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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by gregvd

  1. gregvd

    Banded May 28th!

    Congratulations Veronica. The doctor told me to start the mushy one week after the surgery and then at two weeks start on regular food. How about you guys?
  2. gregvd

    Help on Mushy stage!!!!

    Thank you Tess for the input. I got to do something. Doctor said no more shakes but I don't know, I might have to. May I ask you a question about your fill. How did you do after your fill. The reason I'm asking is that the doctor gave me a choice of June 30th or July 7th for the appointment. Was not sure if it would be logical doing it around July 4th. Not that I plan to eat a lot, but being with family and horsing around, if it will interfere or something.
  3. gregvd

    Banded May 28th!

    Better, now. Still very tender at the port. About the burping, I have now become the burping king. Hiccups was driving me crazy on day 1 and 2. But they seem to be gone. (for now. LOL). I just am not having fun with this mushy stuff though.
  4. gregvd

    Banded May 28th!

    Welcome. I was also May 28th!!!. I started on the mushy foods today. Yuck. I don't like baby food.
  5. gregvd

    First 24 hours after my surgery

    Thanks. Music to my ears. It is getting easier, but the port area still hurts when getting up. It's hard as a rock. The nurse told me that it will be hard for 4 to 5 months, wow.
  6. gregvd

    First 24 hours after my surgery

    .....I mean 72 hours.....I will try the pillow. I think it might work. Plus I'm going to try to walk more. Took the band aids off last night, after my shower. I thought it would hurt, but it did not. I'm glad they are off. The big band aids were pulling my skin when I would move. The band aids under look good. The port area seems a little swollen, but I'm sure its normal. Still stiff. Only feel like a 80 year old man now. LOL.
  7. Did you call your doctor? What he say?
  8. gregvd

    First 24 hours after my surgery

    Well, I will say, It's been harder than I thought it would be. Where the port is, hurts when I got out of my chair or bed. The stomach is starting to hurt today. It's like it stiff, from healing. I feel like a 90 year old man. I know it will get better, and I do not have any regrets. But I can say it's not a walk in the park. Tonight I take my first shower after surgery. Doc told me to take off the first layer band aid after the shower.
  9. gregvd

    Any May Bandsters?

    Well it's been 24 hours since my surgery. When I woke up, the gas pain for about one and half hours was a killer. They said it would pass, and it did, but I was not ready for that. Then they tell me that men get it more than women. Any way, all and all it was a ruff day, but I got through it. Today, much better. Everything is just tender. The best part is that "I did it". A new chapter. It puts a smile on my face.:wink2:
  10. gregvd

    Any May Bandsters?

    Thank all for the nice comments.:sad: There is no secret. The High point for me was 378lb was back in 2004. My wife and I went to a health class for a year and I lost 100lbs. Then the teacher left and the new one, well, was no good. Anyway, I gained 60lb back, since. (Again:mad2:) So actually when I started 6 weeks ago preparing for the LB, I was 346lb. First he put me on an Atkins diet. Week 1 - lost 14lb. Week 2 - lost 5lb. Week 3 - lost 1lb. Week 4 lost 0lb. Then came the fun (not) liquid diet. Week 5 - lost 10lb. and Week 6 (which ended today) - lost 8lb. Making it a total of 38lb. I was walking on my tread mill 2 miles, but after I started this Atkins diet, I had to cut it down to 1 mile. Then after last Thursdays 1 mile walk, I quit. I finished light headed and my pulse was really racing. Everyone around me keeps asking. "Are you nervous?". No, just ready. I'm tired of the roller coaster ride. Especially when it's getting higher and higher. So tomorrow, May 28th, bring it on!!!!!!!!:eek:. By the way. This is crazy. They want me there it 5:15 in the morning, surgery is at 7:30am.
  11. gregvd

    Any May Bandsters?

    Only days away until May 28th. Bring it on.
  12. Hi. Great video. I also am scheduled for May 28th. Good luck to you.:wink2:
  13. gregvd

    fat man at 380lb.

    My heaviest. 378lb.
  14. gregvd

    Keeping food down

    After reading your question. I had a doctor appointment. I ask the nurse your question, and her answer is that it's all about chewing. Chew, Chew & Chew, and when you think you chewed enough, chew some more. Plus she also said that you have to make sure you drink 8oz of room temperature water 10 minutes before you eat, because it moisten the top part of the stomach. Because of the band, the top part does not get moist like it used to. Just thought I pass that along, what she said. I'm scheduled for May 28th.:biggrin:
  15. gregvd

    New Guy

    I do understand were your coming from. I am 46 and have always been fighting to lose the weight and keep it off. Back in 2005, myself and my wife went for a whole year, a weight management class. I lost 100 pounds. Long story short. It's 2008, and I put 3/4 of it back on. Truth is, I'll never will keep it off with out help. I'm scheduled for my band, May 28th. I'm ready. With that band in me, it will be my own little policeman, keeping me in check. I believe my doctor, that obese is a disease. I do have teenagers and I have missed going to like Disney World and things, because there is no way, I'm going to fit in those rides, and for all that walking, my feet would be killing me. Plus my father died at 54, from a heart attack and I do not want to follow that path. So I commend you for doing what you have to do. :smile:
  16. gregvd

    pre op diet

    4 weeks of a high protein, low carbohydrate diet. (one week to go). Then two weeks of liquid diet, then my date, May 28th. I do have to say, this Atkins like diet is doing me very well, I lost 20lbs in the 3 weeks. But there is no way, I could ever stay on Atkins for life. I feel if I eat any more eggs, I'm going to wake up speaking chicken language. Peep, Peep, Peep!!
  17. From a mans point of view and being around the block a few times. If the spouse is not 110% in for the long haul, it will NOT work. It takes every bit of our own energy and emotions to make this work. Having a lap-band is hard work and takes discipline. Planed meals, no more, "hey lets go here or there". Remember you are willing to make this change, not to live to eat, but rather eat to live. Is it worth the lap-band? H#ll YES. You loose the weight and la-bing, it's back on and more. No more with lap-band, as long has you are focus and have support all around and see your lap-band doctor regularly. So bottom line is, I'm sorry, he has to go. And please go to a free lap-band seminar in your area, and you will learn that being over weight is a disease, and this just the tool that works. Go to Lapband.com and click to find a seminar in your area. Good Luck. One final thought. A quote. "Love makes you blind". So true. If you fear that no one is as good as your current boyfriend or you won't find another. Remember, you will be a new improve you. It's all about You, You & You.:thumbup:
  18. gregvd

    Any May Bandsters?

    Is anyone else's kidneys hurting. I'm set for May 28th for my banding. On April 16th, my doctor started me on a Atkins diet. 3 weeks in and one week to go until I go on the liquid diet. I have been having pain in by middle of my back (down a little lower). I assume it's my kidney. Any advice.:confused2:
  19. gregvd

    Any May Bandsters?

    Got my insurance all squared away, and set for May 28th. Took 5 Months. Can't wait. Tired of being heavy

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