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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by FluffyChix

  1. FluffyChix

    Normal BMI!

    That is absolutely awesome! Congrats girlie!!!
  2. FluffyChix

    Post op diet help

    I honestly think you're legit starving. If you asked me to eat: fruit juice milk (even lactose free--has sugar in it) I'd want to "cut off the head of the infidel and bring it to the king," I'd be so hangry. So big hugs and cudos to you for staying the course. The liquid diet is evil evil stuff. Each doc has their own brand of evil. But, you do just have to knuckle down and follow the plan. As bad as it is. It really helps to drink LOTS of water. Especially when hungry. I also found hot decaf tea helped tremendously. Also sugar free popsicles were somehow very soothing and filling. Maybe cuz they took a long time to eat? I agree with getting your mind doing something else. Binge watching Netflix was also a lifesaver as was walking--even if it's only 5 minutes while you're having a bad urge to eat. I swear the time will go by quickly! Hang in there!
  3. LOVE this! So what did you say when the guy said that in the full room? Were you embarrassed or did you own it? Oh, I "get" anonymity! Ok, we'll let you slide on pics of the body parts ROFLMAO! My sissies and niece who are super supportive keep calling me skinny minny and the incredible shrinking woman. They tell me how proud they are of me. But no one else has commented until yesterday. My PCP came in and apologized for entering the wrong room. He said he didn't recognize me until he looked down at my chart. LOL. That felt good! So I'm loosely letting my whole carbs fall somewhere between 30 and 40g right now. They net out to anywhere from about 20g net to 30g net. I'm not averse to pushing them up to 60g per day total carbs. I don't want to add a lot of sugar into my life even in the form of naturally occurring ones because I feel better without them. I'm definitely still in ketosis. My sugars are generally falling less than 15g total for the day. I don't know the study. Will have to look it up. But my question would be whether the study is a good one. Are they using newly ketogenic peeps? Or are they using people who've been keto adapted for a long time? It can take up to 3-6months of continual keto to become completely keto adapted. And the brain chemistry and body chemistry of those folks is completely different than in other folks specifically because the amounts and types of different ketones circulating. Brains actually run preferentially and "better" on ketones rather than glucose as fuel--or so MANY studies support. A brain is either going to be a sugar burner or a fat burner. If it's a sugar burner, it has the BARE minimum need of about 60g of carbs per day baseline. If it's a completely adapted fat burner, it has theoretically, unlimited supply of the specific ketones it needs to run very precisely. Any sugars needed to maintain the body are adequately provided for by gluconeogenesis that comes from dietary protein (in the presence of adequate protein intake) or in breaking down muscle in the absense of adequate dietary protein. A ketogenic diet is actually a muscle-sparing diet. But, I do believe that we as post ops are suffering silent lows, or even lower than our usual bgs due to small volume of food and small amounts of carbs in general. I am terribly flash irritable. Not grumpy all day. But little things make me flash. That has gotten better this week--extremely so--since I upped my calories to between 700-800. So that's why I'm thinking it's low bgs. My lowest readings have historically been in the late afternoon. And that is when I have the greatest propensity towards hanger. Otherwise, I'm pretty mellow really.
  4. FluffyChix


    Because it's another "me too" thing that is going around. You disagree with someone. You dare to voice an opinion or get animated or passionate about a topic or in stating your case that is in opposition to the opinion of the someone else, and everyone who's received a participation trophy for taking part in anything including life, decides to holler, "Bully!" "Bully!" It's the word of the day. In my youth, the word of the day was "groovy." And I grew up in a world of suck-it-up-buttercup, life doesn't revolve around you. LOL. So two different worlds. Sigh. (Great post by the way.)
  5. FluffyChix


