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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by gregvd

  1. I remember before the lap-band. The doctor had me on a two weeks Atkins diet to clean out my system. I thought, this is easy. eggs, meat, etc. Easy. then more eggs & meat. Well at the end of the two weeks, I was so sick (ready to puck) and way tired of the Atkins diet. All I got to say, is. "Thank God for the Lap-Band".

  2. I'm trying to be a OTR Truck Driver. I been wanting to be a truck driver for at least 10 years. But with to much weight and the fact that truck drivers tend to put on more weight, I held off. Well it's been a year now that I had my Lap-Band put in. I'm down 140lbs. Still got 40 pounds or so to go, but I was ready to get into trucking. I graduated May 20th. But I can't find a job. No one wants to hire newbies. My luck. Anyway. There is no dought in my mind that I can and would suceed in eating 10 times better than the average trucker. The fact that I have my own little police man in my stomach, keeping me in check. Every day I am thankfull that I had the Lap-Band put in.

  3. Hi Bev.

    This is a TOOL. A wonderful tool. It's like you got your own little policeman down there, making sure that you stay good. Without it, (like all of us) no self control.

    From going to weight watchers, you have gained all the knowledge, understanding, determination and now with the help of the Lap-Band System, YOU can finally (AND WILL) succeed.

    In my life time, I have probably lost over 300lbs in weight, to only put it back on, and some.

    I really can get up every morning and say to myself. "I will do good this day". And Actually do it.

    My nurse once told me "At special occasion or holidays, you can eat a piece of cake or cookie or even chocolate, but not every day is a special occasion or holiday".

    To me, the life of feeling good and knowing there is a light at the end of the tunnel, with the help of the Lap-Band is so much better than any sweets could be.

    I lost my father when I was 11. He was only 54 and over weight, and died from a heart attack. I have two beautiful teenage daughters, and I'll be damn if I'm going to leave them.

    Last but not least: I will go to Disney or where ever by next year, and go on rides with them and be able to walk the place without my feet killing me.

  4. I was banded May 28th. One week liquids, then one week mushy, and then solids. First fill appt. set for June 30th. Right now I'm in mushy week. I'm blending the heck out of food and weighing it to 4oz. Eating three times a day. One snack allowed in a day. So for so good. Not been hungry.

  5. Think about this. Between now and your wedding.

    You will be :eek:nervous:scared2:,:( excited:w00t: which all leads to gaining weight.

    So lets say you'll probably gain - 20lbs.

    Now me being a male like you. We loose weight faster than woman. In two month I lost now 40lbs.

    Now plus you will have another month or so on the band, so lets say 10lbs.

    So lets do the math -----20 + 40+ 10 = 70lbs.

    That's the difference between waiting until after the wedding, compared to doing it now.

  6. Hey Ericalyn.

    The doctor told me that when I eat, it should take 30 minutes, not 20 and not 40. 30 minutes. So when your eating only 4oz of baby food. It starts out OK, but when you get to 20 minutes of nibbling, the last ten minutes were grossing me out. I don't think any amount of seasoning will help. LOL.

    I am a meat and potato's kind of guy. I love the suggestion of ground beef, re fried Beans, spaghetti sauce (over that ground beef), etc.

    Amazing how different doctors due things at different times. I feel I'm having no problems with the mushy food going down.

    My first fill is either June 30th or July 7th. I just am not sure if I want to have to worry about having any problems at July 4th holidays.

  7. Thank you Tess for the input. I got to do something. Doctor said no more shakes but I don't know, I might have to.

    May I ask you a question about your fill. How did you do after your fill. The reason I'm asking is that the doctor gave me a choice of June 30th or July 7th for the appointment. Was not sure if it would be logical doing it around July 4th. Not that I plan to eat a lot, but being with family and horsing around, if it will interfere or something.

  8. I was banded May 28th. I started on the mushy foods today. :angry: Yuck :smile: Baby food is awful.:lol: I wish I could just buy a can of something off the shelve that would work. I been searching this forum but I don't have time to cook and work long hours. Any suggestions out there?

  9. I was banded May 28th. I started on the mushy foods today. :angry: Yuck :smile: Baby food is awful.:lol: I wish I could just buy a can of something off the shelve that would work. I been searching this forum but I don't have time to cook and work long hours. Any suggestions out there?

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