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Everything posted by FluffyChix

  1. FluffyChix

    I sucked it up and bought it

    I'm afraid I'll fall off one and have to call 911! LOL. Let us know when the paper work's all done, mkay?
  2. FluffyChix

    Day four just left the hospital

    Yeah I used the Herb Ox Sodium Free packets. Loved the beef over the chicken but used both. Also used SF popsicles a lot. SF jello. And drank Premier Protein drinks diluted in decaff coffee. Made them not as sweet.
  3. Well good for you for resisting! I struggled last night. Gah. The bit*h! My craving was for taco meat + some borracho beans in the fridge spooned cold onto tortillas that Mr. F. brought home with tortilla soup (long gone). I froze the chips. And they have haunted me since! I'm thinking that the chips may have to be thrown out (hate to waste food) cuz I'm afraid their attraction is too powerful for me. I barely managed to get through it because it was so late and didn't want to eat--by water loading. Then I drank a cup of hot black decaff and put myself to bed in a snit. If it's during eating time, then I would replace the craving with water loading and/or a hard boiled egg.
  4. FluffyChix

    What to Eat – Fast Food Quick Guide

    Thanks Alex. That's awesome news! It's hard to find the WF Marinara and some of the other WF products. @nycgirl18 I kinda stick to the same WF products lol. I've tried many of the dressings but my faves are: Italian Asian Sesame Ginger I also use the Amazin' Mayo, both Chipotle (my fave) and the original. I like to combine them with Country Dijon or Lowensenf Extra Hot Mustard cuz it cuts some of the sweetness. I also use the WF Ketchup combined with Heinz Reduced Sugar to cut the calories and carbs even more. I use WF cocktail sauce in combo with the HRS ketchup to make my own Southern cocktail sauce with lots of horseradish for only 8cals/2tbsp. I also use the WF Marinara combined with the lowest cal/carb marinara from HEB to make a SUPER low cal/low carb marinara. I use the WF Marshmallow Cream combined with Vitacost Peanut Butter Slim Powder to make super low cal/low fat/low carb Fluffernutter (great on pork rinds). What? Don't judge. I use WF Blueberry Pancake Syrup on low carb pancakes, cottage cheese, yogurt and in smoothies. Hope this helps you.
  5. OK, y'all. No sooner was I craving greens, than I'm feeling "deprived" and hungry and wanting more food. So weird. LOL. The cravings are out in force this week. So I decided to do another experiment. I know that I can safely eat 3.5oz of food by weight (measure on a digital scale). And usually that 3.5oz is a mixed meal and it will ALWAYS fit in a 1/2c measure (by volume), that I actually set on the scale and tare between things in the meal (ie protein, veggies, sauces, cheese, toppings like Grk yogurt, or sliced almonds, etc). Today I decided to go bold and see if I could bring on the "meat sweats." (Gotta love Progressive and Flo...) So I cooked all the shrimp I had since it's SUPER low in cals and has the highest protein return. Peeled and deveined it. And measured out 1/2c volume on the scale. It took 3.2oz of cooked shrimp! Yahoooo! Under my weight limit for a meal. Score! So I added in 2tbsp of my homemade lc/low cal cocktail sauce (8cals/2tbsp) and dayum, shazam!!!! I was able to finish the entire 3.2oz of cooked shrimp + 2tbsp cocktail sauce. I am full--but not stuffed. I feel satisfaction and don't feel "snacky." So now I'm gonna see how long it holds me. Oh, btw, that meal gave me 19g protein; 2g fat; 3g carbs for only 107 calories.
  6. Enjoy this time and take advantage of it to get the weigh off quickly--as much as you can in the first 6mo honeymoon period. Cuz there WILL come a time all too soon where you are struggling with the opposite and feel like you can't control how much you eat any longer.
  7. FluffyChix


    bahahahaahaha! nonotme.
  8. FluffyChix

    What to Eat – Fast Food Quick Guide

    One of my rules is if we're eating out, I will take a container with my own dressing in it. That way I know I'm getting Walden Farms (zero cal, zero fat, zero sugar) dressing which will still keep my day from getting away from me. A "healthy" fast food or restaurant salad can go to H-E-double hockeysticks quickly just be eating the croutons, dried fruits, and dressings. I think it's so sad to think of a salad that may have as many calories/carbs/sugars as a double stack hamburger or fried chicken sandwich!
  9. Nice article Alex. Thanks! I think the research in epigenetics is going to be seminal in helping us take our lives (and action back). As victims, we have no power. We are just tossed on a windswept sea at the whim of whom/whatever has power over us. We are powerless to change the course of our future. I think sometimes when you have a disease, it can sometimes feel that way. You can feel helpless. But the cool research coming out shows (epigenetics), means that there are switches (on/off) on each gene that determines whether the power of that gene is "released." Our lifestyle choices and actions regulate the gene expression of thousands of genes. That notion empowers me. It means, my simple choice to have a salad with shrimp for dinner, rather than a Mac and fries, might just make the difference of whether or not I get a hormonally driven breast cancer at some point in my future! Amazing power. I think that is especially true regarding "giving in" to our fat genes!
  10. FluffyChix

    Protein First

    People either love it or hate it. That's why I said I negotiated with myself. LOL. But I do actually like their WF Italian, and I like their WF Asian and WF Sesame Ginger. I have even gotten to where I will tolerate the Chipotle Mayo cuz who doesn't love better living through chemistry. And if I can max my cals out with protein and nutrients rather than expending them on gooberish stuff like sauces and dressings, why not? So I gave myself permission to "like" them.
  11. FluffyChix

    Bypassed and on the mend

    Congrats and welcome to the losers' bench!!!! Isn't it so weird how we all love our own home the best? Like a den for a dog or wolf!
  12. FluffyChix

