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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by FluffyChix

  1. Update: 7 Weeks Post - 198.4lbs (-24lbs from SW of 222.4lbs--hey, that's 3.4lbs/wk--I'll take it!!!) Basic Macros for 6 Weeks: 450-550 cals; 60-65g protein; <25g fat; <20g carbs Food Volume: 1/2c by volume ALWAYS. I go by volume first. That's about 1.75-2oz protein; 1/2-1oz veggies (no more than 3.5oz by weight) Wow! Big things happened this week, not least of which were doctor appointments that resulted in changing up medications and also discontinuing a medication! Yippeee!!! The cardiologist took me off one of my big time BP drugs and started up a diuretic again -- a different one though. It seems to really help. My BP looks better than before and I'm slowly losing my cankles. Thank you sweet baby Jesus! And my pulmonologist said we should try to discontinue an asthma drug I've been on since about 2000. It's an inhaled steroid and there can be weight gain associated with it. So far, so good on both changes! And the happy miracle is that this week, I've lost about about 8lbs. Now, before everyone goes all sappy. Let me just remind you that most or all of that is fluid. Not real fat loss. But hey, carrying around 8lbs less fluid is grrrrrrEAT! Haha, see what I did there? I also had a NSV! I appropriated a pair of jeans from Mr. No-Hiney himself. They are too big in the waist, but I fill the hiney just fine. They make a great pair of boyfriend jeans. And that means, I can just borrow them and not have to buy anything. Yay me! It's the first time I can claim being more than 25lbs lighter than him since we met! In fact, I haven't been this weight since about 2000. Wowza! I still can't admit that I feel like I'm actually gonna make goal. I'm working on that one. I know it "will come" with time and continued success. But I look at the scale at 198 and think..."Gah! I can't wait until I'm 160lbs again." That was the weight I was when Mr. F. and I first met. And I felt sorta kinda like "all that and a bucket of fried chicken too." I thought I was Miss Thang! Cuz, you know, I was only 10lbs more than my high school weight. LOL. OMG. So weird. I'm still eating repetitiously of the same foods I know I can tolerate (which is a pretty broad food list!). At 6 weeks I'm still eating 1/2c by volume. And I try to limit the weight of any meal to about 3 to 3.5oz max by weight. I honestly don't know if my tummy is talking to my brain. Mainly cuz I think 1/2c volume stretches my tummy, but it doesn't stretch it to top/full capacity. So I'm just abiding by the set volume and knowing that I'm probably safe with that quantity and will do no harm. I'm not gonna test it to see if I can actually eat 3/4c of food by volume. You know? I'm getting about 60-65g of protein in each day and most of that is coming from foods. I look forward to the day (God I hope I don't regret this thought...) when I CAN eat 3/4c of food because I'd like to add in that 1/4c of low carb veggies. So far, I'm staying very low carb, less than 20g per day total carbs. I'm eating protein, a TINY bit of fat from spray EVOO, and eating about 1/2-1oz (weight) of veggies per meal. That leaves me with 1.75-2oz (weight) of protein per meal. It's right on target with the amounts my RD has in the BIG BOOK OF BARIATRICS. LOL. My calories still average between 450-550cals/day. I'm getting in all of my water each day with a minimum of 100fl oz and often going as much as 120fl oz. So all in all--a good and productive week. I'll be back next week to report more.
  2. FluffyChix

    One year out feeling good

    Wow!!! Big congrats to you. That's stellar success.
  3. FluffyChix

    Wahoo! BMI < 40

    Absolutely! I figure reach out to all the allied support people, cuz this is our one time where everyone's goal will be to get us active, lose weight, and improve our life and health. The more we can involve, the better: PT, RD, Psych, Surgeon, PCP, et al! They all have a vested interest in being part of a success/redemption story! (Or at least that's my working theory. LOL.)
  4. FluffyChix

    Wahoo! BMI < 40

    You should totes ask your doc for a referral to PT. I'm sure they will accommodate you. That way your insurance will pay for some of the membership at the PT place and you have (usuall) a PhD helping formulate activity based on your personal situation. I highly recommend PT. I'm about to go back into mine--maybe as early as next week.
  5. FluffyChix

    Wahoo! BMI < 40

    Matty, keep in mind the dudes your size who come in here at 6 or 9 months and post about their 165lb weight loss. So I think it's impossible to tell how successful/what time frame you will be. I think if you continue making great choices and exploring new food possibilities and start your exercising, you def. could be one of those guys. And beat me to goal. LOL. You know, I'm a seriously slow loser! Besides, you and I don't need to worry about the end game. We only need to concentrate on today and taking the next best bite. You know? The pounds will come off or not, just depending on that one thing. It's partly why I only have 10lb "big" goals. Right now my goal is to break through the 90s in as short a time as possible. So far my personal best for a decade is 19 days. Don't ask me how I know this...(pssssst spread sheets are our friends)!
  6. FluffyChix

    Help! Stuck in a rut!

    CICO theory sucks big green ones. I so agree with Matt! The human body is NOT a vacuum. It's a semi-open system. And a theory like Calories In=Calories Out only works on the most basic level in a vacuum.
  7. FluffyChix

    Wahoo! BMI < 40

    Thank you! I didn't get it in one ticker, but it allowed me to create a second ticker and add it into my signature. That's close enough for government work! Sadly, it shows my BMI being under 35 now, but LOL, my %fat from the Tanita still shows I'm 48% fat! Yeeee gods! I guess I got to jump right on that body composition stuff, right? Sorry to highjack your happy post!!!! But thank you for the help!!!
  8. FluffyChix

    Wahoo! BMI < 40

    Matt how were you able to create your ticker showing both you BMI and your body weight? On mine, it gives me an either/or selection?
  9. FluffyChix

    Wahoo! BMI < 40

    That is wonderful and exciting news! Congrats Matty!!!!
  10. FluffyChix

    Help! Stuck in a rut!

