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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    mytime4me got a reaction from leiaD in Most absurd thing people said to you when you told them you were having WLS?   
    ...so today, I told my mother in law that I was having WLS and getting sleeved Friday (28-Jul). She told me to save myself the recovery and just stop eating french fries. Where was that helpful information all along?!?!?! LOL
    In all seriousness, I am in the process of getting approved for time off after my surgery and the short term benefits manager at my company literally told me that if I utilized the work gym, I wouldn't have to take time off to "deal with this now".

    Seriously, WTF people. Its hard enough making the decision I made, so not very thankful for the peanut gallery!
    I am trying to stay positive and blocking out all the judgy comments. I am hoping that will be easier when I can rock an "I told you so" body.
    <end rant>
  2. Like
    mytime4me got a reaction from bl1988 in Most absurd thing people said to you when you told them you were having WLS?   
    THANK YOU! Its good to know that there is a lot of love out there for what we are doing, once we get passed the few negative ones that don't understand, don't agree or can't get passed their own issues to be supportive! I am getting sleeved Friday. I hope to be as happy and secure as you soon!!!! Good luck
  3. Like
    mytime4me got a reaction from leiaD in Most absurd thing people said to you when you told them you were having WLS?   
    ...so today, I told my mother in law that I was having WLS and getting sleeved Friday (28-Jul). She told me to save myself the recovery and just stop eating french fries. Where was that helpful information all along?!?!?! LOL
    In all seriousness, I am in the process of getting approved for time off after my surgery and the short term benefits manager at my company literally told me that if I utilized the work gym, I wouldn't have to take time off to "deal with this now".

    Seriously, WTF people. Its hard enough making the decision I made, so not very thankful for the peanut gallery!
    I am trying to stay positive and blocking out all the judgy comments. I am hoping that will be easier when I can rock an "I told you so" body.
    <end rant>
  4. Like
    mytime4me reacted to bl1988 in Most absurd thing people said to you when you told them you were having WLS?   
    Sometimes and( I know people do have bad experiences with telling people about surgery ) you will be very surprised I told my close friends and family and some co workers I was having it done so the day of my mom and fiancé were receiving a ton of texts checking in on the actual surgery, my mom asked before I went in the day of if she could just write it on Facebook so she didn't have to respond individually to 1000 text twenty different times to update people and I told her no... but then got to thinking that I don't care what others think, I've worked really hard to even have this surgery, I'm making a huge life change and I'm proud of myself, so that night after having surgery from the hospital bed I made a huge Facebook post about here goes the first day of the rest of my new life and I was SHOCKED by the amount of support I received!!!! Over 100 comment and almost 200 likes of all support!!! I think you will feel so much happier to just be honest and open, when you hide it it subconsciously always makes you feel like your doing something wrong and by no means is this the easy way out of weight loss! I've had so many people say I don't know how you do it it just seems so difficult... but again I'm proud of how far I've come and I'm not even one week post op and have the love and support from my close community!!! And it feels GREAT... ignore the people who have negativity chances are they have never been in your shoes, also if there negative towards you they probably have something dragging them down in their lives and want to induce negativity around them to make them selves feel better! Respond to them with didn't your mother ever tell you if you have nothing nice to say then don't say anything at all!!!

  5. Like
    mytime4me reacted to lmart133 in Most absurd thing people said to you when you told them you were having WLS?   
    That's why you must choose the safe people in your life....Sometimes people closest to you are the wrong ones to share this with...there will always be judgmental people around you but just remember this decision is yours and yours alone and with that being said there will still be people around you that will try to scare you out of this....but you know when you've reached this point in life you've tried everything else..alot of people also think that this is the easy way out...but this is NOT easy and it's a tool to lose weight permanently

    Sent from my SM-N910V using BariatricPal mobile app

  6. Like
    mytime4me reacted to lmart133 in Most absurd thing people said to you when you told them you were having WLS?   
    You must research the doctors you choose but that goes for any type of surgery and get patient referrals as well as doctor referrals..don't go just because the price is right...there could be an underlining reason why the price is much lower than others and it could be a life sentence...do your homework..most can be looked up online and see their reviews as well

    Sent from my SM-N910V using BariatricPal mobile app

  7. Like
    mytime4me reacted to gwbicster in Most absurd thing people said to you when you told them you were having WLS?   
    Good Lord, you're a Mets fan?!?
  8. Like
    mytime4me reacted to Noworneverthin in Most absurd thing people said to you when you told them you were having WLS?   
    Horror story that someone died after getting the excess skin removed. I dont need to hear stuff like that! Its scary enough. I'm trying to save my life

    Sent from my LGMS550 using BariatricPal mobile app

  9. Like
    mytime4me reacted to leiaD in Most absurd thing people said to you when you told them you were having WLS?   
    hopefully my facial expression said it for me! The stuff people say.... I also had plenty of people suggest exercise as if I wasn't already doing it. They automatically think you don't exercise. Or that after surgery it's just sunshine and rainbows and I lose all the weight just by sitting and eating. People should really do research.