    Before picture at my heaviest

    Be sure to go in and edit and add your weight at that pic so when you post your update we can say "HOLY Sh*T Mamacita!!
  13. FluffyChix

    Protein First

    Walden Farms = WF (I've negotiated with myself that the value of zero calories/carbs/fat is worth the reduced pleasure in the taste of WF products. I make KNOCKOUT dressings...but they are packed with olive oil and fat grams, calories and things that go bump in the night--and I'm still trying to stay around 450-550cals for now while I'm in this early 2 month weight loss phase. WF dressings I tolerate well: Italian, Asian, Sesame Ginger. I also use WF cocktail sauce to mix with Heinz Reduced Sugar Ketchup and stuff to make a delish low cal, LC cocktail sauce. I also use WF ketchup to make a low cal version of 1000 island. I use WF Blueberry Pancake Syrup as a topping for yogurt and cottage cheese. I use WF Marinara in combination with the Central Market Taste of Italy Marinara sauce for a SUPER low cal/low carb version of marinara and pizza sauce. ) Nooge = Nutritional Yeast. I use either Bob's Redmill brand or I buy from bulk bin which is Red Star. It tastes a little like parmesan cheese without as many cals + more protein. For 16g (2 heaping TBSP) it's 60cals; 8g protein; 1g fat; 7g carbs; 4g fiber; 3g net carbs; 0g sugar. I rarely if ever eat a full 16g serving. Usually it's more like a teaspoon or sometimes a tablespoon. HEB has it.
  14. FluffyChix

    February bypass buddies?

    If you're shrinking, then that's even better. the scale lies! LOL. Congrats! ((hugs)) I drink decaff all the live long day. No probs as of yet. Iron Will likes it just fine.
  15. FluffyChix

    Protein First

    I don't think so. I'm one who keeps carbs low, low or lo lo. LOL. But I add low glycemic fruit here and there--and as many veggies as I possibly can. Not too much in 1 day--but that's just me. Today my AS is scheduled to be 3 slices of Hillshire Farm Naturals Black Forest Ham + 1oz of fresh blackberries (sale+beautiful=score!) Last night I didn't feel like making dinner so we just had my "breakfast cereal" which is 1/2c mixture of 2% cottage cheese, Greek yogurt, Isopure protein powder, PP (1oz to make it liquidy), 6g sliced almonds, 6g Fiber One, and 1/2oz blackberries. Sadly, I did get hungry about 2 1/2 hours after dinner--so am testing them again today with just the ham. I routinely have a snack of homemade coleslaw (1/2c) or salad made with WF dressings (so not to waist calories) and red fat feta or red fat blue cheese crumbles and sometimes some grated egg. Or I have a 1/2c of cooked veg with a spoon of Nooge on it. This morning I had scrambled egg whites with baby spinach and mushrooms and 1/2sl of 2% Kraft deli deluxe, and hatch green salsa, 1/2 c of goodness! 86cals; 11g prot; 2g fat; 5g carbs; 1g fiber; 0g sugar.
  16. FluffyChix

    Note to self

    Sorry to hear this.
  17. FluffyChix

    Meal suggestions for second month

    Wow sorry for the hiccup, but glad you're back!
  18. I agree with everyone else but understand your concern. Right now it's hard not to notice every single thing-big and small. Our bodies are in HUGE and rapid transition. So I think the thing to watch is trends over TIME. That means to me maybe 3-4weeks. If my numbers and the trend line are now trending up rather than down, then it's time for me to ask my doc questions. Everything from snot to a shift in your soft palate cuz it's lost fat and has hanging skin, to having a little bug, so what you ate could cause those things. But also, 5 events per night is awesome! What were you having at dx?
  19. FluffyChix

    This guy is amazing!!

    Love this! Thanks for sharing Matt!
  20. FluffyChix

    4 days post op

    Congrats! IKR? Nobody warns about feeling too good and having doubts about our surgery! I'm so scared I messed things up drinking early cuz I had ZERO probs with it--even BIG sips. And now I can eat anything. I've renamed my new pouch Iron Will--cuz I can eat everything at 6 weeks. Hope you keep taking things SLOWLY even though you are feeling great. Happy for the great report!!!
  21. FluffyChix

    Surgery did not go well [emoji22]

    Oh shoot! ((hugs)) So sorry to hear this. I am glad they took out the mass though and that it's B9. Our damn bodies... It's a disappointment for sure. Be sure to take time to grieve, but also look hopefully to the future to your next surgery. Oh and ask your doc if he ops in another hospital. Mine works in a few.
  22. FluffyChix

    February bypass buddies?

    I'm sorry you're struggling. I feel this same way too and I had surgery about 2 weeks after you. Why not do a week by week show like Misty did? You might see the losses better? Also, what are you eating in a typical day right now? Here's my weekly report since surgery 2.20.18 (loss of total -24.8lbs since surgery): Week 1: +0.4lbs Week 2: - 7.4lbs Week 3: -3.4lbs Week 4: -1.4lbs Week 5: -3.6lbs Week 6: -0.4lbs Week 7: -7.2lbs Week 8 (Partial): -1.8lbs I don't know about you, but I've never lost this kind of weight per week. Thanks Misty for hilighting this as a tool!!
  23. FluffyChix

    From 470 to 235 (with photos)

    Dang!!!! You look amazing!!!! Congrats and thanks for the thinspiration! In your old clothes, it looks like someone took a tire pump and let all the air out of you!!!
  24. FluffyChix

    Friday Face!

  25. FluffyChix

    Stall finally broke!!

    Congrats!!!! I know you must be so relieved! So glad your body is cooperating. Stalls SUCK!

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