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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by FluffyChix

  1. FluffyChix


    But it's so convenient!
  2. FluffyChix

    Multivitamin reaction

    I haven't tried a lot of others. I couldn't stand the taste of BariMelts chewables and hated the generic multi chewable. Celebrate has been my salvation and I've just never had an issue. This powder has the calcium already in it for my 2 doses. So then I only have to add 1 Celebrate watermelon chewy and an iron. Their iron (tangerine) is so yummy! And the watermelon chewy tastes like candy (Starburst). I take them with protein drink right now and don't have any nausea issues with them. But there are times when I'm taking them on "no food" in my tum, since I'm sipping all day. But so far so good.
  3. FluffyChix

    Multivitamin reaction

    I seriously dilute mine with water to 1/2 strength. I mix a scoop in my water bottle and then pour 1/3 into a glass and mix with water. I have to do that 3 times to use it all up and that's 1 serving. I have to have 2 of them per day. So I'm basically drinking vitamins all day. LOL. But it's good and tastes like Tang. They also have raspberry lemonade which is good and wild cherry which a lot of people like.
  4. FluffyChix


    Ok, will try! hahahaha It is so difficult to go tight when you have been used to camoflaging with tents. You know? It just feels like I'm exposed!
  5. FluffyChix


    ((hugs)) Sizes 8-10 depending. And size medium top.
  6. FluffyChix

    Multivitamin reaction

    Gosh. Sorry for your struggle! Do you take them after eating? Or before your meal or on an empty stomach? I take mine after eating a meal. I was using Celebrate Capsules and now I'm doing Celebrate Powder Vitamin you mix with water (tastes like Tang)!! I also use Celebrate Watermelon Calcium Chews.
  7. FluffyChix

    Always hungry!

    Here ya go!
  8. FluffyChix


    Ok, casual business meeting tonight. Have to actually wear street clothes! Yikes! I call this "channeling Audrey". LOL. Oh and every piece of this outfit is a thrift store buy and no more than $1 per piece. So $3 for the whole thing...
  9. Hey girl, can you help explain why our IF group has no issues having long periods of food-free life without having hypoglycemia? TY!
  10. Are you hungry all the time? Before I found IF, I would be if I ate higher carb. Now things are different for me...but I do find the more I eat and the more often I eat, the hungrier I am and the more fixated on the next meal event I am. What is your experience with this. I saw this article on MFP: 4 Reasons Why You're Hungry All The Time How many of them apply?
  11. FluffyChix

    Always hungry!

    Congrats on losing 24lbs in 1 month! That's amazing and outstanding! It takes people a while to feel confident saying anything about another's weight loss. And also, for some of us, it may take more to actually show a difference. 24 lbs might now show much yet? And for being hungry, it could be extra acid (take a PPI). It could be thirst. And it could be you are still insulin resistant and are eating too many carbs for satiety to take hold. You must stick with the prescribed quantities for your plan. Stick to no snacking--only eating your min-meals you are supposed to eat. Your nerves were cut and aren't fully talking to your brain. So it will just take some more time for those signals to work for you. I remember it was 3-4 months before I felt full from a meal. Hang in there. You are doing great!
  12. FluffyChix

    Too Much Protein?

    It is frustrating! And so natural! Weight loss is almost never linear! Here's my graph from the past year! I weigh daily and chart in MFP:
  13. As someone who habitually plays refrigerator roulette (as well as freezer and pantry/med cabinet roulette) daily, LOL! I'd say whip up a big ol' shake now and taste it. Better yet, open it and take a whiff. If it doesn't have a curdled or sour flavor I'd make a shake and taste it. How does it smell made into the shake? How does it taste? Did it make you hurl? I can almost guarantee if it's bad, you'll spit rather than swallow. Happy spinning!
  14. FluffyChix

    Too Much Protein?

    Congrats on hacking your plan and finding something new that works for you and allows you to feel more satiety and eat more!!!! ((hugs))
  15. FluffyChix

    Too Much Protein?

    That's fabulous! I've been contemplating that change for Mr. F. I don't know if my guts can handle that right now since they are barely moving as is. LOL. But we've brought his bgs down from 200+ to now around 110ish and I'd love to see more days in the 90s! Congrats to him on his weight loss!! 12.5lbs is outstanding--especially with T2 (in 2 weeks)!!!! How is your loss going right now? Are you still losing?
  16. FluffyChix

    Support Help

    My guy also was fully supportive of me, and is there whenever I call on him. But ultimately this is my decision and my journey. So he can't "do" anything for me in an enabling way. I must make the choices to do it for me and from me. If that makes any sense? What he has done that is outstanding is to get on-board with lifestyle changes which are inclusive of the other. He WANTS to eat healthy and ditch any junk (in fact he's even stronger and more committed to that than me--and I'm pretty rabid about it). He wants to walk and work out now. And we enjoy the time spent together in healthy active pursuits. But saying that, had he not been interested in it, I would not have pressed him, but our paths would have diverged naturally rather than converged. So I'd look at spending the time examining if there are ways and things you can do to improve your lifestyle habits that converge with your partners experience and journey? Also, get your own dang food during the 2 week pre-op liquid diet and during the 2-3 week post-op liquid diet. LOL. Eat your biggest meal at lunch out of the house when you don't have to eat in front of her. Maybe clean out the pantry, freezer and fridge of junk for now? Just suggestions. Seeing him eat normally (healthy food) was difficult mostly during the 2 week pre-op liquid diet.
  17. FluffyChix

    Too Much Protein?

    How's your hubs bg? And FBG? How much has he lost now? TY!
  18. FluffyChix

    Weight-loss funnies

  19. FluffyChix


    gorgeous! Love the shape, the lady, the power dress, and the bitchin shoes!! Good luck today girl!
  20. FluffyChix

    Weight-loss funnies

  21. FluffyChix

    Too Much Protein?

    Not really when combined with a very low carb diet.
  22. FluffyChix


    Ahhhh! See? It takes a village! I would not know these things. TY!!!
  23. FluffyChix

    The Thrill Is Gone

    I love this thread! I used to love sleeping in. Now I get up every morning at 5am with Mr. Fluffy and we are walking together by 5:30am! We get our morning walk-walk knocked out and can then follow up in the evening with the other 30 minutes of walking together. We use the time to talk about our day, either coming up or how it went!
  24. FluffyChix

    Milk of magnesia ?

    I take miralax (clear lax) = 1 capful 2 magnesium citrate caplets 1 gel cap of colace (250mg) 12g whole psyllium husks dissolved in Lipton decaff Apple Spice Tea (room temp) 100+oz fluid per day emphasize leafy greens and lots o' cruciferous veggies and indols (cauliflowers and broccolis) It's my perfect recipe for throne room harmony.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
