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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by dathvick

  1. Had surgery on Wednesday and went back to work Monday. I would have gone back Friday except I had already turned in my time sheet for the week. No complications and no issues. I am a Computer support Specialist. I was able to do all aspect of my job except to lift the heavy printers. Climbing under desks and moving desktop computers was a little slow going but I was able to do most everything.

  2. Everyone is different! I was only in the hospital overnight and returned to work 3 days after surgery with no complications. It appears I have had a much easier time than most. I agree sitting around healing is not much fun for an active person. I have no advice other than do as much as you can around the house as long as it doesn't jeopardize your healing process. What doesn't kill you can only make you stronger. LOL

    Good Luck and best wishes!

  3. I started running again about 4 weeks ago and was very surprised how easy it was to get back into it. I used to run 6 miles a day every day about 17 years ago until I blew out my Right ACL for a 2nd time. The injury also severely damaged my meniscus so most of it had to be removed. I was told I would have pain walking let alone ever running again. That is when I started gaining weight. I went from 160 lbs to 270 lbs in about 2 years. I attempted to control my eating so I wouldn't gain weight but I wasn't very successful.

    Over the past couple years I started doing a lot of walking (a couple miles a day). The walking didn't help my weight but it kept my legs lean and muscular. It was about 6 months after my RNY that I got the idea to try running again. I figured I would take it nice and slow and run as far as I could with the expectation that I would be walking back home after my legs gave out. Much to my surprise that first day out I ran about 3 1/4 miles in 40 minutes. I didn't stop the entire run, I made it home. My knee bothered me for the next couple days but I wasn't going to quit. I am now running 2 or 3 times a week and have been running 2 1/2 miles in 26 minutes each time I am out.

    I didn't know that a 5K was only 3.1 miles. After realizing that, I decided to register for my first 5K run to be held May 12th.

    I am sure most people that haven't gone through weight loss surgery see the significance in all of this but running was something I thought I would never be able to do again. I don't plan on ever running a marathon but to be able to do a 5K or 10K every now and then lets me know that everything I have been through in the past year has been worth it.

  4. I have 1 drink a night usually about 5 nights a week. It is usually Fireball Whiskey, Peppermint Schnapps, Coconut Rum or Wine. I don't get drunk, just a little tipsy. I am aware of the empty calories and the sugar content but I have never had an alcohol problem and never have more than 1.

  5. I will pipe in. I had RNY September 6th 2017 and I never had a problem. Yes there were times at first that I either ate too fast or two much and instead of feeling miserable I decided to throw up. It didn't come up on it's own, I actually had to use my fingers down my throat but after it came up I felt so much better. I haven't thrown up in a couple months now, I have tried to throw up after eating too much but it just doesn't happen.

    I was on a 1 week pre surgery liquid diet but with the Protein Shakes I never felt hungry. I actually lost about 25 lbs that week. After surgery I was on liquid diet for about a week and then moved to soft foods for 2 weeks and then ate what ever I wanted as long as it was all Protein. 1 month after surgery I was told to get off the protein shakes and eat normal foods.

    The last 4 months I have eaten 4 oz of cottage cheese for Breakfast, a Lunchable (just the meat and cheese) for lunch, an all protein snack when I get home from work and then normal food for dinner (just a smaller portion). I choose to stay away from bread, Pasta, and potatoes (I do have them occasionally but not very often). I don't eat much fruit or vegetables I depend on 2 chew able Bariatric Vitamins and 2 Calcium capsules to get my nutrients and have done very well on my blood tests.

    My diabetes is cured, I used to take 6 injections a day to control it. I am off my blood pressure medicine and high cholesterol meds. I am also off the omeprazol that I took for gerd. Currently I do not take any prescription medications.

    16 years ago I blew my knee out for a 2nd time and was told I would never run again. I hate to prove the doctors wrong but 3 weeks ago I started running again. My first run was a little over 3 miles in 40 minutes (non stop).

    I started out at 265lbs and for the past 4 months have been at a steady 193lbs. I wanted to get to 165lbs but to be honest I could care less if I ever get there. I feel great, look great and am very happy with my life.

    The RNY surgery was the best choice I have ever made, I would do it again in a heart beat.


  6. I am 7 months post op and my hands and feet have suffered from dry skin since having surgery. I have used Working Hands and Healthy Feet a couple times a day. I have also started using Gold Bond and it is now a little better but not like they should be. I drink plenty of Water and nobody can give me an explanation of why I am so dry. I have also had sinus issues for the past 4 months.

    Here is a picture of my hand that I just took for this post.


  7. Before surgery I made a promise to myself that once I got below 200 lbs I would start running again. I have been right around 192 to 195 now for almost 3 months and just can't seem to lose anymore. Hopefully by running a couple times a week it will kick start my weight loss and I can finally start losing again.


  8. Just went back and found more information for the area I am in. These are prices of the procedure if you pay without insurance.

