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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by FluffyChix

  1. FluffyChix

    Post WLS hysterectomy issues

    Did you have sex the night before? Any frequency, burning, or pain while urinating or after urinating? It probably came from either your pee pee, or maybe a hemmie. If it's bright red, 9 times out of 10 it's a hemmie or a uti. It would be extremely abnormal to have any bleeding post hyster, w or w/o ovaries.
  2. FluffyChix

    Food Before and After Photos

    More B/A! LOL. My low carb version of McGriddler Breakfast Sandwich. I threw some cheese on just cuz I could...but honestly it didn't need it. Recipe stats for a full sandwich plus 1oz grape tomatoes -- so it was less, cuz I didn't finish: Breakfast: 264 cals; 25g protein; 13g fat; 9g carbs; 1g fiber; 2g nat occ. sugar; 8g net carbs
  3. Wowowowowow!!!! Yippee!!!! So excited for you and this new milestone!!! WTG girl!
  4. LOL, now all we need you to do is stamp your little feet, and shake your little fist!
  5. Ok, so show of hands please. Let's talk dense protein. Can you comfortably consume 4oz after cooking (by weight, not volume) of dense, dry protein (not talking chili here folks--talkin' grilled chicken breast, grilled hamburger/steaks, pork chops, dense white fish, fatty salmon, etc)--after your surgery? (I'm talking following the rules of protein first, no eating/drinking before/after etc, no combining with "meat lubes" like sauces/gravies/ketchup/mayo.) If you can, when were you able to eat this amount--how many months out did you notice you routinely have this capacity? How far out from surgery are you now? Do you feel restriction after the 4oz? How much "other food component(s)" do you eat following your meat (by weight, not volume)? (i.e. Low glycemic/non-starchy veggies, salad, berries/fruit, starchy veg, beans/legumes, grains, processed carby food) Ok, thanks for playing y'all!!! Can't wait to see some of the answers from everyone--all surgery types allowed to play!!!!
  6. "The researchers said they recommend eating about 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight every day in middle age. For example, a 130-pound person should eat about 45 to 50 grams of protein a day, with a preference for plant proteins, the researchers said." No link to the study in this inflammatory and misleading article. Also the definition of 0.8g-1.0g/kg of weight is the average recommended protein percentage for most non-endurance, normally activity people, by noted keto specialists: Dr. Stephen Phinney, Dr. Jeff Volek, Dr. Eric Westman. Dr. Jason Fung, board certified nephrologist and IF/keto evangelist puts that protein requirement closer to I think, about .56g/kg of body weight. So wow...where are the gobs of protein being recommended in low carb/keto diets? https://peterattiamd.com/is-red-meat-killing-us/
  7. Goodwill. I got some great GAP jeans and Ralph Lauren jeans ranging from $1 to about $3.50! Wooohooooooo!!! I got brand new old navy leggings on sale for $4 yesterday. Score!!
  8. @Biddy zz Congrats woman!!!! (Oh and I heart that shirt! And your make-up. Mostly your shirt and make-up are tops! ) You and your new life inspire me daily girl!!!
  9. FluffyChix