  10. Like
    mytime4me got a reaction from leiaD in Most absurd thing people said to you when you told them you were having WLS?   
    ...oh man, this just may be the pre-op diet talking - but it would be so hard for me not to say... "you're not stupid but you're not smart either" right back at 'em

  11. Like
    mytime4me got a reaction from Precious517 in Most absurd thing people said to you when you told them you were having WLS?   
    Your sister has the right plan, I got guilted into it by my husband because we have two small kids and she is going to "help" while I recover. I honestly have told 4 people in total and not sure when I'll be ready to share beyond that -if ever. The way I look at, people judge me bc I am fat, they'll judge me bc I had to loose so much weight in the first place, they'll judge me for being a mets fan...and the list goes on and on. Right now, I'm just worried about how I judge me- the rest will figure itself out

    ...oh and my MIL is un invited to thanksgiving hahaha

  12. Like
    mytime4me got a reaction from Precious517 in Most absurd thing people said to you when you told them you were having WLS?   
    ... Totally gotta love all the "love" [emoji1304] it's a good thing we can rise above it (well- I try anyway!!')

  13. Like
    mytime4me got a reaction from leiaD in Most absurd thing people said to you when you told them you were having WLS?   
    ...so today, I told my mother in law that I was having WLS and getting sleeved Friday (28-Jul). She told me to save myself the recovery and just stop eating french fries. Where was that helpful information all along?!?!?! LOL
    In all seriousness, I am in the process of getting approved for time off after my surgery and the short term benefits manager at my company literally told me that if I utilized the work gym, I wouldn't have to take time off to "deal with this now".

    Seriously, WTF people. Its hard enough making the decision I made, so not very thankful for the peanut gallery!
    I am trying to stay positive and blocking out all the judgy comments. I am hoping that will be easier when I can rock an "I told you so" body.
    <end rant>
  14. Like
    mytime4me got a reaction from f**k you in Most absurd thing people said to you when you told them you were having WLS?   
    ...here's to us for not listening!

  15. Like
    mytime4me got a reaction from Iconcinnity in Just been Sleeved   
    I'm getting sleeved Friday....starting to get nervous but ready to be on my way. I hope you are feeling great

  16. Like
    mytime4me got a reaction from leiaD in Most absurd thing people said to you when you told them you were having WLS?   
    ...oh man, this just may be the pre-op diet talking - but it would be so hard for me not to say... "you're not stupid but you're not smart either" right back at 'em

  17. Like
    mytime4me reacted to dcgoodson623 in Most absurd thing people said to you when you told them you were having WLS?   
    That I was doing this because I was otherwise undisciplined. UGH. I just don't have the willpower to do Weight Watchers.
  18. Like
    mytime4me reacted to njgal in Most absurd thing people said to you when you told them you were having WLS?   
    Sounds like you have all the right people in your life.... it'd be funny if it weren't so nasty
    Seriously though... if mil asks you how you're doing so and so many months later, or compliments you on your looks or clothing or something, just say " i took your advice and stopped eating "
    H 5'6" HW 253, CW 250, TBS 9/19
  19. Like
    mytime4me reacted to 2ndSpring in Most absurd thing people said to you when you told them you were having WLS?   
    LOL - If only I had known this information years ago!!!! stop eating french fries - its so simple, why didn't I think of that??? LOL
    Good luck on Friday, you'll be rocking that smoking hot bod in no time.

  20. Like
    mytime4me reacted to shazwott13 in Most absurd thing people said to you when you told them you were having WLS?   
    omg...I can't believe that people not only think like that, but have the audacity to say it. Honestly your HR person could be sued. My sister is getting sleeved in September and wants her husband to keep it from his parents because her mother in law has said similar things in the past when she brought up that she was contemplating it.
    Being overweight I have been judged all my life. This is my biggest fear about what will happen if people find out I had the surgery. I'm a teacher and I did it over the summer.
  21. Like
    mytime4me reacted to leiaD in Most absurd thing people said to you when you told them you were having WLS?   
    Lol one person told me "you're not small, but you're not big BIG, so you don't need it." thanks...... that was just so helpful and well thought out

  22. Like
    mytime4me got a reaction from leiaD in Most absurd thing people said to you when you told them you were having WLS?   
    ...so today, I told my mother in law that I was having WLS and getting sleeved Friday (28-Jul). She told me to save myself the recovery and just stop eating french fries. Where was that helpful information all along?!?!?! LOL
    In all seriousness, I am in the process of getting approved for time off after my surgery and the short term benefits manager at my company literally told me that if I utilized the work gym, I wouldn't have to take time off to "deal with this now".

    Seriously, WTF people. Its hard enough making the decision I made, so not very thankful for the peanut gallery!
    I am trying to stay positive and blocking out all the judgy comments. I am hoping that will be easier when I can rock an "I told you so" body.
    <end rant>
  23. Like
    mytime4me got a reaction from Iconcinnity in Just been Sleeved   
    I'm getting sleeved Friday....starting to get nervous but ready to be on my way. I hope you are feeling great

  24. Like
    mytime4me reacted to SleevesRbetterThanPantz in Just been Sleeved   
    Keep in touch and let me know how it all turns out. I love the support and I love being able to talk with fellow sleevers. It's a great tool in recovery

  25. Like
    mytime4me reacted to SleevesRbetterThanPantz in Just been Sleeved   
    Goodluck you will do great!!!! I'm almost. Week post op and I feel awesome it was the absolute best decision I've made. I'm down 25 lbs in a week.

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