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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About Renee1096

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  1. I'm sort of at the beginning of my pre op diet and I hate protein shakes it reminds me of something I used to drink when I was little callled milk of magnesia. It's so thick and nasty and they almost make me gag I've tried the premier protein shakes vanilla kind. Is there anything that is much less thicker ? And taste way better
  2. Renee1096

    Any August 2017 Sleevers?

    Hi I'm new here! I'm a college student and I'm 20 years old. I've set my surgery date which is August 2nd however I'm having major second thoughts I thought if I could join this website maybe I can get some good advice. So I'm supposed to be on my two week pre op diet I'm five days in and haven't started becuase I had every intentions on backing out on the surgery. Today I woke up and I'm battling between getting the surgery and not getting it. I just keep thinking on the negative out comes such as my 21st birthday is coming up I won't be able to do anything and I'm just super bummed about that also I can't lie I really do like food and I'm just thinking I'll never be able to go out with my boyfriend and eat again and I just keep battling with this and have no idea what to do! Any suggestions?

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