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Everything posted by FluffyChix

  1. Whah??? Protein brownies? Do tell please.
  2. Ty. HA! I'd have to call it "Crap I Eat At My Desk" lol.
  3. Oh yeah, as slowly as I use it, frozen is an awesome idea! I'm finding myself wanting to slip back into slidy, easy to get protein in meals and the green smoothie is perfect. Although I usually stall when I try to incorporate them again...but I'm just a little over "challenging" my tum right now.
  4. I zoodled in your honor today. The single serving (blue/white plate) looks WAY bigger than it was. Although, I did eat it all (now regret it). And the clear glass plate made 4 servings. Poor Mr. F. He is officially having some of that for dins + leftover soup. Full 4 serving salad Single serving salad
  5. Hahahaaha good for you!! So do you think it would fewer carbs/sugar with fresh or do you think about the same and about the same sweet level?
  6. Oh wow! That's completely do-able!!! So do you use fresh pineapple? Damn. Now I'm feeling all sad and jealous-y when I was perfectly satisfied previously. ROFLMAO! Go figure! I don't have any pineapple today but will have to grab some this weekend.
  7. I think maybe @Biddy zz did that in New Zealand and maybe even @Rainbow_Warrior in Aus? I am sure there are others in the states! Congrats! How long are you on purees?
  8. FluffyChix

    Update for EKG

    Yay! What a relief right? And even better news is that you found a doc who sounds fabulous and honest and who has your best interest at heart! He told the truth about the WLS and your goal!!! So glad you found a new PCP! Glad you passed your tests and they were able to do them in the office!!! Wooohoooo, you're on your way now!!!
  9. It actually sounds pretty yummy! Do you have any idea of the carb/sugar with the pineapple? How much do you use in it? Wondering if it would spike me or make me regret life and living...But I am hungry for a green smoothie!
  10. Dang! Those are deadly!!! LOL!
  11. You're saving it for the big reveal aren't you? Love the new avi!!!!!
  12. Huge Congrats and thanks for the inspiration!!! @Matt Z
  13. The good news is there is no contract, where you have to sign on a dotted line! It can be amorphous and is easily refined! It's truly an evolution and extension of reality as you live that portion (or live the "new"). As a MO person most of my life, I had absolutely very little concept about how it felt to be "normal" or even skinny. I just knew this would be the "easiest" it would ever get to either approach that goal or capture the flag. I honestly still don't! I'm reasonably sure I will make 1st Goal. And anything beyond that, is up for negotiation, but NOT open to rationalization. I'm in "take no prisoners" goal mode. I set my first goal 150 based on my RD and doc. Their goals for me were 156 (60% of EBW if I remember correctly), or my doc was 160lbs cuz she said, it felt like a good weight for me. I on the other hand wanted to be my high school weight where I was the closest to being "normal" that I ever was in life. The 2nd goal for me is to be in "normal weight category" which is anything under 145lbs. I "think" I can reach it with continued focus and discipline. Beyond that, I enter into @Matt Z "almost absurd" mode (135lbs). Then finally "Barbie Dream Girl" mode (125lbs). LOL. Extremely unlikely. Through it all, beyond weight, I want to be fully healthy! I would like to be off all, or almost all my meds. I want to be able to exercise at will and be active and never have to worry about if I'm "too fat for xyz."
  14. See I read this as: "I'm going to continue working on BF (aka boyfriend), and muscle % (getting a BF that looks as mighty fine as our YouTube IF-guy-eyecandy), and toning/flexibility (as it would aide and assist all cardio sessions). I think those are all SWELL goals for 2nd year!!!
  15. Congrats! I hear that carries its own set of challenges!!!! Ugh of AF. Hope it passes soon!!! You look beautiful and have a lovely shape and %BF. The Tanita scale at the doc's office said, TILT on the BF % when I got on it, so I still have a some miles to go before I sleep. Which is good to know in and of itself! So my plan is to still get down to "normal weight range" and see if my BF content has corrected itself.
  16. @jess9395 I'm not 100% certain, but I vaguely remember I think she said somewhere that she came back to post a while so she can get her BP discount for protein muffins or something like that? IDK, though, my keto-addled brain might be making that up? (Good to see you btw!)
  17. ^^^Wohhooooo congrats on this!!! Looks like a great schedule!!! So are you noticing the collagen helping your hair and skin by any chance? Is it in bone broth powder? Have you tasted that one?
  18. Yay!!! WTG!!!! You know, I don't know if the protein in the coffee is any big deal. Drs. Johnson (one of the original ADF docs and diets) and Dr. Moseley of the 5:2 diet fame both maintain (through research by Drs. Longo, Mattson, and Varady) that 500 cals (about 25% of normal daily nutrition) will still give you heaps of IF benes without total water fasting. And Dr. J recommended using a very "lean" low cal protein drink to sip on slowly through the day, then just have a small dinner at night. Congrats girlie!!!! Woooohoooo!!!
  19. Hahaha! Well don't stop with boring food. Post shenanigans pics whydoncha? And while you are at it, you could entertain us with your cardio tales. I call this "Cardio Talk" with SillyKitty. Ha! Have fun on your date!! Wooohooooo gotta love retirement!!! I'm so dang proud of you girlie!!! Doesn't it feel great to not eat out of boredom??!!!! Wooot!!! Now you can just hang out here in between doing fun stuff with DH!!!! How's your walking going? Oh and the update on the tum is it is still there. LOL. I'm still eating through the pain, cuz I learned long ago that as a big girl, sometimes you play through the hurt. LOLOL!!! Craptons of meds. And I take the UGI and U/S of ^rt quadrant on Wednesday of this coming week. Then Thursday I see the surgeon and am also trying to get in to see my PCP about the potassium issue on Wednesday but that's prolly not happening. He's a busy dude. LOL. Aren't ya glad you asked? I hate **** like this...*le sigh*
  20. FluffyChix

