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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by FluffyChix

  1. FluffyChix


    I love this! Also look into fermented veggies, especially Kim Chi! It's even better for building an awesome gut than sauerkraut!
  2. FluffyChix

    Daily Menus for Maintenance

    I'm so sorry...what day is it now? ...Poop Watch 2019 Good times.
  3. OMG!!!! ((hugs)) Terrifying! So glad they are almost back to norms!!!
  4. FluffyChix

    Before and during pics

    Congrats! You look fabulous!!! Now come start posting in OOTD!!!!! You rock girlie!
  5. Yay! So glad to hear on all of that! The confusing thing is that a compression garment will not take OUT the lymphedema, only keep it from getting worse--as long as it's properly fitted. So the elevation will be the thing that helps you and it sounds like it's doing it's job. Also stay away from any high salt meals. It will make it worse as well. It's very good that gravity is affecting it! ((hugs))
  6. FluffyChix

    Foods you can no longer tolerate

    Have you tried just the egg whites?
  7. You may want to snap a pic or two and shoot them over to your doc so he's aware of what's going on. The elevation will help you hopefully! It could just be post-op/drains out stuff or it could be a lymphedema issue and you might need lymphatic drainage--it will be super painful at this point. I have stage 2 lymphedema from BC so have to wear a compression sleeve and glove all day every day until night time. It's a very tight garment and takes getting used to. I also keep my arm propped up all day above my heart on 2 big pillows to encourage it to drain back into my chest and trunk and then at night it's propped up on pillows whenever I'm in a chair and or laying down. By staying on top of it, I keep it from getting out of hand, but it can quickly go back and get cellulitis. Super painful and glassy almost transparent skin, swelling, leaking of lymph fluid. It gets hot to the touch and brite red. Is yours doing anything like that? If you do not know how to wrap your arms for lymph compression or don't have the proper tools, you can totally make it worse and trap the fluid in your arms/hands as the girls already mentioned. It might be time to ask for a consult to a lymphedema specialist to help you with wrappings and lymph drainage. ((hugs))
  8. FluffyChix

    Hi I'm new

    Congrats!! Way to take charge of the new year!!
  9. FluffyChix


    Congrats! You look amazing!!!
  10. FluffyChix


    Wow! You ARE chic! W or w/o hot doc! You have a darling figure, tiny waist and frames! Perfect!!! Love the outfit and boots too!!
  11. FluffyChix


    Hey, great idea to mix water and wine!! The Europeans have done that for centuries with their children. And God knows the Catholic priests have been doing that with their chalices for even longer than that!! Good on you! I'm trying that at New Years!
  12. FluffyChix

    Happy Chanukah!

    Congrats!!! Happy Chanukah!!!
  13. FluffyChix


    I'm not a teetotaler. But I am in favor of drinking as little as you possibly can. It does hit you faster. I have a 2 drink tolerance then have to put some time between them before having another and I'm very inebriated from it--even when drinking slowly or with smaller pours and more mixers. I would honestly say try to avoid it until maintenance. Transfer addiction is very real and very deceptive. It can and will creep up on you. You must be ready to drop rationalizations and do what needs to be done if you are going to mess with it. I will also tell you, it will jack with your weight loss like nobody's beeswax and even reverse it long before you're ready to stop losing weight. Not only does it hit your burdened liver like a bomb, but it also disinhibits you and contributes to poor food choices with high reward foods at inappropriate times but it also can cause you to miss your full signal and overeat and over indulge.
  14. FluffyChix

    Daily Menus for Maintenance

    You know what? I get a THRILL too from hearing everyone's success!!!!! That's part of why I adore your posts and also this thread and the post of OOTD!!! Wooot!!! Yeah, it's a Catholic guilt thing I'm trying to work through, cuz honestly...our thoughts determine our emotions and are a self-fulfilling prophecy. So I DO want to call myself on negative speak and inner dialogue. But I don't wanna be insufferable, only joyful you know? Like Sophie's smile. Right?
  15. Choices. I'm the last person to impose my way on anyone, or judge someone for it. It works for me. And all i REALLY know is what and how much I don't know. And I do absolutely support and respect someone else doing things in a way that makes them individually successful--especially when it's a different way than mine! I learn something new from the peeps here everyday!! Happy New Year to you!!
  16. FluffyChix

