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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by FluffyChix

  1. FluffyChix

    January bypass buddies??

    Congrats Marc on breaking through the 3's!!!! Woot!
  2. I would call you an outlier then. But. LOL. There are so many of us with our heads so farrrrrrr up the river De-Nile (not meaning you), that they would swear to the their doc they got super morbidly obese by eating nothing except a chicken breast and broccoli at night... So there is that part. I raise my hand heartily to admitting I'm a big ol' sinner with food issues! (And Daddy issues. ) (Mostly food issues though...haha)
  3. FluffyChix

    February bypass buddies?

    Wahhhhooooooooooo! It's that time again folks! Let's have an outstanding Weigh-In Wednesday!!!! Post your deets! SW: CW: GW: Pounds lost since surgery. How you're doing now--any major events, milestones, brags!!!! We wanna hear from you guys. We miss you!!! Happy Hump Day!!
  4. FluffyChix

    Am I On Track With my Weight Loss?

    Word! Apparently my fat ass didn't quite "get" the memo about the quick and humongous results. I think it may be a reading comprehension thing--ever since I had the surgery removing my head from my ass, my ass has become very very dumb...
  5. Welcome to the boards. You just have to jump right in as you have in this post! And post often. People get to know you and then it becomes like a fam. So here's the deal. Glad you've had an epiphany, but I know you know this isn't magic bean surgery. Right? The operation will make your tummy smaller. That's all it does. So if you have a food/eating problem, please know that you may need even more help to keep the weight off. You may need therapy or OA, or some kind of help for your mind on top of your anatomy. Cuz people eat around the sleeves and pouches all the time. They still make the wrong choices despite the nutrition education and the surgery. And it becomes a shambolic event. The time to get that extra help is now, even before your surgery, or in the early months after surgery so that you don't squander the honeymoon period and instead use that time to revise your relationship with food for the future! Sorry to be blunt. But it always alarms me to read these words that I highlighted. There is no black/white all or nothing future for us, sadly. We will always have to be hyper aware in my opinion to guard against that silent enemy that lies like nothing else.
  6. FluffyChix

    Craving a sandwich/wrap

    I can't wait to be able to eat enough to make it worth it, but want to get jicama slices (they have them in a package here) to use for a fish taco soft taco. I loved them before surgery, but it isn't exactly economical to only eat 1/2 of one and have the rest of the package go bad before I can eat them all up. LOL.
  7. Congrats Kate!!! You're one strong lady. Respect!
  8. FluffyChix

    Scared to advance diet

    Oh! Nice point! I'd been forgetting that!
  9. Misreh loves company! ((hugs)) Damned ham!
  10. FluffyChix

    Surgery delay

    Congrats! That's great news!!
  11. FluffyChix

    Scared to advance diet

    We all heal and tolerate foods differently. I could not handle cheese other than 2% cottage until about the 4th week I think? Or at least 3 1/2wks. I'm 6 weeks today and STILL haven't tried the ricotta bake. Think it would sit like a brick.
  12. FluffyChix

    Non-obese me - off on a SCUBA holiday!

    Wow! Beautiful! And you look fantastic!!! So glad you had a great time. Did you see any sea snakes?
  13. Update: 6 Weeks Post - 206.6lbs (-15.8lbs from SW of 222.4lbs--hey, that's 2.6lbs/wk--I'll take it--grudgingly! ) So this past weekend was Easter and we traveled to my sissy's house to spend it with her and BIL and the kiddos. We had a ton of fun with great visits! There was too much time spent in the kitchen, too much time spent decorating for Easter Brunch and not enough time spent playing Hearts! LOL. It's so funny how perspective changes when you only consume about 1/2c per meal (about 3oz of food by weight max). I've gotten to where I can make dinner for Mr. F. and I in less than 15 minutes most nights. Clean-up takes about 5-10 minutes and we're done in 30 minutes or less (or your meal is free) and that includes clean-up. And bless my sissy's heart, even making tuna salad and sandwiches for din Friday night took about an hour plus more time to clean up! LOL. So I was cheat free--even the sugar free candy I bought for Mr. F.'s Easter Basket! But there was late night shenanigans with 5 peanut butter stuffed pretzel bites and 1/2oz of roasted salted peanuts. I fought with foot/shin cramps. I knew it wasn't calcium, cuz I take my vits religiously. I knew it wasn't hydration, cuz I get in 120oz of liquids daily. But I did figure it was either magnesium or salt and these delicious morsels gave me both. And the only magnesium rich food around were peanuts, these pretzels, and pure peanut butter. I do admit I made a bad choice with the pretzel bites. So between the Easter night cheat, travel, and salty proteins like ham, I'm was up 2lbs yesterday. I'm happy to be down a pound this morning, but it still sucks to see the scale go upwards and to see all the swelling in my feet and ankles. Otherwise, I easily stayed on plan with food and had no angst about not drinking alcohol. So that's good! (Oh and I ran out of my low carb calcium capsules so had to sub back in the calcium chewy bites which are 15cals each and have carbs from sugar alcohols in them. So I don't know if maybe that's contributed to the scale going up or not?) Tomorrow is my cardiology appt that I rescheduled due to stormy weather last week. So will ask him about diuretics again... More later.
  14. FluffyChix

