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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by FluffyChix

  1. FluffyChix

    Sophomoreville - A Home For The the Tweeners

    You're one! You are actually a hybrid! You're like Van Wilder--a 26th year Sophomore--really cool, loves us so much, he likes hangin' with us even though by now he could run a multi-national conglomerate. What's your definition?
  2. But you are only 5'3". I don't know that you will look weirdly small--just appropriate. Although, you look pretty petite now! So maybe not!? At 5'3" and 130lbs you are just a little north of center of the normal weight bracket and to be set up there for the "Regain -- er-- Wonder Years" feels like a pretty secure place from my POV.
  3. Dude. You. MUST. Rein in. Your Desire. And get right with the Lord. You JUST posted about wanting to hurl after any time you eat/drink. Right now is NOT the time to give into cravings. So what if you "want something different than water". Right now? Don't jack with yourself. Just find one source of liquids that works for you. If it's water and unsweetened decaff iced tea? Done!!! DONE!!!! The reason I say this? Cuz you will have a LIFETIME to have variety. Right now in the early days? It's not about satisfying an itch or urge. It's about doing the smallest thing to get the job done. We don't have to like it. We just have to power through this time, heal, and do the right things. I SWEAR that this time will pass so damn quickly. Before too long you'll look back and say, "Wow! That sucked! But it's over and now I wish drinking this danged ol' flat sf root beer didn't taste so good! I'm drinking a meeeeelion of these a day! Wish they still made me dump!" Don't squander this time. The motto I lived by:
  4. FluffyChix

    Anyone using the Baritastic App to track nutrition?

    Yeah, it's one of the apps my RD req'd too. But I use what I know MFP and didn't want to have to re-learn a new program. LOL. Glad you like it!
  5. Honestly? I think your body just "paused" for bit and has now decided to move on down the line. (Hoping/praying at any rate--and you better get your tiny hiney back here to report after the doc visit!) I bet you are gonna end up in somewhere in the 120s-130s.
  6. Yes! I would not have stopped for close encounters of the third kind (of the food and wine kind). It's always hard to get my mind back in the game afterward and those times usually make me feel sick and they also stop momentum for about 2-4 days minimum. I'd be at 2nd goal by now--no doubts!
  7. I try not to move my scale and if I do--it's only a couple of inches until it is right back on the same spot I use daily. Here are my weight rules: As soon as I pee. Nekkid. Blow out all the air from my lungs. Arms straight down, look straight ahead. Wait for beep. Repeat twice more. Average 3 results. If I poop soon thereafter of any major quantity, repeat above routine. (crazy much?) The things that affect my weight: The wind. Forces of evil. One sip of black coffee (makes scale go up 1lb). One sip of water (see rule 3). Clothes (makes scale go up at least 2lbs sometimes more). Moving the scale...seriously BAD mojo for the day. Eating anything. Of course any salt or contraband from previous days of eating.
  8. FluffyChix

    Serving suggestion for French fries: 6

    Post surgery I'd be ok with this! TG my doc at least removed the part of my intestine that doesn't do well with high fat, cuz I could see where I could eat "a hundred peeps" fries. Instead, I'm good with only a couple. And more than that and it's not an enjoyable experience. IYKWIM! Ha. But in general, I actually agree that as a normie if you could convince yourself to only eat 6 fries plus a side salad plus maybe only 1 side of your bun, you could save a buttload of cals over time! But who does that?
  9. FluffyChix

    AMAW/CAMAW - Let's do this thang!

    Gosh you're doing great!!!
  10. FluffyChix

    AMAW/CAMAW - Let's do this thang!

    Yay! Yay! Yay!!!!!! So danged excited for you I can't see straight!!! So did they find cancer and just successfully remove it with clean margins? Or was there no cancer there when they got in and biopsied?! Wooohooo on the endo being on board with IF and CAMAW! Outstanding! You did great yesterday. How are you doing today? I haven't eaten yet. I'm hoping to make it until about 2:30pm for a 16:8.
  11. FluffyChix

    Syntrax Nectars

    I use Ozarka bottled water, and use a shaker bottle. Then I overnight em in the fridge and stir again before drinking. It defoams em.
  12. FluffyChix

    AMAW/CAMAW - Let's do this thang!

    Here is what I ate for 2 meals yesterday before landing face first into a plate of beef and shrimp and broccoli... Egg Salad on a Cheese Cracker and Shrimp Soup.
  13. FluffyChix

    AMAW/CAMAW - Let's do this thang!

