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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by FluffyChix

  1. Oh this should be fun! (pppssstttt! Demand piccys of outfits!!!! )
  2. FluffyChix

    Today’s lunch picture

    Awesome! Ok, here's my dinner tonight. Mr. F. picked up and I ordered a grilled chicken sandwich, no bun, no cheese, no onions, no lettuce. So basically just grilled chicken and tomato. I added 1/2oz of avocado. (The 1.75oz of diced chicken filled up the cup about 3/4 of the way up the 1/2 cup measure. Had I done 2oz, it would have been level with the 1/2c measuring cup.) This filled 1/2 cup with a little rounding to it where I added the avocado (cuz it's a slider... ) haha. It has 1.75oz of chicken by weight measured into the 1/2 cup measure. 1/2oz tomato diced. 1/2oz avo diced. It's on a small cocktail plate that I've been using for meals. It's about a 6in plate in diameter.
  3. FluffyChix

    Today’s lunch picture

    Fills 1 cup? Or fills a half cup? Lol. I'm making grilled chicken boob tonight - I'll try to take a pic of the scale weight and volume just for grins!
  4. FluffyChix

    Today’s lunch picture

    So you are able to eat 2oz of protein per meal and about how much measurement in veggies to make your 1/2c @Seahawks Fan? Just wondering.
  5. FluffyChix

    Today’s lunch picture

    Oh those are really neat protein charts! Thanks for sharing!
  6. FluffyChix

    Today’s lunch picture

    Nice booklet. And yes, I got something similar. BUT what I'm trying to explain is that these goobers slip easily between volume and weights! AND THE TWO ARE NOT EQUAL OR THE SAME!!!! (ex: 1oz of spinach by volume is VASTLY different from 1oz of spinach BY WEIGHT) And for patients who are literal, it makes it hard to decipher. Cuz when Seahawk says he is eating 4-6oz per meal, YOU and I may be mistakenly thinking that this dude is sitting down at his stage and chowing down on 4-6 ounces of food BY WEIGHT. And if he is, then holy cow! Cuz by volume, 4-6oz of food by weight is more like 1 to 1 1/2 cups of food by volume depending on what you are measuring and weighing. Soooooo when you figure he is ACTUALLY using a volumetric statement to describe his food quantity, it's much easier to compute! He is eating basically 1/2 cup to 3/4c of food BY VOLUME!!!! Your own book does the same confusing thing. It's talking talking talking volumetric measures (ie 1/4c, 1/2c, etc) then the protein switches speeds to be 2oz. So yeah. I assume they mean 2oz BY WEIGHT. But please know that any day of the world, if you measure dry, cooked meats either diced, shredded or ground, 2oz BY WEIGHT will total right about 1/2cup BY VOLUME!!!!
  7. Congrats! Tell your wife to hang in there!!
  8. FluffyChix

    Today’s lunch picture

    I wish Seahawk and others would chime in with advice @Apple203!
  9. FluffyChix

    Peep peep.....peep peep a dee da deep

    Hey! I resemble that remark! ROFLMAO. That is hilarious!!!! We bought Easter can'y for all our little carb monkeys who have no beeswax eating candy yesterday and we were in the peep isle. Poor Mr. F. He really could eat 100peeps if his diabetes or I would let him--but it's a big ass "HELL NO" on all fronts! He loves them so...and although I can say they are really good when roasted and smooshed with chocolate in a smore...I just had to dissuade him from buying them in a rainbow of colors for the kiddos! LOL.
  10. FluffyChix

    Peep peep.....peep peep a dee da deep

    Hey, busy with life, wife, and kids is a totes AWESOME report!!! Hope y'all are doing fun things this Easter?? Any big Easter egg hunts?
  11. FluffyChix

    Today’s lunch picture

    Yep. I hear ya. I'm still just trying to navigate how to get in my 60g of protein in a day while only eating 1/2c food at my meals. I'm trying not to get more than about 6oz of protein drink in each day and the rest food. So the math doesn't really work out. You know? Maybe later when the RD says I can up it to 3/4c of food, then I can have 3 meals of 3oz of protein + 2 snacks of veggies only. Do you have anything figured out to help with this and the 1/2c volume limit?
  12. FluffyChix

    Is my progress enough?

    Yep 2.5 lbs per week falls into the range of 2-4lbs/on average per week. So there ya have it. Plus you are probably replacing some of your fat losses with subsequent lean gains too. So I would think you're ahead of the curve. My RD said, that slow losers up front will usually settle down and at the end of 1 year to 2 years, slow and fast losers end up around the same place.
  13. FluffyChix

    Am I On Track With my Weight Loss?

