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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by heycrystal2052

  1. heycrystal2052

    Cereal and the soft foods diet

    Since my surgery, I haven't touched cereal. One, I would only be able to eat several spoonfuls, and the rest would be a wrap. Two, it has way toooooo many carbs and other junk. Three, I enjoy losing weight and would prefer that cereal not be the reason, I gain.
  2. I had the GS and the healing was pretty quick, but the body catching up on energy is what zapped me for a bit. I was off of work for a month, but maybe could have gone back after two weeks. I just didn't want to have any issues w/ the lack energy or discomfort. I was in the hospital overnight and that was only because, they waited too long to release me so it carried over into the next day.
  3. heycrystal2052

    How Common Are Body Odor Problems

    I don't know where the thread is, but someone just asked that same question and there were several comments on that thread. From what I read, that was a common problem for those w/ DS. "DS Body Fluid Odor" -Strivingforbetter (That's the thread)
  4. heycrystal2052

    To Pho or Not To Pho....

    I got the seafood pho w, no noodles. It was so delicious, but I was only able to eat a small amount, obviously. So, delicious!
  5. Well, it happened, I can no longer enjoy the Gallbladder still being in me after the surgery (Almost two years out). This weekend, I had a really bad pain, a pain that felt like I had indigestion, but it wasn't that. Seriously, I couldn't even fully stand up or even sit w/out feeling pain. I went to the ER and thankfully, there were no stones when they did the CT, but my Gallbladder was inflamed and they said I may have had an ulcer. Has anyone experienced this and if so, is this a one time thing or will this continue to randomly creep up?
  6. heycrystal2052

    Gallbladder Inflammation :(

    I made an appointment to see a general surgeon next week. I'm so bummed, but I'm happy to move forward w/ making sure that level of pain doesn't cripple me again. Man, that crap hurts!
  7. heycrystal2052

    To Pho or Not To Pho....

    Wow, I'd think the rice noodles would be better than pasta, well I tell ya, I'm still learning new things. To be honest, I don't miss the noodles, I just make sure I get extra shrimp, sprouts, and veggies. So dang, good!
  8. heycrystal2052

    insurance denial

    Do it before the year is over, just in case your policy changes for 2018.
  9. heycrystal2052

    Gallbladder Inflammation :(

    Sadly, my Bariatric surgeon retired and now, I'm on the hunt for a new one. He like your Dr., was a general surgeon as well. He referred all of his patients to a new Dr., but I'd rather find one who is local. If not, I'll go to the referred Dr. Dratz, I will check to see if is something medicine can control (I read that's an option), if not, I will go with having it removed. Fluffy, I was a sick gal this weekend.
  10. heycrystal2052

    Not feeling like swallowing the food

    I have that reaction to tuna sometimes, I crave it, but when I actually get it..I'm done. I don't know what it is, but I throw it away after several bites. I have my good days and my bad days, lol.
  11. heycrystal2052

    Gallbladder Inflammation :(

    This really bums me out, but I know you're right. That pain was unbearable and it made me throw up and it killed my lower back, I can't imagine feeling that much pain again. The Morphine knocked it out, but I still feel a bit of ache in that spot. It sucks, but I know you both are right. Should I consult my Bariatric Dr. (he has since retired) or should I go to a specialist?
  12. heycrystal2052

    Alcohol for Bariatric Vets

    They usually say, those who had a food addiction will transfer to something else. Thankfully, I'm not one of those people, I wouldn't know what I'd do. I agree w/ that person above, be very careful when it comes to drinking. I may have a martini once a month, if that. I've never been a huge fan of drinking and could really care less, if I never had a drink again. My Dr. said, don't deprive yourself, but be wise when choosing to drink. Don't feel as though you need to "conform", to what you think people want you to be.
  13. heycrystal2052

    Gallbladder Inflammation :(

    I've come so far w/out having issues, I really dislike having them now
  14. heycrystal2052


    Someone just mentioned that to me, she said her nutritionist said those are okay. It's so interesting how different our Dr's are, lol.
  15. heycrystal2052

    Do you still view yourself as "fat"

    I'm so proud of how far I've come, I don't tend to refer to myself or see myself as being fat. It's funny, one day before getting to that point, I said to my boyfriend "ugh, I'm so fat", and he reminded me of how far I've come and I'm no longer that girl. I need to embrace the woman I've become and the curves are delightful. LOL Technically, on paper, my BMI is still not where it should be....but, considering I started at almost 70-BMI and am now almost at 30, gurrrrl YAS!! I am not fat, hear me roar!
  16. heycrystal2052

    insurance denial

    I was approved in a day, the only thing I had to do was the 6 month waiting period. Psych Eval Six Dietitian meetings, one nutritionist.
  17. heycrystal2052

    Scared they didnt remove enough of my stomach

    I'm almost two years out and I can only drink several ounces at a time, I'm sure you're just fine. We are all different, but the road we all travel has the same outcome; Success!
  18. heycrystal2052

    Leftovers, eh, not interested!

    Alright, I will admit, I'm one of those people who when cooking, pretends to be hosting a cooking show. Hey now, I'm the only child, that'll be my excuse. I had to find my own entertainment and it stuck w/ me years and years later. LOL
  19. heycrystal2052

    Leftovers, eh, not interested!

    My recipe is as follows: Get in the car add a bit of sugar and spice to your smile and attitude Drive to Jason's Deli, ask for my regular w/ onions and cheese on the side and wait for the perfection to be handed over in a bag. Get back in the car Drive home. Last, and what is most important, take a wiff of the amazing smell. Then consume. Repeat , as needed.
  20. I heard about that on my way to work, any little bit of savings I can get w/ my Prime, I'll take! lol I love Amazon Now and Fresh, knowing I can now get Whole Foods as a part of it, makes me smile even more.
  21. heycrystal2052

    Travel so soon after surgery?

    My Dr. put me on a blood thinner for 30 days after the surgery, will you not have that? I'm getting a breast lift and reduction, I had planned to travel a week after (by plane to Atlanta), but I was told I'll need to wait for two. I'm sure, your window may be that. My guess would be, that's way too soon. Not alone, if you're flying, your body will not be your best friend. About 7 days out, I tried to do a bit of grocery shopping and failed miserably and actually, had to leave the store and go home.
  22. heycrystal2052

    Leftovers, eh, not interested!

    Now chili, I can eat the heck out of that daily. That's always my go-to and I'm so excited, it's beyond beneficial for us. I don't make my own often, but I love the recipe Jason's Deli uses. So, delicious!
  23. heycrystal2052

    Leftovers, eh, not interested!

    I've thought about going back to Plated.com, but with looking at their menu, I'd have to omit way too many things to make it something I can eat. I did what you did, bought packages of chicken and would meal prep on Sunday's, but I found I was wasting WAYYYY too much food. I'd get up in the morning and be so turned off by the fridge and I'd run to my lunch packets of tuna and other proteins. I'm trying to get better, but I've noticed, I do this in phases.
  24. heycrystal2052

    Food Channel

    I've seen all of the episodes, I'm horrible, I binged on the show and watched all of the episodes in the same sitting. LMAO! Now, what I can't stand to watch is Man vs.Food, I watched that show and only say death. EW!
  25. heycrystal2052

    Leftovers, eh, not interested!

    You know what, I was huge on eating leftovers in the past. If I go out to eat, obviously, I'll always bring something back home and will eat the rest for another meal/meals. I think my issue here is, I made pork and since the surgery, pork isn't really something I care for. Sadly, beef and pork don't interest me anymore.

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