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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by FluffyChix

  1. FluffyChix

    Need meal ideas

    Pinterest is your friend. But honestly at 1/2c food per meal...what's in a meal? LOL. I make a grilled protein (fish, chicken, pork) or ground turkey or ground turkey Italian sausage or chicken sausage for 1.75-2oz per meal. I make a steamed veg and have 0.5oz per meal (and eat the rest for leftovers). I slice 0.5oz avocado and 0.5oz grape tomato. LOL. Meal done with leftovers enough for at least 3-4 meals (and that's just from one chicken breast or big piece of fish) *snort* I figure I will do that until I'm sick of it and have hopefully lost a crap ton of weight. Once I can have more volume, then I will get tricky with salads and more variety. Right now it's definitely KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid) and make it to the "finish line" as quickly as possible without the scenic road trip.
  2. Take a look at my signature. It has a ton of stuff in it. You could use that space to log all your losses leading up to now! It's in the Account Settings >> Signature area in the drop down menu by your name in the upper right corner. Nice to see your new info girl!!! You'll be back to 150 in no time! Congrats!
  3. I can fit my booty into a genuine pair of "boyfriend jeans" courtesy of my boyfriend. I can tell him that I now weigh 26lbs less than him. In fact, I've now appropriated a pair of his jeans! Yippee! The crahps ah sayuved!!!
  4. FluffyChix


    I'm having a fire sale. Everything must go! LOL. I'm keeping none of that sh*t except 1 pair of my magic pants for comparisons down the road. They lasted from 325lbs to now. But now they are so big, it's pretty hilarious! Now I just have to try to find a sale on a new pair of pants to get me to goal! But as I outgrow stuff, it gets put into the donation bag and I take it to Salvation Army at regular intervals!
  5. You should update your stats! Put your new dates, and weights in! Get a ticker!
  6. FluffyChix

    First Week Post Op - Thoughts

    WTG! Congrats on a stellar report!!! You got this!
  7. FluffyChix

    Weighed in today!

    Dangggggg dude! The incredible shrinking man! WTG! Very inspirational!
  8. FluffyChix


    Yay skinny!!!!!! WTG!
  9. Did both you and your partner have WLS? That's awesome that 1 entree makes that much food! BTW, congrats on your stunning success and health! (Also, when did you re-start fizzy water? What does your doc say about it?)
  10. Cuz I started a new thread and someone probably answered or commented on the old thread. Here's the new post. Come post your stuff again purty please?
  11. FluffyChix

    People that don't update their profile.

    Yes! Thank you! (Now go tell all the other schmoes to do it too, just like the rest of us schmoes here! bahahahahaha)
  12. FluffyChix

    Regaining after 3 years post-op

    Welcome to the boards. The struggle to revert to old methods and coping skills involving food and making unhealthy food choices is real!!! As everyone says, they operate on our tummies, not our brains! Damn you brains! LOL. The great news is this is a super place. You will get support and you may also get some kicks in the booty! I can def. relate to eating crap preferentially over healthy protein and a veg. The crap gives us a dopamine and seratonin dump that releases oxytocin, the feel good hormone--just like drugs and alcohol do for us (in the same area of the brain -- the pleasure center). The even greater thing is that you KNOW what to do to get back on track. Take it one day at a time. Thank you for posting and being so honest. This really does illustrate that the struggle and temptation is life long. ((hugs)) You CAN do this. I will be cheering for your success!
  13. FluffyChix

    Tylenol PM

    OMG yes yes!!! I'd forgotten all about those! Hilarious!
  14. Dayum! I'm so excited for you! Waking up to 2lbs down feels a little like Christmas morning! TY hon! ((hugs))
  15. FluffyChix

    Tylenol PM

    Hahaha! Mkay! Only mine is not sneezing, it's more wheezing from asthma. But yeah. You're absolutely right. In the rock-scissors game of life...I know which one will win! I just may be a "slower" loser. That's ok.
  16. weekly averages are 2-4lbs per week post surgical loss. But saying that doesn't really help our own feelings. It does suck seeing some people lose eleventy billion lbs in a month or since 3 days out from surgery. At the end of week one, I was barely and I mean, barely, back to my surgery day weight from the iv fluid. LOL. So I do get it! ((hugs)) and hang in there. 5lb/week average is well above ave! And even if it is 3lb/week, 3x52=156lbs for the year if you never stalled or had a bad week. That's phenomenal progress. I'd say you would be at LEAST on a pace to lose 100lbs in the first year if you continue as you are now. BTW, you should come fill out your profile info on a regular computer so we can all watch your progress, know which surgery you had, and can better relate to you.
  17. FluffyChix

    Massive gut not shrinking

    Shave it! Shave it! Shave it! I triple dog dare you!!!! (completely bypassing the double dog dare...) @Seahawks Fan Done. And Done. Do you have a bird fetish btw? bahahahaha!
  18. FluffyChix

    Tylenol PM

    I know. Sucks right? I'm stuck on Zyrtek maybe for the rest of humanity. My pulmonologist first told me that. Me=beyond sad.
  19. FluffyChix

    Not losing as much as others

    @BMC blogger Thanks for the cool chart!
  20. I'm so excited for you!!! Congrats on such amazing success!! @maygoddess Congrats on your revision surgery. Hope you can begin healing and feel better immediately. Please, please, please take your vitamins every day and GET YOUR POST OP CARE! Your Mex. doc sounds like a real keeper! Keep up with it! ((hugs))
  21. FluffyChix

    First week

    Totes norm. Welcome!!
  22. FluffyChix

    Tylenol PM

    https://www.aaaai.org/ask-the-expert/antihistamines-weight-gain swearsies.
  23. FluffyChix

    Tylenol PM

    I wouldn't. Antihistamines can make some people stall. So I wouldn't want to add it if I didn't need it. You "should" get better at sleeping with time. Right now, your body is not only healing, but it's in ketosis and that can give people insomnia or make it worse. I would try to avoid sleeping during the day (being so close out from surgery, you'll probably need a short nap but make it short), keep a sleep and wake schedule. Sleep in a very cold room with blankies. Sleep in a pitch black room. Sleep in a room with no outside noise or with a white noise machine. Turn all TV and stuff and music off. Those are things that work for me. Oh and get enough activity during the day that you are tired! LOL. Good luck and congrats on surgery!
  24. FluffyChix

    That moment when...

    Dayum! I would think this example is the PERFECT use of the poopy emoji! LOL. Congrats on great run. The elevation half marathon sounds soooooo scary! Wicked feats of strength girl! Thanks for the inspiration!

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