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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Tat19808

  1. Tat19808


    When I initially set up an account, I was taken to a screen where I could add tickets to my signature. i am trying to add more tickers, however can not figure out how to do it. People on line are saying you can click on your photo and a drop down appears that says ticker - not. Someone says go to my surgery then signature and it will ask if you want to create a ticker, it does not. The only thing I can find is when I go to my signatures is to either show or hide my existing ticker. HOW do I create a new one???
  2. Tat19808


    Thank you both, I'll give this a try.
  3. How do I delete the pictures from my attachments? There is no need to save them.
  4. Why do you have the "my surgery" setting under the patients Tab instead of the Account tab. Since this is all your personal information, would be much easier to change if it's all I. The same place
  5. Tat19808

    Pre-op diet

    Oh. As far as food goes on the pre-op diet is jello, sugar free popsicles and sugar free Waterice! It was the lack of carbs that caused my fatigue
  6. Tat19808

    Pre-op diet

    I had a low BMI initially 35.4. At my final clearance was approved by insurance since my BMI was above 35 with my comorbitities. My biggest fear that I expressed to my surgeon was when I start the pre-op liquid diet I WILL drop below the 35. Once you are approved by insurance, you are good to go. Don't worry about it. The pre-op diet is medically necessary to shrink your liver.... so don't worry!
  7. When I initially set up BariatricPal, I was given the opportunity to add a weight ticker to my signature. After being on this board for a while, I realize that there are different kinds. How do I go back and add more tickers? I am using the website, not the app. I've searched for help with tickers, and some people say you have to go to an outside website and copy over the code??? It was an option when creating the profiles. Other people are saying click on the circle of your photo and a drop down appears saying tickers - haven't seen that yet. Others say go to "my signatures" and the ticker button is there. The only thing in the signature block for me is to show or hide my existing ticker. I really like this App, however it needs a LOT of work on being more user friendly. Why are individual settings accessed from different menus.... we have the "account" tab with most user info, then we have the "patients" tab for the my surgery info. These should all be under the same "account tab," I'm just saying. if someone could give me insight as to how to make more tickers, FROM THE WEBSITE, not the app, I'd appreciate it.
  8. I am going to be sleeved on Monday the 25th- awaiting my phone call for my surgery time. i have been so in the LOSE zone, that I got to thinking, they never talked about how to stop once you reach goal. Granted that this is not anytime soon, but people have been asking and I never really thought about it. Do you eat high calorie food? Eat more frequently? Exercise less - just kidding ...but what do you do to stop losing the weight once you are at goal?
  9. Tat19808

    Tomorrow is it!!

    Great. I am going thru spurts of abdominal aching pain to feeling fine. I have been taking lots of laps on the floor- they said tha. A might be why I'm having pain i begged my doc to take pics for me. My stomach looks like I deliivered a porpoise!
  10. Tat19808

    Tomorrow is it!!

    I'm right there with you. My report time is 7 AM..... can't wait!!!! Good luck to you!
  11. Tat19808

    BMI & approval question

    ... whatever it takes is my motto.
  12. Tat19808

    BMI & approval question

    ... I'm just saying.... this is really just in case you find yourself dipping below your minimum weight for insurance to pay. $20 in QUARTERS (2-$10 rolls) is 1 Lb. when you use $40 make sure you wear a belt! .... again, I'm just saying....
  13. Tat19808

    BMI & approval question

    I know my BP and Cholesterol were acceptable co-morbities. If I was denied by insurance, I was going to contact Lindstrom Obesity Advocy - Wlsappeals.com. He is a lawyer in CA, who deals only with appeals. They have 2 plans 600&900 The more expensive option is they submit to insurance for you. All future appeals are covered in the fee! They write your appeal, add supporting info, like pre-diabetes... and what surgery is necessary and send it off. They have a 90 some % overturning denials! so if you are denied, and have the funds, consider contacting them to do your appeal. I was all lined up with them, but was Approved.
  14. Tat19808

