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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by FluffyChix

  1. Dang. I'm so sorry you're struggling with this!!!! What a nightmare!!! I hope you guys get it figured out!!!! (Your warning made me laugh! I'm all about the poop!)
  2. FluffyChix

    February bypass buddies?

    Yay @sarhgrif So happy for you!! 3.5lbs is awesome!! And wahhhhoooooooo on fitting in a ride with your daughter!!!
  3. FluffyChix

    January bypass buddies??

    Sorry to be jumping in on y'alls thread. Hope you don't mind. If you do, please tell me and I swear I will just be a bypasser reading! Hey Marc--stand strong. You know it's only excess fluid holding on cuz of the new intense exercise regime!!! ((hugs))
  4. FluffyChix

    Broccoli slaw is the devil!

    OH mannnnnn! I was so looking longingly at it a couple of days ago. And I said softly to it, "Soon my precious. Soon we will be together..." LOL. Umm, maybe not. Thanks for the warning hon!!! (and the laugh--mostly the laugh...)
  5. Gosh so sorry to hear about your complications! ((hugs)) I can't EVEN imagine your situation or @Road Runner's situation. I'm just grateful y'all are on your way to healthy. But as for being short tempered...OMG! I am sooooo easily-irritated. It's a new thing for me too. I used to be just an everyday run of the mill asshat. Now it's like at flashpoint. And I come back with sarcasm or snapping. I'm gonna ask my RD about this at our next meeting. But dang. to hear someone else is experiencing this. I'm not depressed--rather the opposite--I have high hopes for the future and present. But I can see in your situation that you sure would or could be dealing with that as you heal! ((hang in there))
  6. FluffyChix

    Stall finally broke!!

    Yay!!!! So excited for you!!! Your loss is amazing!!!! Congrat on being this close to goal at 3 months. But dayum, 7 weeks and 3 months on stalls? I you guys!!! ((hugs))
  7. FluffyChix

    There is hope yet for us old gals

    Love this girlie!!!
  8. FluffyChix

    February bypass buddies?

    Wahhhhooooooooooo! It's that time again folks! Let's have an outstanding Weigh-In Wednesday!!!! Post your deets! SW: CW: GW: Pounds lost since surgery. How you're doing now--any major events, milestones, brags!!!! We wanna hear from you guys. We miss you!!! Happy Hump Day!! (Congrats on an outstanding report last week! You all rock the casbah!)
  9. FluffyChix

    January bypass buddies??