    So I totally agree about the 3 month stall. But at your stage, why are you still using so many protein drinks? I know we're all different, but I actually lose better with real food and fewer protein drinks because whey isolate is pretty insulinogenic. Why not see what happens if you cut the protein drinks to 1 per day and eat real protein and veg the rest of the time?
  11. FluffyChix

    NSV- wearing color

    Congrats!!! What a beautiful figure woman!!! WTG!!!
  12. OH man! Call your doc this morning dude!
  13. FluffyChix

    Weighed in today!

    Ha! Much! Helps us reading comprehension impaired!
  14. FluffyChix

    Changing Tastes

    Yay!!! Congrats on your losses Matty!!! Wooot!
  15. FluffyChix

    Weighed in today!

    Ok, top right beside your nic. Access the drop down menu. Go to Account Settings>>>Go to Signature Let it load. Make your edits. Scroll down and click SAVE. Presto Chango Done!
  16. FluffyChix

    Weighed in today!

    Wait! Dude!!!! Change your signature to match the outstanding numbers on the left side! LOL. Way to confuse me, why don't ya!?!!! bahahahahahaaha! It's so fluffy I can't stand it!
  17. FluffyChix

    Weighed in today!

    Going great hon. Can't complain (but sometimes I still do! ) Had buttloads of cravings for contraband this weekend for some unknown reason. Had to talk my bad self off the ledge a few times. But I made it through!!! Yeeehaw! You are so close to Twoterville dude!!! You should be so proud!!!
  18. FluffyChix

    Quest protein chips

    I love them, but for me they are def. a slippery slope. I'm a chip hound. I love the BBQ the best, but the sour cream and onion, and cheddar sour cream are good too. I haven't had them post surgery. Too askeered. I used to eat a 1/2 bag with a low carb wrap pre-op. Never kept me from losing. But I would absolutley go for them preferentially over real food for snacks.
  19. FluffyChix

    Need meal ideas

    Haha me either! I think I may have liked the mint choco and choco chip and Mr. F. only really liked mint brownie? But Atkins has protein bars I'm sure one is brownie, that you could cut into 1 or 2 bite size portions and eat with a glass of Fairlife?
  20. FluffyChix

    Need meal ideas

    Oh wow! Didn't know about the sodium. I never buy that stuff, but as I walk down the isle the names sound very compelling. Almost come-hither! bahahahaaha
  21. FluffyChix

    Need meal ideas

    Hahaha. This ain't my first rodeo. I've been doing low carb versions of high carb yummy crap for about 18 years. Oh on the brownies, you can also go buy Quest Protein Bars, cut them into 8 tiny pieces and bake them as cookies. Eat 1 or 2 with a glass of Fairlife milk. You can get choco mint, choco chip, etc. That way you control portions by only baking 1 or 2 at a time.
  22. FluffyChix

    Need meal ideas

    That's a great idea! Even Weight Watcher's and Atkins would have frozen pizza entrees too!
  23. FluffyChix

    Need meal ideas

    Hahahaha! I get ya! I get ya! I definitely had to keep home girl down on the farm this weekend cuz I was "having ideas" and "notions." LOL So ok, if I can't wrangle those ideas. I have plans for them! Mac n cheese (old)>>sub with cauliflower mac n cheese. For cheese sauce, I cheat (cuz again, we're talking 1/2c totes vol.) and use Tostitos Queso in a jar or anything that is around 2-3g carbs and less than 50 cals per 2-4 tbsp serving. I also can deal with the Classico Lite Asiago Romano Alfredo and use grated parmesan to make an "Italian" version of that. Pizza (old)>>carb balance or carb sense flour tortilla nuked on a paper towel until very crisp. Top with grated part skim mozz or red fat Sargento's Italian blend and your fave pizza topping. Put under toaster oven until brown and bubbly. Cut into 1/4s and enjoy a whole 1/4 slice ( LOL ) Quesarito (old) Now you're talking real ass work here girl! - So I'd do this only when you have appropriate leftovers: ground taco meat and cooked and seasoned cauli rice. Then I would just make a quesadilla using the carb sense tortilla and fill it with your favorite stuff from the TB version and use the Tostito's Queso and get some TB Hot Sauce from the store. Done! Boom baby! Craving extinguished. Enjoy both bites. hahahahahaaha! Grilled Cheese Sandwich (old) Use Sarah Lee red carb/cal bread of some other kind. Not really sure what they are since it's been years since I've had them. OR you can use parm, pork rinds, and almond flour to bread slices of zucchini. Spray with olive oil spray. Bake until golden on each side. Top half with part skim mozz and let it melt. Top with the second slice. And serve with a side of the lowest carb/cal marinara! Here's my Fluffy Chix Cook link: http://fluffychixcook.com/crunchy-low-carb-fried-zucchini-grilled-cheese-gluten-free/ Brownies, go to the recipe section and see all the molten choco cake recipes using protein powder, coco, egg whites and Greek yogurt. They nuke in about 40 seconds.
  24. FluffyChix

    What's your go to food?

    hard boiled egg scrambled egg whites grilled chicken boiled or grilled shrimp grilled salmon or pangasius ground turkey ground turkey Italian sausage 2% cheese slices 2% cottage cheese steamed broccoli steamed asparagus pan grilled mushrooms cauliflower made into grits, into mash, into roasted, into sauteed, into breaded with lc crumbs and baked baby spinach and shredded cabbage zucchini noodles Is that too many? Oh and PP protein drink RTD Chocolate made into SF Peppermint Protein Latte for when I need to get my minimum protein amount up for the day.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