    Awwwww man!!! I'm so sorry to hear this!!! I hope he calls again too!!!! Do you think he had any idea? ((Hope you feel better today--drink lots of fluids!!))
  10. Congrats on your 115lbs lost. That's amazing and inspirational! Cudos! I've no idea what your BMI or body fat is, and it's hard to tell if you still have additional weight to lose by your pose and because of your outfit and jacket. I would say objectively, that you probably do have room to reduce in your tummy and hip area but you look like a "normal woman" of your age would look in that outfit. I do not envision you would look ill with another 15-20lb loss, however.
  11. You didn't mention this, but their flour was rationed and consumption extremely limited, as were fruits. You just listed a host of confounding items. Also limited as you mentioned is sugar. So during this time, they limited sugar, flour, fruits, baked goods. They ate high fat tinned meats, high fat butter (limited), real meat was limited, eggs/bacon as was alcohol and beer were limited...many fasted but def observed a calorie restricted diets. BUT, the issue with the people who do low carb or keto is NOT that it's our way or the highway, or that we believe and say that ALL people MUST low carb or die...the issue is with having alternate agendas so rudely and repetitively shoved down our throats and lambasted for believing in the efficacy of our woe (way of eating). The other issue is having our dietary choice misrepresented by nonfactual BS. And most of us are sick of it. Cuz the OP posts it OVER and OVER and OVER ad nauseum. Like it's being shoved down our throats with the force of Thor's mighty hammer. Most of us who are objecting are all in the same camp: THERE IS NO ONE DIET that is suitable for everyone! LOL. We pretty much all agree that we must find our own path through the woods to arrive at a sustainable liveable diet that turns into a forever lifestyle. And that is A-okey-dokey with us!!!! I'm glad this high carb diet works for OP and others. I am. More power to them. They clearly did not have the same degree of metabolic derangement or medications that necessitate a low carb, adequate protein, lower fat diet as I have. LOL. That's ok. LOL. The even bigger question is why then, if they can now magically tolerate all manner of carbs, why did they get so fat they needed bariatric surgery? And how is their lifestyle modified so they won't repeat history? But I do hope we all agree, that you wouldn't give a diabetic or pre-diabetic heaps and heaps of carbs and expect their insulin levels and blood sugars to improve. At least I hope that's a universal understanding cuz if it isn't, then someone is engaging in magical thinking. And btw, wouldn't it be fun? Let's all make a pact to meet back here in 3-5 years and measure our success with pics, weights, and tape measures.
  12. ^^^I'm not worthy! I'm not worthy! (to @MIZ60 and @jess9395 ) The other thing that is hilarious is that "fat people are getting cancer cuz of eating massive amounts of dairy!" Excuse me but there are a substantial amount of fat mediated cancers. Which came first the chicken or the egg? The researches of these fat mediated cancers (of which hormone positive bc is one seem to say that the "Diabetes Type 3", meaning the progression of metabolic disease started the cascade toward obesity and over-expression of hormones from androgen conversion in the fat along with the insulin resistance and high blood sugars that set up rapid inflammation and upregulation of mTOR and igf1 (among other inflammatory factors) that led to the progression and genesis of these same fat mediated cancers. In my case, when I was 6 months old dying of ITP, and receiving massive doses of prednisone to try to stem the rush of the ITP--and for the next 11 years of my life where I battled that "type of blood "cancer"" and had copious prednisone courses--more on than off, I was already set up for metabolic disease which is why I developed full-blown PCOS by the time I was 14--which later progressed into Diabetes Type 3 - hormone positive breast cancer. And my being fat--I hardly ate dairy my whole life--some small amounts of cheese, came AFTER the metabolic derangement. But of course, my diet that was super high dairy gave me that horrific Stage 3C disease. LOLOLOLOLOL. You are so full of sh*t it is hard to even stand your presence on this board. Why don't you go back to school like you claim and ACTUALLY learn a thing or two about biochemistry before coming here and trying to assert your intellectual superiority here.
  13. FluffyChix


  14. FluffyChix


    Nope. Swearsies! (Psssst...it's you! hehe)
  15. FluffyChix

    Girls Do Poop

    Hahahaha! No you don't, you either just have a cold/allergies/have gone nose blind/or need to get your adenoids checked out! And maybe your hearing too! hehe
  16. I honestly don't know that there is a scientific starvation mode post WLS, but people without the surgery do have a drop in metabolism after about 3 days. I did lose 12lbs on my liquid only protein drink pre-op diet. But, my ankles swelled up badly and I did battle fluid retention. My insulin spiked crazy high in response to the whey protein isolates. So I started using Premier which is a combo of WPI and WPC and it did help a little. But as @MIZ60 mentioned, check your labels for carbs, sugars, sodium, etc! Also most WPI is filled with extra phosphorous which can also be hard on the kidneys and can make you retain fluids if you have any kidney issues.
  17. FluffyChix