    When I feel I have something to apologize for, I apologize without any prompt or "oversight management." The end.
  6. you may have to be on a desktop. welcome.
  7. You make a valid point. You also need to know this isn't the land of misfit toys. We all have our hot buttons. We all are emotion-filled people. And not everyone will agree or give responses that jive with the validation you're seeking. We are NOT all happy shiny people. And vehemently disagreeing with someone does NOT make someone a bully. LOL. As Inigo said, "I do not think that word means what you think it means." (And I don't care, I got laid last night. It was spectacular. I highly recommend it.)
  8. In the absence of information, I'd be inclined to use the VSG rules as your personal rules for success.
  9. Ok, DERP! I saw your question on the RECENT TOPICS panel. Knowing I wasn't trespassing in the Guys' Room, I thought I was just in the General Area and not in the ESG area. Thanks for pointing that out. It would be helpful to anyone helping out with questions though, if you will take a minute and go fill out your profile and make a weight ticker and tell us about yourself and your surgery/weight loss history. You'll see that info under my name and icon on each post, plus in my signature line.
  10. The prob I had was the idea of adding dietary fat to a relatively non-nutritious drink. The concept of fat bombs and bpc is just faddish lunacy from the keto brigade. And I'm a ketoneer. LOL. I just think crap! Don't do any of the bs. You don't need it if your a fatty! I'm a fatty! I sure as hell don't need a fat bomb. Now, if I had 4% body fat and just "couldn't eat enough calories in a day," then maybe I need to think about fat bombs (which is what bpc is). But I see at your level now, no reason why you can't supplement a set amount of protein powder/protein drink to have in decaff coffee. As much as I can eat, I'm maxed with food volume and still can't quite hit 60g minimum protein. So by adding in my 6oz per day of Premier Protein I make my goal and allow a little wiggle room for veggies. I have 1 to 1 1/2oz per 9-12oz of hot decaff up to those 6fl oz.
  11. I absolutely agree! The big difference from my perspective is: are you in weight loss mode (especially honeymoon period) or are you in maintenance? Also, does the drink carry big time nutrition along with the calories and is it to replace a meal? Or simply to add calories to the day? You know? And I have read about the "nutritional" advantages of bpc, but does it really do enough to replace a full protein rich meal? You know?
  12. I'm sorry but some questions are just so idiotic that it results in a an instant kneejerk reaction. Your title clearly said BULLETPROOF COFFEE. This was right up there with eating pizza or a piece of KFC on the way home from VSG surgery. If you're trying to actively keep your calories low, while getting protein reqs in for the day, why would you drink coffee (which goes down quite easily) laced with over a tablespoon of either butter, coconut oil, or MCT? I stay freezing (as do most). I drink hot decaf tea or hot decaf coffee. I have my protein drink allotment for the day that helps me reach my daily goal. I add that to my coffee until I've hit my limit for the day...
  13. That's a great point! I've no idea about ESG. How did you know her surgery type? I looked but didn't find it! TY!
  14. Are you morbidly obese? If that sounds like a smart ass question, it is. We are MO. Period. End of story. I can NOT think of ONE scenario where our fat bodies actually NEED an influx of the amount of exogenous dietary fat from relatively nutritionless liquids. We get almost all the fat we need from the fat liberation that is hopefully going on inside our bodies! ALL post surgery patients in the initial weight loss phases are by-proxy on VLCDs (very low calorie diets). Why would you want to sabotage those few calories you CAN have on BS liquids like bulletproof fat laced, fat bomb coffee? And btw? I'm a low carb keto proponent, but I think the latest evolution of fat obsessed ketoneers is totally loony bins crazy! We are not epileptics. And if we're MO, there is no way you need a diet 80-85% fat. I'm not fat phobic. I'm a dietary pragmatist and realist. (BTW, if you are lost in an Antarctica expedition and have 9% body fat, my response to you will be entirely different. Come talk to me then...we will discuss Ericksonn and rabbit starvation.)
  15. Honestly? That's the 1 WORST habit my surgeon and RD said. It will allow you eat more, plus it will stretch your anatomy (if you're an RNY) it can open the stoma too much and stretch that opening so then you have no resistance. No. It's too soon for you to be not feeling it. It's because of the drinking with food. You just need to STOP it. No excuses.
  16. FluffyChix


