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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by FluffyChix

  1. FluffyChix

    Told today No Bypass must be sleeve

    Your assumptions (and the surgeon's) are incorrect. But that's the good news! Do your full research. You may be surprised. Alternately if sleeve does not work for you, then there are other options about revisions. Whereas, unless you go in with the take-no-prisoners philosophy for RNY where you have 1 chance and 1 chance only...the chances of revisions and second surgeries carry a huge risk/reward scenario and are very limited in scope. Also, welcome and please fill out your profile so we can actually speak to you intelligently. We don't know how much you weigh, your age, how tall you are, your goal, etc. Makes it a lot easier.
  2. FluffyChix

    Random Question

    Yep, I'd not do it until you are healed. They don't want any risk of skin born pathogens causing sores or healing issues. But what a thoughtful dude!!!
  3. Ha was wondering the same thing! How's the poopin' business? Inquiring minds and all...
  4. FluffyChix

    How many calories do you eat a day?

    I'm 17 months out. Very slow metabolism. I walk 60 minutes and aim for 6 days per week and do some very undisciplined movement/core exercises a couple times per week. I'm presently working on my Goal #3 of 130lbs. Weight loss is super duper slow these last 20lbs. For me to lose I'm at 650-850 but generally 650-700. I keep it to 1cup volume at meals, aim for 0-1 snack if absolutely necessary and get between 55-60ish grams protein daily mostly from food. I maintain easily in a range of 900-1100 with some days back at the low end of 650.
  5. Our's doesn't have a card like that. Thanks for the head's up!
  6. FluffyChix

    pouch reset

    Wow! WTG! How's your satiety? Any new sense of "small pouch day?" Congrats on the pound! How much protein do you think you got for the day?
  7. FluffyChix

    Weight-loss funnies

  8. FluffyChix

    pouch reset

    Yeah, I think that's one of the criticisms of doing the pouch reset--that now days, protein drinks provide little if any satiety. You could always try using psyllium powder in them. I do that sometimes and it does fill me up. I make a banana joe from cocomo smoothie (frappacino) using Bananas and Cream Premier Protein + Decaff Coffee + Ice + (sometimes cocoa powder extra dark) + 8g Now Psyllium Husks + liquid vanilla or chocolate stevia. Then I blend the crap out of it. It's almost like oatmeal lol. And very filling. But that kinda defeats the idea of the reset maybe?
  9. I'm glad you can clearly identify the culprits/behaviors and choices that contributed. I think it makes it easier if you know, then you know what to change. You know? I wish I knew more about lifting. I think @Healthy_life2, @BigViffer, @BlueCrush and a few others whom I'm drawing a blank on can help you! They are so awesome about stepping in and mentoring! I will be excited to learn more from them with you. I know if you do YouTube on Lyle Mcdonald (a body building pro of old), he talks quite in depth about women building and cutting and the hormonal things that have to be accounted for that make cutting and building quite different for women than men.
  10. FluffyChix

    pouch reset

    Can't wait to see how it helps you. Hope you will post your updates as you get them!! Are you on the protein drinks today? And bahahahaaha on using up all the canned smushy veggies. I totes did that too! There were lots o soup in the early days.
  11. Ah man. I hate those socks! But about the only thing I brought other than my toothbrush, iphone, and charger was a cheap pair of house shoes that I left in the trash as soon as I was discharged! I should have just done flip flops and wore them into the hospital and out to the car. But I wasn't thinking clearly! You got this girl!!! It will be over before you know it. Mindset is everything. Be happy and joyful. There will be a learning curve and trials ahead, but in a year you won't recognize how far you've come and how much better you feel!!!
  12. Why do you think you began gaining? What were you eating when the weight loss stopped and the gains started. How many times per day were you eating, what quantities? Were you logging your food daily into something like MFP? Are you vegan, lacto-ovo vegetarian, pescatarian? All quite different situations.
  13. FluffyChix

    Weight-loss funnies

  14. FluffyChix

    pouch reset

    I don't think these people (from my memory) were fasting or doing a metabolic reset. But I can tell you with me? If I overeat my macros I WILL gain weight and gain weight quickly...but maybe I'm just a very broken metabolism?
  15. FluffyChix

    Your stall story

    Which one? LOL Legions.
  16. FluffyChix

    Pre-op and obsessed?