    Wow congrats you guys!!!!
  10. FluffyChix

    No weight loss since surgery

    Dear OP, I'm sorry I jumped to conclusions that this was a serious post. At first I thought it was serious and was like dayum shazum! I've been there with slow weight loss right after surgery too. I can so relate. Then I got to the part about eating a spinach and egg wrap for breakfast and chicken drummies for lunch and I was like Whah? And then I was hunh??? Then I read your other post about snacking on the chips and sometimes having a six inch subway. And damn my reading comprehension cuz I first read and answered it as you eating a six inch sub--NOT a 3 inch sub--which is bad enough given Subway's fluffy bread. My surgeon explained that fluffy bread and buns swell in our tummies and cause obstructions. (And btw, despite having no restrictions now, she STILL to this day does not want me to have bread + meat protein--she claims it is a recipe for concrete in my bowels and gives the potential of obstruction.) Then there was your profile. At the time you posted you only had maybe 10 posts. Sorry, but there are not enough hours or energy in my day to go read your "back story" when you're posting things such as this post. Which I swear never in my life have I read. It defies everything! Logic, etc, can't even spend energy filling in these blanks frankly. I'm still so gobsmacked over your situation. Oh and how bout that "musician's math" that has me rounding down on 3 1/2 weeks to being 3 weeks from surgery. But again, I read this as you eating this stuff from 2 weeks out. Derp. My bad. We don't have any information on you. You have a low post count. We know you started at 300 and are still at 300 and you are 5 ft 7in. We can't really tell if you've had your surgery or not, and none of us have really heard much out of you before. So yeah. I'm going to perhaps assume this is a joke to see who's gonna bite--especially with the proximity to April Fool's. It could have even been an April Fool's post--I didn't check to see the origin date/time. I was too immersed in the tragic train wreck of the contents. So that is why I responded as I did. This surgery is no joke. I've spent the last 2 years of my life getting my head in the game and trying to adjust and confront my food demons and correct my past relationships with food and eating. And that correction is a daily thing. I do NOT want to be that girl who fuc*s up her surgery. Nor do I want to be that person who thinks that just cuz I magically got 90% of my stomach cut away and a malabsorptive bowel rearrangement added to the mix that I can just go back to eating crap food in small portions and think my fuc*ed up metabolism is gonna allow me to lose weight that way while still eating all the junk I want--in as much quantity as I can shove down my new piehole. I honestly can't even relate to the person who gets the priveledge of this surgery and the opportunity it provides and who chooses to fu*k it over like you describe. You have a hard core 6 month honeymoon period where your weight loss is the MOST. You've now squandered 4 weeks of that 24 month period (or technically so I'm not hung on mm, you have 4.33 weeks X 6 = 25.98 weeks of honeymoon, and you've squandered over 3.5 weeks of it). There is not enough help in the world on this board for the mammoth proportions of what you are dealing with. We're not trained professionals. We are human internet schmoes who react and emote. You need your professional team to help you with the magnitude of your issues. Don't wait. Don't squander more precious time. Call your surgeon this morning. Call your RD. Call you psych! Do it now. Sincerely, Di*k from Houston
  11. Good news! I made it through the green smoothie apple peel incident without issues. I may have to try another one this afternoon with the Ninja.
  12. FluffyChix

    Help! Stuck in a rut!

    I'm sorry! Not making fun of you in the slightest! I want to bow to you and say , I'm not worthy! Cuz no way can I do it even now! The word beast in the program tickled me and scared me more than a little.
  13. FluffyChix


    Best thing I've ever done. And I had RNY. The real truth was that my biggest fears and anxiety about "being able to do this long term," were the lies being whispered to me by my fat food addict brain. It would do or say ANYTHING to us to keep us providing the fixes it wants in the dopamine/seratonin department. You're a nurse. You know in your heart of hearts I'm speaking the truth. My only regret is that I didn't do this sooner. That's my only regret. You ultimately have to make this decision. You know?
  14. FluffyChix

    Need to vent -- post op sleeve

    Congrats on your loss!!!
  15. FluffyChix

    No weight loss since surgery

    Hahaha! But HALF a six inch sub! OMG. The tears are streaming down my face right now. This can't possibly be real. Can it? I don't often sense trolling, but for some reason meters are going off everywhere and I apologize in advance if I'm wrong! LOL! I would really laugh if this was an RD or surgeon or someone in a bariatric office jerking our chain to see how people would react to this scary larry situation!
  16. FluffyChix

    Approaching 2 years since RNY

    Dayum! Congrats! You look fabulous! (I'll have what she's having!)
  17. FluffyChix

    No weight loss since surgery

    Dude. The person claims to be eating a "half" a 6inch Subway sub and also to be eating 3-4 chicken drummies this soon out from surgery. LOL. And chips...but those are sliders and probably won't make his stitches pop. LOL. This is what he claims to be able to eat: I’m eating a spinach egg white wrap from Starbucks for Breakfast usually sometimes I’ll just have a Protein Shake. I usually walk half a mile to a mile a day. I usually eat 3-4 buffalo drummies from 7/11 for lunch, which equals to 1-2 wings. Then for a snack I may have potato chips. But I’m usually always hungry. I drink in excess of 64oz. Of Water. Sometimes I’ll have subway, half a six inch and chips. I know my diet is not that good but I don’t have time to cook so I usually eat from those places and for dinner I may have a cooked meal. It varies. My point is regardless of what I’m eating it is still less than I used to eat before surgery so why am not losing any weight? I haven’t been 💩 everyday either
  18. Congrats on surgery!!
  19. FluffyChix

    No weight loss since surgery

    WTF? It's hard to believe this is real. The pure volume that early out would make your stomach split open like a watermelon on a summer day! This has got to be Trollin' Trollin' Trollin' bait?
  20. FluffyChix

    Help! Stuck in a rut!

