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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by BlondeBander

  1. Hey im 22 as well...i wasn banded on 3/24...ive lost just over 20 lbs....i am so happy about my band....and im excited to see where its going to take me...lol...i hope you get your approval!!!...mine took forever...they denied me at first then i had to prove "medical need" for the band....i started the process back in oct 07...and at the time my bmi was so high i almost had to get the bypass, so i lost 40 lbs before my sergery....best of luck!!

  2. hey everyone,

    My name is shannon im from central cali, i just had my band placed on 3/24...tomorrow will be 2 weeks...ive lost 15 lbs!!...yippie!...i am 22 years old, and ive been over weight all my life...im very happy that ive been given a whole new path!!...its been really hard the last few weeks, everyone has good food around me and i know i cant have it for another month, but im hanging in there...so if anyone can tell me about what they r going though, that would be cool...i feel alone....no one around me knows what im going though beside u guys!!!...help?:regular_smile:

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