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LAP-BAND Patients
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About msauhzha

  • Rank
    ms zha
  • Birthday 11/06/1974

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About Me

  • Biography
    easy going, outspoken, and very confident
  • Interests
    shopping and exercising
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  1. Happy 38th Birthday msauhzha!

  2. I was having the same problem with food going down. it was hurting real bad every time i ate anything. i went to have an upper gi done and i discovered i had acid reflux. your first pain was from gas so dont really worry about that. when you chew your food longer air gets in your mouth and goes down with your food. that causes the pain in your back and chest. but if you continue to have problems swallowing, ask your surgeon to schedule you a upper gi to check for any problems.
  3. msauhzha

    How much can you eat?

    omg! i thought the same thing! that is until weight loss came to an ubrupt halt. but since i been back on my diet pills until i get my fill, i've lost 4 lbs in 2 weeks. you got to exercise. i found out the hard way that if you dont move around, you will lose inches, but you skin will start to sag big time. get out there and move!!!
  4. msauhzha

    How much can you eat?

    i dont know about others, but i went back to my prescribed diet pills to control my eating. it is mental, but it is also a force of habit and taught behavior. in our family we were taught to "clean our plates". i get my band filled on 7/9 and i hope it will help me control my eating habits a little better. i have lost 30 pounds since my surgery on 3/17, but it's real hard. i am sticking to it good now but it is real rough in the beginning, but the results are wonderful. stay strong and be blessed!:tongue2::crying:
  5. Yeah, I did go to a meeting before the surgery. It seems that each doctor does it a differently. I know I don't eat as much as I did prior to the surgery but I have no problems digesting any foods consumed.

  6. msauhzha

    New Lap Band Patient

    hi! my name is auhzha and i had my surgery on march 17th. i get my first fill on may 14th. did you attend any lap band classes before you had the surgery? i think that you shouldnt eat the same thing you ate before and you should move around more. you will see some results. i think that when you get the band filled it will help you stay full longer.
  7. Hello msauhzha,


    Welcome to Lap Band Talk Forum - The largest forum for Lap Band Surgery Discussion and Lap Band Surgery Support! :D


    Please read the rules, introduce yourself and enjoy your stay!

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