    Well as I've said in other places, I'd cut a bit*h to get those results...
  14. FluffyChix

    Today’s lunch picture

    Someone made a post about this last week. We got 2 of the flavors but haven't tried them yet. Will try them next week maybe? (at the top of the month--rather than when I'm trying to end the month spectacularly!) LOL. https://www.birdseye.com/product/zucchini-lentil-pasta-3/ And Seahawk, I've been able to eat 1/2c volume since early on as well. It scares the crap outta me. But I figure, I'm just gonna stick with 1/2c volume for as long as humanly possible and let everyone else catch up with me. That way I will hopefully not damage the pouch by stretching it or the stoma out! Praying...
  15. FluffyChix

    Peep peep.....peep peep a dee da deep

    OMG! My bad! You're so right!!!! Classic! As well as refrigerator roulette. Bahahahahaha on the post for me. I was expecting the "It's so fluffy" pic. Somehow I feel so let down. Ha! Where ya been dude?
  16. FluffyChix

    Today’s lunch picture

    I started last week using my 1/2c measuring cup and putting it on the scale. So then I measure out 1 1/2oz of meat (which usually consumes about 3/4 of the volume available in the 1/2cup) and then I add the veg on top until it equals a perfect 1/2 cup. It usually means, that I get between 1/4 and 1/4oz of veg to fill it up. But I'm trying to use as heavy and dense a protein as possible.
  17. FluffyChix

    Peep peep.....peep peep a dee da deep

    Hahaha? Are you calling the Easter Bunny? Or like Joey on Friends, are you about to inform us that you can eat about 100 peeps?
  18. FluffyChix

    Today’s lunch picture

    Hiya! Congrats on hitting Twoterville!! That's outstanding! So I think we should make it mandatory that when we talk in terms of ounces, we clarify whether it is volumetric or by weight. 4-6oz by volume is only 1/2 - 5/8 cup of food by volume. 4oz protein by weight fills about 1cup of space. (try this with ground meat and you will be startled to see it's true!) 6oz protein by weight fills about 1 1/2 cups of space. This is something that presents serious issues for me. Cuz some things are so dense they do occupy less space. Like tuna fish salad. Once you put the mayo/mustard, pickle relish, and grated egg in it, it's roughly twice as weighty as its volume. So if you're used to eating dry tuna where 1oz occupies 1/4c, with tuna salad a 1/4c may weight 2oz. See the predicament?
  19. FluffyChix

    Are we allowed to share how psych evaluation go?

    Good Lord! Demand a referral to another one immediately!!! That's absolutely terrible. Mine works with my surgeon and her bariatric patients routinely so knows the drill. While I was there, they had 3 other of her patients in the waiting room doing the same thing I was doing! I'm so sorry you had that experience, but don't put up with that BS! Fire her!
  20. FluffyChix

    Help--Cramps every time I eat

    I am keeping on top of mine in the following way--I can't have my psyllium fiber until about week 8. Until then: 2 colace/day 17g Miralax/day and if that doesn't produce a daily poop, I take mag citrate or smooth move tea every 3rd day. But so far the above is managing it. And I drink 120oz of water/liquid per day.
  21. FluffyChix

    5 month Post-Op This Easter Sunday

    Congrats! That's wonderful!!!
  22. FluffyChix

    Updated Pictures of my journey

    You are shrinkin woman!!! Congrats, what a great report!!! You look fabulous!!!
  23. I saw this on another board and it was so awesome!! This addresses EVERYTHING many maintain about the need to develop new skills post-surgery to prevent regain! It gives very handy information about sleeve sizes, etc. They talk about VSG mainly but also touch on RNY and MGB surgeries.
  24. @jenn1 I loved that part! I also liked the visual of the 3 legged stool. But I think a very important thing to remember and note is where he talks about how our weight is controlled by the hypothalmus. It's an autonomic system. So where he said, anyone who thinks they can take on the hypothalmus--just try holding your breath for 3 minutes and see how far you get. Perfect visual! This is super important because to think that this surgery operates on the brain is not strictly speaking true (it may be true somewhat). That's why it's important to remember the 3 legged stool. Because it DOES require the "YOU" factor to control regain. Everything in moderation is a myth that he shows. He said as little as an extra 200-400 calorie treat every few days may be enough to set us back into a caloric threshold for regain. So those little bites here and there (the moderation) stuff, DOES affect us once we're about 2-3 years out. Sorry, not trying to Newb-splain you. But was trying to highlight that part of the video for anyone watching it! ((hugs)) You of all peeps don't need to be 'splained about losing and maintaining and exercising/living a fit life! I wanna be you when I grow up. LOL.

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