    BMI & approval question

    The initial consultation visit is the weight that they use. Make sure you watch your weight/BMI for your appointments. If you drop below 40, without co-morbities that could be a problem. Going over the initial consultation BMI is also problematic. My BMI was 35.4 at my initial visit... I have High BP, cholesterol, and pre-diabetic. In all the classes they want you to lose weight, so I did. I JUSTmade a BMI of 35 at 1 appointment and was told that if I want insurance to pay for this surgery to stop losing- they don't say that to everyone. So I forced myself to be between 35 and 35.4. It was very hard... but I did it and was APPROVED by insurance. My surgery is scheduled for 9/25/17. I started my 2 week pre-op diet Monday... and saw my surgeon yesterday for my surgical evaluation. I have lost 10 lbs since Monday- dropping my BMI below 35. I asked the surgeon if this will be a problem the day of surgery as I will probably lose another 10. He told me that I was already APPROVED, and he wants me to lose on this pre-op diet, not to worry. hope this helps
  15. Tat19808

    4 Days Post Op

    That's what I keep telling myself about this pre-op diet of 4 meal replacements a day. They suck... but I just think about the end result. I am getting sleeved 9/25
  16. Tat19808

    Anyone scheduled for september

    9/25 here too. This pre op diet of 4 meal replacement stuff is painful! They said I could have low sodium broth as a filler. I thought it would be like bullion/ramen noodle sauce.... boy was I mistaken! I can have sugar free popsicles and jello... but man is this hard. we just need to think of where we will be in 12 days.... yay
  17. Tat19808

    Beginning Pre-Op Process

    Latesha, i was in a similar situation. My BMI on initial appointment was 35.3-I do have high bp and cholesterol.... I had about a 7 lb window that I could be in before dropping below 35. I listened to the nutritionist and tried to lose lbs so substituted a shake- slim fast for 1 meal. I was able to eat somewhat healthy and some really bad (health wise) meals with I ended up losing ALMOST too much because of the shake. My case mgr and nurse told me that if I want the surgery, and they don't like saying this, but to stop losing weight. So I cut my shake to every other day. it's hard... but think of the end result. I am scheduled for my sleeve 9/25... am doing the pre-op diet now.
  18. Tat19808

    Any sept 25 sleevers?

    This last week of food, I have a few "last meals" planned with friends. It will be a while before we eat "real food" again. How about you? when do you start your Pre-op diet? I start on the 11th.
  19. For your 1 week post op diet, are you supposed to have protein? im scheduled for 9/25. The 1 week post op per my dr is clear liquids and protein.... looking at you tube videos, several dietitians and fellow sleevers talk about purely clear liquids - WITHOUT protein. What's your 1 week protein diet like? Protein/no protein? Any recipe suggestions?
  20. Sounds good thank you. Will order some tonight. I'm not a big fan of shakes in the first place, so appreciate this recommendation
  21. Tat19808

    10 Day Liquid Diet

    Any clear liquid suggestions? I'm scheduled for 9/25. And want to start stocking up
  22. How did the shakes and soup taste? Any good?
  23. My Dr's office submitted my packet to FEP BD/BS Delaware around noon. I received a phone call from My Dr's office at Noon today saying that last night they received my APPROVAL. I was approved in less than 6 Hours!!! She called them first thing this AM to confirm that I was approved, and was told that it was correct, It's a Go! She scheduled my FINAL surgical clearance with my surgeon for 2 weeks from today! I am still sitting here in shock 2 hours later. My goose bumps are still here! I was all prepared for a fight... have a Primary care appointment set up for the appeal, I have requested all my medical records to send to Lindstrom Obesity Advocacy/ Weight Loss Appeals in California - I was going to hire them for the appeal. Now none of that is necessary. I'm scared, nervous, happy.... So many emotions. I am so ready to take the next step. I wish everyone a speedy approval process. IF you are denied, definitely consider Lindstrom Obesity Advocacy/ Weight Loss Appeals in California - they have a 90+% success rate of overturning denials. It's free to talk to them For me, it would have been money well spent.
  24. Tat19808

    Any sept 25 sleevers?

    I think I'm allowed Gatorade and low sodium broth- will find out next week when I pick it up. I'm curious to see what the meal replacement options are. Will find out soon enough I guess
  25. Tat19808

    Any sept 25 sleevers?

    SEPTEMBER 25th! Just got my date Yesterday! What's everyone doing for Pre-Op Diet? I have to do something called Robard - a meal replacement thing 4 x day

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