    Craving a sandwich/wrap

    Make sure you do the Flatout Light ones. Huge diff in nutritionals. I just am not gonna try the bread for sure. I do use about 8g of a 28g carb sense tortilla, nuked on a paper towel until very crisp. I use it as a cracker. I cut it into cracker squares. I've done that a couple of times without issues.
  15. FluffyChix

    No before pictures

    WTG Matt! Congrats on getting to the 3Xs!!! That's awesome!!!! I've never taken pics of my journeys before this. And my oh my have there been journeys and success - followed by the agony of defeat. I figure this time (haven't we all said this one) it will be different. I intend to extinguish this weight (not just lose it) so it can't find me again. LOL. And I want to track the journey--not just in my food journal, but in piccys. The scale is very slow, only about 16lbs since surgery. But I put on leggings this weekend and my sis kept telling me how much I've lost and how I look 50lbs lighter from it. So maybe I'm gaining muscle too? Dunno...but something non-scale related is happening that may be worth documenting in pics!
  16. FluffyChix

    Craving a sandwich/wrap

    For wraps, the very easiest thing is to use a Flatout Light if you can get them. For 45 calories, and I think 3g net carbs, you can have 1/2 a wrap which I "think" you will only eat about 1/2 of it! So it will be even fewer cals and carbs! If you want "sandwich bread," Sara Lee makes a loaf that is 45 cals/slice and again, I think you would only eat either 1/4 of a sandwich or 1/2 of a sandwich. But make sure you toast the bread first!! Many people have issues with untoasted bread. I haven't tried either of these things post surgery cuz am trying to keep carbs super low and not add these tasty bits until I'm in maintenance, so I don't know how they act in the new anatomy!
  17. Congrats on your loss! That's a lovely BMI! Honestly? If you haven't changed a thing--not any food changes, or exercises/activity changes you MUST go see your surgeon/bariatric team about this. Cuz the possibilities are so endless and they will want to do testing!!! ((hugs))
  18. FluffyChix

    Craving a sandwich/wrap

    LOL, that was one of my original variations a million years ago on my Fluffy Chix Cook blog. LOL. Very good! And helps knock the egg back. Also not letting them brown a lot will hold the egg taste down.
  19. For all of you who live or travel through Selfieville, can you answer a question, por favor? What is it with fish lips? Why does it seem like most women pose with fish lips? Is it an unspoken rule of Selfieville that 80% of any selfie taken while in Selfieville must contain at least one person with a sultry, come-hither glance and fish lips? Or are they a condition that just naturally occurs when you hit the Selfieville county line? TIA and can't wait to hear!!! ****** This post humbly sponsored by Marvin Gaye: Let's Get It On Sexual Healing
  20. Oh Celebrate Essential 3 in 1 Multi-Vitamin Drink Mix in Citrus Splash Flavor with calcium and fiber, I sparkleheart you so! You taste like a citrusy burst of Tang on my tongue. You start my day with a sunny smile! I want to date you forever. The End. Here's what it looks like at Alex's place: https://store.bariatricpal.com/products/celebrate-ens-essential-multi-3-in-1-drink-mix-multivitamin-calcium-and-fiber-available-in-3-flavors
  21. FluffyChix

    Vomiting getting worse - 10 weeks on

    I honestly think that "looking for the horse" first would be my personal answer, rather than looking for a zebra. Short answer is people heal at different rates. I would stick with known foods you do well with and as you've done, go back to the last best phase you did well in--full liquids? And I'd eat there for a week or 2. Then I would begin to SLOWLY progress foods to very easy peasy foods first. For you that might be mashed root veg like butternut squash, or something? For me, it would be mashed roasted cauli or baked or poached fish or soft scrambled eggs. But many have issues with eggs...so that may not be for you. Sorry you're struggling! And sorry your tests are showing deficiency. Make sure they're testing ferritin and PTH (parathyroid). Hope they get to the bottom of it. If you get to the point where you cannot hold anything down--even clear liquids then I would worry about a stricture and would def. call the doc. Another think...you MAY be deeply constipated so make sure you are clearing the tunnels COMPLETELY!
  22. FluffyChix

    Today’s lunch picture

    Isn't it so weird that we eat the same amounts but ur a guy I'm a girl and ur twice as far ahead as me aren't u? Makes me feel a little guilty to eat that much! 😢
  23. Didn't cook dinner tonight. Mr. F. picked up take-out and I ordered SOOOO healthy despite wanting a greasy chili cheeseburger steak and fries! Here is my dinner (bunless grilled chicken sammich with tomato and avocado) - 1/2cup
  24. FluffyChix

    11 month post-op

    Dude. You're fly! 168lbs in less than a year!!! Damn Batman!!! Congrats and what an inspiration. Going to the freezer and chucking all the chuck. Note to self: only eat fish and shrimp forevs... The End!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