    This should be Fun CUBA

    Have fun! Condoms..lots and lots of them.
  17. FluffyChix

    Daily Menus for Maintenance

    I wish I could deny it, cuz I honestly don't want to be that insufferable person of "look how great I did." But it really was like crossing a hurdle. You know? Like it's a litmus test. And I won't lie, I still have a very super healthy respect for the mystically 3rd Year Weight Game that comes on you like a spider monkey and won't let go. Like every time the scale goes up 2-3lbs or I'm at the top of the weight window I wonder, "Will today be the day when going back to TCB will no longer work to remove these extra 3-5lbs." Do any of you do that? It just feels awesome and such a relief to be able to live life this week without pushing the boulder up hill again before New Year's comes! Right? Also the questions I'm asking myself are really making me stay IN the moment and make the choice. I have had 2 opportunities for such amazing pizza this Christmas and not saying I won't choose to eat it soon, but both times I was like, "Nah. I'm good. Totes not worthy. I'll just have my chicken and broccoli or shrimp and salad." And I leave for the night knowing the scale will behave tomorrow and I had an awesome time regardless!
  18. FluffyChix

    Daily Menus for Maintenance

    Holy CRAP! Like maybe deliverin' Baby Jesus or something! Yeah, the pain meds are whackamole with poopin!! Are you cramping or having nausea? Can you get plenty of liquids in you still?
  19. Haha. So look. People are different. Right? And the mistake most of us make is assuming that other people see the world through the same filter or lens as our own. Right? And when we observe someone we think in terms of the filter and value as it relates to our belief system. So you look at the way I interact with food and nutrition from YOUR perspective and it just feels like a craptastic amount of work, effort, and feels like it's living in penury. I on the other hand have 20+ years of knowledge about this stuff and most of it is autopilot. I was MO for a variety of reasons including making poor food choices/behaviors. But also because of medical and genetic reasons...you know, like most of us. For me, I don't feel like I'm skimping on a single day. I adore my food! Both the good choices and the bad! I'm not 100% perfect on any given day. But I do try. So it's not onerous. It's a pleasure. And because this works for me, there is comfort in the knowing. And I'm not the only one who does this. Over almost 2 1/2 years in this world, I noticed that THE most successful vets - without exception - are the ones who do not try to wing it. And who do not buy into the dual myths of restriction and malabsorption. They apply their knowledge. The follow a format. And the know how much they weigh each day, what they consumed, and how much exercise they did. I decided long ago, that if I was gonna cut out 80% of my tum and reroute feet of intestine, I was in it to win it. I didn't want the scenic tour- been there done that. I wanted to TCB as quickly as humanly and safely possible. And I did. Now I can spare a few fun times each week that keep me excited and looking forward to M-Thurs on plan TCB living doing the things that will promote DEEP health in the long run! I'm so deprived. In Texas the day after Christmas is usually Mexican food. So I decided to make a taco with leftover 90/10 hamburger that I drain the fat off of cuz if I eat too much fat at a meal I feel miserable. I'm in the process of eating this right now. It's about 2 cups of salady food and about 2oz of protein in it. I will show you afters. I will have that at my next meal--probably afternoon snack. Now doesn't that look like an, "Oh, poor me, I'm so oppressed meal?" Who WOULDN't want to eat this way given half a choice? Ok, done for this meal. Here are the leftovers for AS: And here's how the whole thing shakes out in MFP. I save it as a Meal, then next time I eat it, I will just go pull it up and see what was in it and replicate it. Then I just select that meal and the size that I eat and enter into a meal slot. Takes about 2 seconds to do once it's saved. So my lunch was about 200 cals and I go 18g of protein in with less than 10g of whole carb. Not bad, could be better cuz I do aim for 1g of protein per 10 calories.
  20. FluffyChix