    Hahahaha! IKR?!!!! You are more brave than I! No way will I tell my RD about this experiment! What this is telling me is that I can do Atkins (any version), I can LC, I can Keto/Paleo/Whole30, whatevs! LOL. But I'm not cut out to be a pure carnivore. I'm a straight up, mid-hedonist omnivore! And IIIIIIIIIIII LIKE IT! Ha! I swear, I was jonesing for any veg yesterday. ANY veg. And I about cried to eat that broccoli and it was gone so dang quickly! *snort* I think the reasoning for doing this AMAW/CAMAW thing is: 1. To get back to basics of protein first and fill your pouch with dense protein. 2. Eat less (calling BS on this, cuz it made me have a meat binge last night) 3. Dump fluid. 4. Quick weight loss 5. Losing cravings/control appetite (not so much) *sigh* So far it's not helping. But maybe I'm detoxing right now? I do better when I IF. Seriously! LOL, thanks for experimenting with us though. I hope you will stick it out for the whole week? The only thing I think would be worse is the pre-op liquid diet 5 day pouch reset. OMAGERD! That would be terrible terbs!
  14. Do you think you have anorexia? Does the thought of gaining weight scare you? Have you tried working with your RD to look at a workable food plan? What does your surgeon say? If it was me (and I'm not remotely anorexic), I would systematically look at my day and divide it up into eating events. I'd look at the macros I know I need in order to gain and to hopefully gain muscle more than fat (although there would be storage of both). And I would divide up those macros into a working food plan. So no more "winging it". No more eating to hunger. Rather it would be to eat by the clock. And it would be to consume the most nutrient dense, calorically dense food that would help you strategically segment adding muscle rather than adding fat. I would also look at how/when you eat and as long as you're able to get enough nutrients, I'd add muscle building work outs. But the calories/macros have to come first! I would eat 6-8 small meals (do everything in reverse that you did to lose), drinking while eating so you eat more. I'd eat super calorie dense/nutrient dense! Like bone broth with stewed chicken and some dumplings! I'd add heavy cream to my coffee. I'd have a drink before workouts with BCAAs in them and then follow with a protein snack within 1 hour of working out...I'd see if I could find a trainer who is well versed in helping people bulk up with muscle. And it would become as much of a job to me as losing the weight was. And that's how I would do it. Sounds easy, but it's got to be scary larry. Yes?
  15. FluffyChix

    How long until you could tolerate meat?

    I was pretty easy. I used "meat lube" aka sauces and gravies (low cal/low carb/low sugar) and used types of meat that were fall apart tender. And foil wrapped fish was super easy peasy to make and eat at first!
  16. FluffyChix

    Christmas snack recipes ideas add one

    I tried the pumpkin spice this year--used to love it! But it tastes like they changed the recipe! I hate it now! Has anyone noticed that?
  17. Gosh I'm with ya on that! Those chewy noodles! And great broth!!! Sometimes I just get the broth from my pho or ramen house, and use the oat fiber shirataki noodles. (Hold your nose, rinse em like cray, then dry fry them until they pop and sizzle in a non-stick pan and are SUPER DUPER dry!) Then tump em into the broth and let them simmer for about 5 minutes to take on the flavor flave. So good, you'll forget you ever hated shirataki noodles and would think you're eating rice noodles or bean thread noodles or maybe even udon!
  18. FluffyChix

    AMAW/CAMAW - Let's do this thang!

    AMAW/CAMAW DAY 3 Begins Today!!!!! Wooooohooooooo! Don't Cheat! Eat Meat! How's everyone doing? I have to say I'm surprised by the degree of difficulty I'm experiencing. As I said on the first day, I had no problems during the day complying with all critters and meat, but by night time I was looking for a cheat with my beloved veggies! *snort* Isn't that hilarious? A CHEAT! WITH VEGGIES!!!! bahahahaaha! Same thing happened yesterday. I was fine all the live long day but by last night I looked at Mr. F.s broccoli and garlic and I was like, "Stand back people! I'm going in..." I managed to keep it to a loose 1/2cup or 1.5oz by weight. But that's only cuz I chowed down like a mofo on steak AND then waited an hour and went back for shrimpies. I think this is teaching me that: A. I have issues with volume. (Like REAL issues...) B. I have issues with things I view as ridiculous restriction (ie eliminating or limiting low carb veggies--RIDIC!) C. Sticking to a highly restrictive food plan. D. That my tum is mature and can now eat a crapton of volume per meal (already knew that but last night cemented that). E. If I have to deal with a big pouch, the only way to do that is to fill it as often as I want with extremely nutritionally dense but very low calorie foods like leafy greens, raw veggies, al dente low glycemic veggies, and stick to my normal protein portions. I should have very little problem sticking to my personal protein prescription of about 75-79g of protein, but ha! Look at what I ate yesterday! Cannot even remember the last time I ate 100g of protein in a single day. I'm usually just hunky dory with 60-75g of protein in a mixed diet.
  19. FluffyChix

    AMAW/CAMAW - Let's do this thang!

    Congrats girlie!! Perrrrrfect!!!!! So glad you're here and doing this with me!
  20. Eat a bear! (But bassomatic him first so he's liquid mkay? hehe) Seriously, what @Matt Z said
  21. FluffyChix

    Christmas snack recipes ideas add one

    I do this with coffee. I add a shot of sf Torani peppermint, then a few drops of chocolate stevia liquid and a shot of chocolate premier protein (for fewer calories and less protein--since I get most/all of my protein from food and hate wasting liquid cals/protein grams). So dang good!
  22. FluffyChix

    1st purée meal

    My first food was soft boiled eggs (perfect 6.5min eggs with set whites and runny yolks) and a hint of KG butter. After that I progressed to soft scrambled with olive oil, then with Laughing Cow Light Cheese Wedge, then with Greek yogurt stirred in, then with 2% cottage cheese...Get the picture? LOL. There was a LOT of soft scrambled egg action going down that weekend! Then I moved on to tuna/chicken pouches mixed with cottage cheese and hb egg and FF mayo and dijon, then onto steamed foil pack white fish filets and canned green beans.
  23. FluffyChix

    1st purée meal

    We call this hamburger stew or hash here in Texas. *snort*
  24. FluffyChix

    Extreme Intestinal Cramping

    Rabbit pellets are never good to see, no matter who you are! Good to see you btw, you should stick around and play with us for awhile!
  25. Dayum!!!! Maybe you're just really on track with the schedule in the #2 station??? Or, maybe it's just a whoosh, that happens you know, when you're body finally figures out that you really aren't at risk of starvation, it finally dumps the water out of the empty fat cells and you have an overnight woosh of like 2-4 lbs?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