    ^^^^OP please note this is an unusual situation...part of the 1% of 1% that experience this kind of complication!
  17. FluffyChix

    pouch reset

    Yeah, it's the insidious nature of "the beast." Right? You start making only tiny changes that maybe only amounts to 90cals per day. Think of that...there are studies that show the regain weight in normal obese individual who do a calorie restricted diet and exercise only have to change their diet to include 90 extra calories (about 4 bites of food), to have a regain. *smacks head* So yeah, for me, since I know I will inadvertently or on purpose add those 4 extra bites...I have to weigh and measure. *sniff* Yeah, def with the exercise you need that protein!!! Since I'm only walking--I think I will be ok on clears for 2 days. Plus it helps that I got hold of some bad veggies yesterday that made me hurt all night and contemplate the ER. So I think giving my bowels a break will actually be a good thing. I'll do bone broth for some of it so there will be collagen proteins. I think also, that you might try more dense protein? I know I can eat a boat load of veggies, especially if they are well cooked (like canned zuccs). Dunno about beans, cuz I can't handle the carbs in half a can, the most I do is probably an 1/8cup now and then? But last night? I was able to eat about 5oz of dense meat: 2oz cod, 1.5oz sockeye salmon, 1.5oz grilled rare ribeye. 😯 I was horrified!
  18. FluffyChix

    pouch reset

    Try it! Let us know! You're about "on schedule" for pouch healing which allows you to naturally be able to eat more. Which is why I've always been so militant that the "everything in moderation" is a lie for most of us--cuz soon 1 piece of pizza turns into 2 or 3. Dr. Weiner has YT about it. I do a water fast for a day or two--or a bone broth fast. I'm starting one today as a matter of fact. I ate healthy foods this weekend, but way too big of servings. So now it feels like time to fast. My pouch always feels more sensitive after that fasting. I may add back protein drinks as the next stage. So it would be 2 days clear liquids (broth, water, decaff black coffee, decaff teas). 2 days of protein drinks + clear liquids 2 days of purees/mushies + protein drinks + clear liquids 2 days of softs + everything above start adding back foods.
  19. FluffyChix

    2 weeks Shake Diet

    It sucks plain and simple. Embrace the suck. Think of food as little as possible. Break up with cooking shows and close your eyes during commercials/mute the TV. Get active. Do things during meal time such as walk, exercise, work a puzzle, color, do paint by numbers. But once you pass the half way point, in my opinion it gets easier. Oh and any cheat, will set you back to almost Day 1 on the cravings. So don't cheat. Get the lowest carb/low to no sugar protein drinks that you can get and follow your RDs schedule for drinking them and your broth/jello/popsicle combos.
  20. FluffyChix

    Weight-loss funnies

  21. FluffyChix

    Food Before and After Photos

    So worth it. Do it. We use ours more than anything else except the grill.
  22. FluffyChix

    Pre-op and obsessed?

    Yep. I'm definitely still obsessed and focused on my last goal #3. It's been this way since 1 year before surgery when I decided to choose health over dying. IMHO, it's the obsessively focused folks who make the most broad-spectrum lifestyle changes. But only time will tell if that will change our longterm outcomes over everyone else who isn't as focused and who chooses an "everything in moderation" lifestyle. Good luck to you and post often!!
  23. This YouTube by Dr. Jason Fung is one of the most fascinating and interesting theories on obesity that I've come across to date. I don't post this in order to persuade people to go "low carb" or "keto" or to being IF (intermittent fasting). I'm posting it because it explains pretty logically how we've developed the disease of morbid obesity and why insulin resistance and diabetes are a pandemic. He also gives a couple of hints about how to reverse it (in practice), but he said the longer someone has been obese, the harder it is to lose the weight and keep it off. So, uh, maybe we are victims of hormonal shananigans? What if the food industry, WHO, et al, in partnership with our hormones combined with our gut-brain axis HAVE conspired to get us and keep us fat? Will becoming aware of our conditions and the "cure" cause us to maybe take a second look at how we view food and "treating ourselves" with small portions of "everything in moderation" when it's the exact same food that led us to becoming obese morbidly obese the first time around? Is the answer in changing our relationship with food--awareness? What do y'all think?
  24. FluffyChix

    Repeat Rant - It's LOSE not LOOSE!

    Their, they're, there...

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
