    Honeymoon Period

    I don't have any answers for you, but I thought this was interesting and so will share. I spoke with a research bariatrician recently cuz they wanted me to join a study about bone density loss and WLS. I asked her about the optimal food intake during the first 6 months. She said, what they've seen historically is that the first 2 months when the cals and nutritional intake are the lowest, provide a huge weight loss advantage--the biggest losses they see are in Month1 and Month2. She said, after that it tapers off and they don't know fully if that's because more food/food variety/calories etc are also being added, or if it's the effect of metabolism. She said the honeymoon period is ideally about 6 months for most patients, but that weight loss will continue to be very much easier from surgery date to as far out as 1 year to 18months. Then she said, that it didn't mean you can't still lose, it's that weight loss becomes much harder and more like a non-WLS patient where it's mostly a result of diet rather than surgical intervention. I have no idea in real life if ANY of that is true! LOL. But I thought I'd share someone who is in the trenches actively researching these things.
  10. FluffyChix

    Surgery Day!!

    Congrats! So excited for you!
  11. FluffyChix

    February bypass buddies?

    Congrats Angy!!!! ((hugs)) You are doing so great!!!
  12. FluffyChix

    February bypass buddies?

    Dang! I know you tried this, but were they "soft cooked"? I have much better results if I don't overcook things and make them dry and rubbery? Also, small bites, chew like hell, eat very slowly! Also, never underestimate the power of good low cal/low carb/low fat sauce hon! I use avocado and tomato (seedless/skinless) to "lube" shrimp. I can teach you about the ticker if you wanna pm me. But you have to be on a real computer, not the phone app. ((hugs))
  13. FluffyChix

    Help--Cramps every time I eat

    Yep. In my life this means I need to stop eating until I clear the #2 tunnel. It may mean huge gyrations...colace, MOM, Miralax, Mag Citrate Liquid, glycerine suppositories...And FORCE the water down if it will still go...
  14. Congrats to each of you for your amazing success. No matter how you slice it, you're doing great!!! My doc told me that anything between 2-4lbs is entirely average. Also, I believe from reading, that there is a so called "3 month stall?" Maybe you guys are seeing this with your "slow down?" But if you think about it, 3lbs/week x 52 weeks is 156lbs. Keep on keeping on. And can I just say that hair loss sucks big green ones? I can now see my scalp and am considering the dreaded "Toppik" hair fibers.
  15. FluffyChix

    January bypass buddies??

    You got this Marc. It's gonna happen soon!!! Yeeehaw!
  16. FluffyChix

    January bypass buddies??

    Congrats you guys!!! Woooohooooo! You are superstars!!!! @Marc76 can't wait for you to hit Twoterville.
  17. FluffyChix

    Gallbladder scare!

    Wow! Sorry you had to deal with this but super glad it turned out ok!!! You look fabulous. Congrats on your success.
  18. FluffyChix

    Considering cancelling surgery

    As a girl, pre-surgery, there was a time when I could polish off a large thick crust, extra cheese, super supreme pizza from Piggy Pies. It was NOT my finest hour. Also, have you ever lived with or had an alcoholic in your family, who hid booze? My grandfather had unopened pints of booze hidden everywhere in his house. Is it staged? Or not? I can't answer that--I'm not a producer. But I do believe this happens in real life--even if the show is a dramatization. You're entitled to your opinion. I actually love this doc. So to each his or her own. (side note: it IS interesting that I don't remember ever talking to you before and you come in and comment here suddenly out of the blue -- you don't have any stats posted beyond your low low post and like count. LOL. So why not take a minute and go fill out your profile and signature ticker so we can get to know you better?)
  19. FluffyChix

    February bypass buddies?

    Good morning everyone!!! It's time for Weigh-In Wednesday and Updates!!!! Tell us how you're doing this week!!! I'll start us out. I'm so thrilled cuz I had great progress this week! I feel like I'm building stamina again and the scale, "sheeeeee's a moving!" LOL! 5 Weeks + 1 Day Post Op SW 222.4lbs (2.20.18 RNY) CW 205.8lbs (-4.6lbs for the week | -16.6lbs since surgery morning) GW 150lbs Averaging about 450-500cals/day--eating mostly food for Protein. Having about 1/2 cup of food + about 6oz Protein Drink as needed to make 60g of Protein. Things are going well and I am eating normal food now. I've had salad 3 days this week! LOL! I it. I am even able to handle raw cabbage without issues! Woot!!!!
  20. FluffyChix

    Considering cancelling surgery

    For those who think the big liver thing is a scare tactic. You should go netflix Big Ward and watch I think it was maybe Episode 6 where despite losing weight on her pre-op diet, the woman had such a secret addiction to sugar, she hid candy and cakes all over her trailer. And ate them right up to before surgery. The doctor could literally NOT find a way into her stomach around her liver because it was that engorged. And he started to pull out. But they had to do more gyrations and positions to try to find a way in and it was extremely risky. He said it would have been one of the only times he couldn't do surgery and that he put that surgery at the top of his list for risky procedures where she was at risk of dying on the table.
  21. FluffyChix

    Considering cancelling surgery

    Kathy, just fyi, there's no way on God's green earth that I would lump you or any of the other uber-successful vets on this forum (and on other forums) into this group. You actually are one of the first peeps I think of as part of the super successful outliers who have far surpassed any statistics. But of course your super-success adds in to average that makes up that 50%. So what does THAT really say about the very bad lows in the group who bring the average down? It means there are people in that average who've gained WELL over 50% of their weight back...like 100% of regain, because there are many vets her at 5 years who've lost and maintained 100% of their excess weight or are even below goal. But then, I lump them into the do-or-die group of super success stories.
  22. Congrats! Super accomplishment!!!
  23. FluffyChix

    Got my surgery date y’all!!!

  24. FluffyChix

    Gain weight on liquid diet?

    It's because protein isolate is extremely insulinogenic and causes many people's insulin to spike. (And my bgs.) So you have a resultant accumulation of fluid from it. This happened to me the first time I was trying to find protein drinks I could tolerate. On nothing but protein isolates in 5 days, I gained 4 lbs and my blood pressure went up an average of about 15pts. I ended up having to really do Premier Protein cuz it's part whey concentrate which is more slow acting protein. I also only drank at the most 2 1/2 of them per day. I also made sure to stay so hydrated and didn't drink a bunch of water drops.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