    3oz at a time

    I was averaging about 1-3lbs per week depending on the week.
  21. FluffyChix

    Daily Menus for Maintenance

    Yesterday, Wednesday, Dec. 25 Maintenance : 5'r" / 22mo PO RNY / 129.4 lbs ---------------------------------------- It's a Christmas "mericle" folks. This is THE first Christmas on the face of the earth where I weigh LESS the day after Christmas than I did the day of or on the days leading into the holiday massacre er, I mean festive season from Fatsgiving through Epiphany. I call it...the time of great tribulation...ha! Cuz I usually gain 5-10lbs quite quickly. But this year, I've been able to have very small shenanigans but stop myself from full-out horrific faceplants into all things yummy and food related by asking myself the simple questions: 1. Will this bite or plate of XYZ give me MORE enjoyment of this time if I ate it? 2. Is it worth the swallow? 3. Will I be disappointed in my choice tomorrow? 4. Will I be disappointed with the reading on the scale in the morning as a result of this bite or plate of food? 5. Is there a compromise or a "better option" to have the taste without the pain? 6. Is this bite/plate contributing to my health and greater well-being or contributing to my death. By the time I get to #6 and drink a glass of water, I usually go, "Meh...not so much," then walk away!!!! And the result is...I broke the 130 barrier!!! Who knew? I'm sure it won't stick the landing, lol, but still. Feels good to be 4lbs away from BDG Goal even if it is by accident! LOL. Then yesterday (Christmas), I did have a small blowout. But it wasn't enough to move the scale a bunch! Today it's back to business as usual for Thursday!!! Wooohooo! B1-3 protein lattes (3oz PP + Reddiwhip) - hell yes, talking bout you SF Peppermint Mochaccinos with Whipped Cream B2-Yogurt scrambled eggs with green onions + turkey sausage + radish browns + avo/tom salad + pears with cinnamon + lite bloody mary L1-Leftovers from B2 L2-A real bloody mary + 1/4 oz roasted salted cashews AS-Martini Bar Time: dirty martini extra olives + cheese board (3 cheese + turkey pepperoni + rosemary pecans + pear) + 1 glass of cab D-none still full BS-Halo Vanilla Sunday with rosemary pecans and SF Hershey's Choco Syrup + SF Smuckers Caramel Syrup + 1 glass of cab. Daily Totals were big for me! 1818 cals; 73g protein; 74g fat; 80g carbs; 15g fiber; 65g net carbs
  22. FluffyChix

    Daily Menus for Maintenance

    Legit. I would be too. Does your PS and surgeon know of this?
  23. FluffyChix


    Gosh I love everyone's advice here! They are spot on!!! I very much love this last one! It's called HALT! (Don't let yourself get too: Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired!) Cuz it sets up a behavioral binge cascade potentially. Honestly, they would (RDs, surgeons, therapists) would rather see you NOW with a 15lb regain than with a 50lb regain. This is SO do-able. Fifteen pounds is significant cause for concern! Go see them. Lay it all out there. Cop to the drinking. And if necessary, get help to stop. It's a legit worry. Ditch the coffee drinks unless they are adding solid nutrition to the day: i.e. 1oz of Premier Protein in coffee x 3 drinks adds about 44cals to my day. It also adds 8 grams of protein so that's a protein bargain for the cals. But they both contribute to my calorie and protein goals for the day. It's not "in addition to." You can do this. You are wise to catch it now. Embarrassment is a wasted emotion. Use your energy to refan the flame. Find and Fall BACK IN LOVE with your WHY! Recommit to it!!!
  24. I'd personally roll the dice on another 4tbsp dose with a crap ton of water...but that's just what I personally do.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