    Non Scale Victories

    You look so beautiful and happy!!! Congrats on your major accomplishment!!!! So glad you had fun!
  21. Give it time. You will need to get closer to goal before relief. My arthritis doc said that for every 10% of total weight you lose, you will feel incrementally better. He's so far been dead on target. My bursitis in each hip and my SI joints are so much better as is the DDD stuff. Hope you start feeling it soon. Congrats (major congrats) on coming so far, so quickly!!
  22. Well, I'll continue to post into the ether. Cuz you know...that's how I roll--just me and the crickets (and gobs of ketogenic protein=60g and "high fat"=about 35g-ish, hehe) I miss all my IF buds. I repeat, that my way is the ONLY way -- that works for me. *snick* I do not think anyone should do things this way. Cuz you need to figure out and find your own way, and I honestly believe there are many paths to health. The goal is for each of us to pick one of those paths and follow it--and I will cheerlead the crap out of your journey and prolly be mildly jealous of your gorgeous food! (even though I'm enormously satisfied with my path). Still waiting today to see about my re-test on the potassium. It's kinda a PIA, and unsettling. I don't like things hanging over me to do and the doc is almost 1 1/4-1 1/2 hours away. So it is "a process." LOL. I don't know what time I will end up eating because of this--no idea if I need to be fasting...but if I haven't heard by 10:30am will call them again to find out. Weight is down. I'm now at 152.6lbs and it feels good. Trying not to get excited about the proximity to 1st Goal. Just trying to keep my head down. What do you have planned for the weekend? Anything fun? We're just staying home and catching up with stuff. I was told not to do anything strenuous which is so fu*king ambiguous. LOL. But I'm betting doing the dishes and laundry do not make it onto the strenuous list...just walking in the park at the lake up down hills, or continuing my "jogging" progression, you know--just the fun stuff. All menial schleppy-type jobs are still okey dokey. LOL. *snort*
  23. FluffyChix

    Late Night Snacking

    Honestly? This is not a question of poor sleep hygiene or poor dietary habits. It's a true medical phenomenon that has a name (can't remember it). So if I were you, I would send my surgeon a MyChart message about it, or get with my psychiatrist/therapist about it and see how they treat this issue. This type of thing IMHO will absolutely side-line your potential and long-term progress and put you in major jeopardy of regain. But if your professionals are aware of what's going on, they will have behavioral mods and drugs that will help. Talk to them without waiting ok? And congrats on reaching 45%. 6 months ago, did you ever think you would be here? And 5.6lbs off schedule is nbd in the big picture, as long as you make corrections to the things that are stopping or hindering your progression! ((hugs))

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