    Gastric Bypass Surgery Cost Comparison Kansas City

    Bariatric Center of Kansas City Blue Valley Surgical Institute North Kansas City Hospital St. Luke’s University Of Nebraska Medical Center
    Private Pay Gastric Bypass $18,000 Not Offered $20,000 $25,000 $23,000

  9. I have been at the same weight for more than a month now. I have had sinus issues, on meds for that and I am sure they cause weight gain. I am off the meds now and the sinuses are mostly clear so I am hopeful I can start losing again. It can be a slow process, I have learned patience through all this.

  10. Every surgeon is different on the answer to this question. I was allowed to have a drink at 8 weeks. I was told I could NEVER have anything carbonated again and that includes beer. This month (March) is my 1 year anniversary since I have had anything carbonated.

  11. 4 minutes ago, Acts238girl said:

    Sweetie, all your comments make me sad! You will need to talk to a therapist before surgery (at least in my state a therapist, nutritionist, and doctor had to ok you), and hopefully but I can give you more Direction. I'm concerned that you seem to have zero self-worth. Surgery won't help that. Your value doesn't come in your hip size. If you have the ability to, I would get somebody to talk to. It can help a lot!

    Sent from my SM-G935V using BariatricPal mobile app

    I agree 100% Surgery won't change anything if you aren't mentally prepared and want this for your self. Even after the surgery it is very hard work and if you are successful it is worth it. I know a lot of people that were not successful mostly because they thought they would have the surgery and they wouldn't have to work at losing weight (my wife included). My wife had the surgery about 8 years ago. She is 5'5" and weighed 290 at surgery and today she weighs 240. She expected the surgery to be the end of her dieting/exercising to lose her weight but she was very wrong.

  12. Has anyone else experienced a change in their sleep habits after surgery?

    Before surgery I needed 8 hours of sleep every night. I would go to bed at 8:30pm and get up at 4:30am so I could be at work at 5:30am everyday. My body was so used to these hours that even on weekends I would get up around 4:30am.

    I currently only need 6 hours of sleep. I now go to bed at 9pm and have to force myself to stay in bed until 3am. I don't feel tired, I am still full of energy and I don't take naps. I do find myself feeling very tired around 9pm and when I go to bed I fall right to sleep. I don't feel I am depriving my self of sleep, I actually feel great all day long.


  13. I had surgery September 6th 2017 so I am 5 1/2 months post op.

    They recommended B12 shots once a month for me. I took the first shot and decided I didn't need any more. They said they were giving them to me to help me keep my energy up. I have never had a problem with energy level, even right after surgery.

    I had blood work done recently and my B12 level was 611 the normal range is 213 - 816 so I am normal even without any B12 supplements.

  14. You only have 1 life and you need to live it to the best of your ability. I realized this at the age of 50 and from that day on I didn't care what people thought or how my decisions made them feel, this is the only life I have and I am going to live it for me. I am not going to live it for others any more. Life is too short, be happy and healthy.

  15. I had surgery 9/6/17 and would have gone back to work on 9/8 but I had already turned my time card in for the week. I went back to work Monday 9/11 with no issues. I am a Computer Desktop Support person so I am on my feet most of the day visiting users desks. I have never had an issue with energy. They tried to give me monthly B12 shots for energy after surgery but I declined them.

    I have always done a lot of walking, I actually walk on my breaks and lunch, I get in about 2 to 3 miles a day. I actually started walking again the 3rd day after surgery.

  16. I had my RnY 4 1/2 months ago and I still could go without eating if I don't think about it. I try to stay on a schedule so I don't miss eating when I should. I am down about 68 lbs, feeling great and I eat what I want. I can't and won't eat large portions, I don't eat any red meat (it just doesn't sit well with me). I stay away from bread, Pasta, and potatoes (I eat them occasionally but not very often). I actually eat ice cream, chocolate and other sweets and do not feel guilty because I control how often and how much (which was very difficult before surgery).

    I am very proud of my progress even though it has slowed down to about 2lbs a week now. If I didn't lose another pound I could live happily where I am today.


  17. I am very glad my insurance company required me to see a psychologist for evaluation before surgery. It is very important to be mentally ready for weight loss surgery. People rush into the procedure looking at the final results and not understanding that it is still a battle along the way. I have been very fortunate not to have any issues. I am 3 months post op as of today and eat what ever I want. I have noticed that I prefer not to eat beef any more, hot dogs make me a little nauseous but I can accept not eating them anymore. Portion size is what made me obese to begin with so I am happy I don't have the ability to choose to eat more than I need. I choose to stay away from bread, Pasta and Potatoes for the most part to make sure my diabetes stays gone and also to assist in the weight loss.

    I am very happy I had the surgery and would do it again, it was worth it.

  18. I started smoking a cigar and having a drink with it after 5 weeks. I don't drink a lot just enough to go with my cigar and I smoke a cigar about 3 or 4 times a week.

    I had my surgery September 6th, haven't had any problems or issues. I talked to my doctor about the drink and all they told me was I would feel the alcohol a lot earlier and get drunk very easily. Maybe I don't drink enough because I haven't gotten drunk, just a little tipsy.

    I have lost 60 lbs so far and am so glad I had the procedure.

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