    People who pound their agenda and perspective in our faces with a sledgehammer as if we are perfectly ignorant and uneducated and act as though we really "need" someone to be our conservators--as if their way is the ONLY way to truth. Also people who either deliberately or in abject ignorance of the facts, edit the truth to fit their narrow view and misrepresent any opposing viewpoint. And also those same people who are incapable of seeing they have any responsibility for how people perceive/react/treat them and accuse others of starting sh*t while they are innocent victims (a lamb to the slaughter). That is all...wow! I feel more better, now! TY!!! HowYOUdoin?
  18. FluffyChix

    So I finally told my parents

    WTG! Glad your fam is on-board! Congrats!
  19. FluffyChix

    My Body IS The Boss of Me!

    Have you done a body composition or DEXA body analysis? Even calipers by a skilled professional will get your pretty close to the results from DEXA which can be skewed by hydration levels. I'd maybe look at doing that, then you would have your answer! Congrats btw!!! 139 at 5'6" sounds like a nice place to land--smack in the middle of the green zone!
  20. FluffyChix


    By the way, that doesn't mean that for me, personally, that I believe weight loss is won in the kitchen, rather than the gym. (It's probably different for everyone!) It just means for me, I must be scrupulous about both.
  21. Oh mah gawd @Matt Z!!! Amazing job! You look so handsome and svelte!!!! Major congrats and cudos! Thanks for being so inspirational! (And sharing piccys! We heart pics!! )
  22. 8 months (I think--this damn new math! hahaha) I'm at 151.6lb PP (pre-poopy/pre-coffee; the coffee and poopy cancel each other out with a -/+ 1lb ) and am 1.6lbs away from 1st Goal of 150lbs. Can't believe it. I am starting month 9 (I think--re:above new math issues) I was 222.4lbs on surgery day and today have lost 70.8lbs (I think--ie nm). Maybe some of you with advanced math skills or more toes can help me out. If I divide that by 8, I get around 8.8lbs of loss per month which is about what she said to expect--maybe a little slower. But hey, that dog'll hunt! I guarantee it. I'm not gonna post pics until I hit my 1st Goal. They'll probably look a LOT like the last one at 7months. I think I'm only 5lbs down and it's hard enough posting pics of myself. Feeling pretty good--maybe having a few tum issues OUO (of unknown origin) right now. Will have UGI and U/S on Wednesday but I don't expect them to show anything and the doc may want to scope me--but I'm hoping we get to adopt a WAS (wait and see) philosophy. Potassium is a bit low at 2.9 and will retest tomorrow--but otherwise my labs look fine. Yay team. I feel so much better--can walk up to 60 minutes at one go. Am slowly building strength. My asthma doc and I broke up a couple of weeks ago and he now only wants to be friends (if I have an infection) cuz I'm not on any more asthma drugs. I'm on the cusp of getting off of my last blood pressure pill -- I hope! We'll see. The fluid around my heart continues to get smaller and smaller with each echo cardiogram, and I expect my oncologist to do back flips of excitement next month when we see each other. He will also refer me to my final breast reconstruction and my beloved PS dude. He's a sweetheart--they all are actually. I have a phenomenal team of docs, NPs, PAs, nurses, RDs, counselors, and other allied health workers to whom I give all the credit and all the credit for keeping me alive these past 7 years and who are now helping me reclaim my life!!!
  23. FluffyChix


    I honestly believe in order for me to lose, I must exercise daily if at all possible. I try to walk 60 to 60+ minutes per day. I'm trying very hard to get back to doing my strength training/core exercises but that's not as regular--so far about 2x week is all I manage.
  24. FluffyChix

    Food Before and After Photos

    Those look beautiful!! Thanks for sharing the recipe!
  25. Thank you! I will look at them for sure this weekend!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