    I'd go get your thyroid tested, also Thiamine (T1) as well as your B12, D, and the rest of your vitamins. Even ferritin to see if you're having any pre-existing lows. But also, just eating so little makes you pretty tired. I started off with energy, but after a few weeks, I was tire. Now I'm eating more, my energy is back.
  17. haha! We're so messed up! LOL.
  18. Any dumping symptoms or fallout from the higher sugar/fructose content of the ripe pear? Sounds delish btw. Only thing you were missing was a Smoked Gouda Light Cheese Wedge.
  19. We also demand piccys of your baggy muscular thighs!
  20. Love!!!!! We demand piccys!!!!
  21. Ok, first off, so sorry you are suffering so!!! ((hugs)) Chronic pain SUCKS. Chronic nerve/neuralgia sucks maybe even worse on top of that. It can definitely become the thief of joy and hope. I have degenerative disc disease and arthritic hips with chronic bursitis and SI-itis. But on top of that pain I also have a bone spur on my thoracic vertebra that causes a nerve intrapment in the intercostal muscle. (But wait! There's more! I also have a set of Ginzu steak knives! *snic*) On top of that, I have had multiple breast cancer and reconstructive surgeries that have left me with 360 degree neuralgia pain that is about 9 inches top to bottom across my chest and back. It's like a burning, stinging chemical burn or raw rash at my chest wall that feels like stings from fireants. I have this 24/7/365. And lastly I have neuralgia in my feet/toes and fingertips leftover from hand food syndrome during chemo cuz the chemo dose had to be so high for me. I tell you this not to top you or bore you. But to let you know possibilities. Last May I'd given up hope. I was WTD (waiting to die) and barely got my fat ass out of the recliner for longer than it takes to pee or down a Little Debbie Snack Cake -- or Whataburger Chicken Strip dinner with cream gravy and fries. I was isolated in my house and NEVER went out except to the doctor. Those (foods of crap origin) were my constant companions. Then I got staff in my toe and I realized I wasn't ready to die yet. I wanted to fight!! I wanted to take control back of my life!!! And I wanted it THEN! Immediately. LOL. So I started prepping for surgery. I dumped the crap and went to a very low carb, very low fat, very low calorie diet and started losing weight--slowly--but losing. ALL my cravings went away! And something miraculous happened. As I lost the weight, I was able to force myself up through the cloud of pain to walk for 1 minute--then 5 minutes--then 10 and so on. Fast forward to now, about 97lbs lighter than in May 2017 and my pain is much improved! The neuralgia is still there, Large and IN CHARGE! But the bone and arthritis has improved a bit. And it gets better with each pound lost. I get cortisone injections in my hips that help a lot. I work with a PT to strengthen my core muscles and improve my balance and endurance. And I'm looking forward to trying water exercises soon! I still have a FU*K load of burning, stinging, itching, aching pain each day. But my arthritis doc said, the best thing I can do for myself is get to a very low weight as quickly as I can. That a 30% drop in weight will significantly improve my life. I now walk 1 hour a day (30 minutes at a time), can stand to cook, go visit family, go out on dates with Mr. F. and am slowly taking back control of my life. I have a positive, hopeful outlook despite the chronic pain. I just CHOOSE to live life even in the face of pain and choose to have control--rather than being a victim of my surgeries and disease. (Not saying you're a victim--I'm saying I FELT I was a victim of them.) You take control back, by going back to your basic plan. No eating and drinking 30-30. If you're drinking alcohol stop. If you're taking more pain narcs than you absolutely need, wean off them. They blunt your desire for health. Eat dense protein first, veggies second, healthy fats and cut out the ALL the crap and contraband. Weigh, measure, and log everything! And know that 6-12months after surgery is sometimes what it takes for things to feel a little better. My big surgeries took me 6 months to begin to feel human again--each time! Sorry for writing a book...but please don't give up. WTD SUCKS! Congrats on your weight loss to date!
  22. FluffyChix

    Seniors and Baby Boomers

    @GSierraGold - RNY is more aligned with reversal of diabetes but even it is not a magic bullet. The malabsorption ends around the 2nd year or becomes much less pronounced, as the body figures out a way to work around the new anatomy. So it's still super crucial to learn a whole new way of eating that controls your carbs and sugars and doesn't put any further stress on the already stressed beta cells in your pancreas. I've seen it come back in a number of people at around the 2nd to 3rd year. But this surgery at least gives you a fighting chance at the win! I had my RNY at 55. Too many comorbidities to bore you with here. The only regret I have is that I didn't do this sooner. My only complication is a lack of clothing to cover my booty when I leave the house. Everything is bagging off of me or entirely too big and new clothes cost money. LOL. Shocker!
  23. FluffyChix

    June 2018 RnY

    Congrats! I know this is a weight off your heart!
  24. FluffyChix

    Tonight’s Delicious Dinner Pic!

    How did it sit with your tummy? Looks delish!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