    IKR? I was sitting here reading this saying, dayum...I will NEVER have balls that big. ROFLMAO. And you know, that's kinda a good thing since Mr. F. would not be expecting L-O-L-A, Lola.
  21. FluffyChix

    Help! Stuck in a rut!

    Makes sense. I can't even imagine doing anything with "Beast" in it at my old weight of 304lbs. I agree, your RD and doc are the best people to lean on with this journey! Congrats on your progress.
  22. FluffyChix

    I joined LA Fitness Today

    WTG!!! That's awesome!
  23. WEEK 7 What Am I Eating? What am I nuts??? I'm telling you, I'm tempting the weight loss gods and may surely regret it. I am DESPERATE for the boost from greens. I miss them terribly, and I'm sorry but 10g of greens per meal does not cut it! So what's a girl to do? I decided to try a combination of Dr. Weiner's Green Smoothie and Dr. V's Green Smoothie. One tiny problem. I only have my gigantor Ninja or burr (stick) blender. Being the lazy ass I am, I opted for the stick blender. Sadly, I decided to leave the apple peel on and so I have little chunks of apple skin in my smoothie. I'm sweating bullets that I don't get it stuck in my stoma on their way out. Happy to report, I was able to drink a crap ton of blended up veggies and it went through my new tummy very easily. (Sorry no piccys. Again, read the part about being too lazy, mkay?) There is no way I could sit down and physically eat that many veggies right now or maybe ever, post op. But when you blend them, they become a slider food. I do feel full right now though. So I'm not going to put the rest of my smoothie through the tums just yet. It actually made me feel pretty satisfied and I'm sure I got a hit of the carbs from the veggies and Granny Smith apple. This could come back to bite me in an hour or two. If it does, speak of me well. Swearsies? Big Ass Green Apple Smoothie Serving Size a big azz blender cup--maybe about 12-oz? Who knows? 1 oz organic baby spinach, fresh 1/2oz organic super greens trio (probably want to do kale in future), fresh 2oz cucumber, peeled and diced 1 1/2oz Granny Smith Apple, diced (may want to peel this unless you have a serious blender) 2 tbsp lemon juice (or lime), freshly squeezed 16g vanilla protein powder (Isopure) 4-6oz water 4 drops liquid vanilla stevia 4-8 ice cubes Blend like all hell's breaking loose and smoothie is perfectly smooth without lumps. Nutrition: 100 cals; 14g protein; 0g fat; 11g carbs; 2g fiber; 9g net carbs; 6g nat sugars Note: I know this is probably all in my head, but after drinking it, I do feel a small surge in energy. I don't know what is going on right now--whether it is the switch in BP meds, or something, but my ass has been draggin' trail for the past few days. I feel soooo exhausted and like eating can't possibly cure it. But this has made me feel better and so I may have to start making my green smoothies for breakfasts--Dun Dun Dunnnnnnhhhhhhhh--unless that is, this somebeach makes me gain weight. This post sponsored by Blake Shelton's Some Beach on The YouTube:
  24. Thank you ladies! Thank you for your friendship and support!! You make this trip much more fun--that's fo' shizzle! MUAH!
  25. 6 days, dude. 6 days in the hole. embrace it. i've no idea why we should embrace it. but there is just no stopping it. hang in there! (someone stole all my caps today. it's no cap tuesday.)

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