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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About shazwott13

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    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 06/13/1973

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  1. I had my surgery in Mexico on a Friday afternoon and was released Sunday morning. We had a 10 hour drive back to Denver and I was just fine. I moved the passenger seat all th way forward and reclined my back seat. It allowed me to sit comfortably in the back with my feet up. The ride was perfectly comfortable
  2. shazwott13

    Bariatric sleeve

    Go to vitamin shoppe and get a single packet of syntrax nectar. It mixes with water and is truly the best flavor out there. I had trouble with any protein powder mixed with milk, but this mixes with water and goes down very easily. It comes in fruit flavors or chocolate and vanilla.
  3. I actually eat gerber stage 1 prunes. It taste super good and seems to work well
  4. By law, you don't have to tell them what type of surgery it is. Although you call it elective, it is still considered a medical necessity by most states and most insurance companies. If your insurance covers it, than it is not "elective". I agree that scheduling it to coincide with normal holidays would be helpful (if you get holidays off). I know many that only take a week off, so if your job is not super physical, you might not need the extra time (with the sleeve). Gastric bypass is more complicate and a slightly longer recovery (my mom had bypass)
  5. shazwott13

    Sleeping post op

    If you have a recliner, you can sleep in that for a little while until you can sleep on your tummy again
  6. shazwott13

    Phase 2 Diet

    depends on what your surgeon's phase 2 is. If it is soft foods, they need to be cooked super soft, but if its whole liquids it needs to be pureed (according to my surgeon's packet)
  7. First day of soft foods and I celebrated by going to outback with my sister and ordering the plain grilled tilapia.  I've never had a more delicious meal!!! It felt so good to feel normal again, even though I only ate about 1/4 of a thin fillet :).  It also felt good needing a large to go box and knowing that I had 3 more meals left!

    1. natasha0820


      That's so awesome! How are you feeling?

  8. shazwott13

    Please help...soft foods phase

    OMG...you a life saver!!!! Thank you so much for this
  9. shazwott13

    Please help...soft foods phase

    thank you, that makes more sense to me than what this lady tried to tell me
  10. shazwott13

    Protein Question

    if you go to vitamin shoppe, they have syntrax nectar trial size packets in different fruit flavors so you can try them for a couple bucks and see which flavors you like
  11. I start soft foods phase on Friday and I'm confused. Since I got my surgery in MX I don't have a nutritionist to ask. I emailed my coordinator but her response made no sense and I think she just made it up. Here is what the instructions are: I asked her, whether I am supposed to wait 30 minutes between eating and drinking the shakes because it specifically says NOT to eat and drink at the same time. She said I can drink a protein shake while eating because it is a thicker consistency. This is simply not true, my shakes are super thin and the whole point is to not wash down the food. However, if I wait 30 minutes I will be eating and drinking all day long. If you had surgery here, what did your nutritionist tell you about soft foods phase?
  12. I am also 5'6" and although I haven't lost a ton, I have gone up and down all of my life and found that 20 lbs equal a change in size for me
  13. I’m so worried that I am already failing at this.  My mom had gastric bypass 15 years ago and went from 330 to 240, but then never lost anymore.  She has gone between 240 and 280 every since.  Two nights ago I added baby cereal to my bedtime protein shake and I make about a cup of it.  I usually have no trouble drinking a cup of liquid.  It poured easily off a spoon but was thicker than my normal shake.  After I ate it I felt satiated and fell asleep.  At midnight, I woke up to let the dog out and made another cup of it.  I realized at that point that I was overly full (I wasn’t in pain or nauseous, just super full). ).  It made me feel like a loser because what I realized is that I should have only had 2 tablespoons of it because it counted as a pureed food instead of a shake.  I was just thinking that when my nephew was little the only way to get him to sleep through the night was to ass cereal to his bottle, so I was trying the same thing with me.  I’m such an idiot.   

    1. Nhope


      Please be kind to yourself! You're changing a lifetime of eating habits. It's like you're relearning how to eat, which means you have to find out what works and doesn't. And remember--bypass 15 years ago is different than bypass today. You get to forge your own path.

  14. shazwott13


    Just curious if anyone drinks coffee and if so, how soon you were able to start after surgery? I usually enjoy decaf but its always been hard on my tummy so I haven't even tried. Its not on this list of things my dr told me not to do, so I though I would ask others. School starts next week and I wanted to know if I can partake (I will be 3 weeks post op and on soft food by then)
  15. so the loose stools are super normal. I did not have gurgling on the left side, but my mom did because her surgeon leaves the severed stomach inside the abdomen (because it has no effect on the body and is extra tissue in case it is needed in the future). The gurgling she had was the remnants of her old stomach that was no longer attached. Do you know if this is what your surgeon did? The gurgling could also just be your intestines.

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