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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by hakauhi

  1. Did anyone have thoughts about how the lapband would cost them a lot of money to fill and maintain? I am thinking a lot about the financial burden it might be to have and maintain. This is probably the biggest reason for me having second thoughts about having the band. Does anyone else have this problem or is it not that costly to maintain because it sounds very costly to maintain and fill the lapband. Help?:confused2:
  2. hakauhi


    Hi. My surgery date is set for Aug. 13 but I am having second thoughts about it does anyone have encouraging words.
  3. Yes. I to was told to gain weight before my insurance would approve me and I listen to my doctor but I wish I posted this problem on this forum because once I started to gain some weight back it was hard for me to go and try to lose what I just gain so I would highly suggest that you take the advice of the others and just put paper weight of a roll of quaters in your pocket, plus you worked so hard to lose the weight why would you want to try to gain it back. Have a good day
  4. hakauhi


    Thank you for your comment it has really opened my eyes to this situation. I think financially I am not ready because the fills can be costly and is not covered by my insurance and because of this one reason mentally I am just confused if I should get it or not and if I would have enough money to get a fill when I need one. Has the band been a financial burden on you?
  5. hakauhi

    Surgery date Aug.13,2008

    Hello there this is my very first time posting so I don't know exactly what to do or say but here I go. I set my surgery date for August 13 and I am very excited but I wanted to know how big of a deal is it to not drink while you eat. I am having the hardest time with that part of the diet and I feel if I can't do it now I might not be able to do it after the band.:biggrin:
  6. hakauhi

    Surgery date Aug.13,2008

    Hello there this is my very first time posting so I don't know exactly what to do or say but here I go. I set my surgery date for August 13 and I am very excited but I wanted to know how big of a deal is it to not drink while you eat. I am having the hardest time with that part of the diet and I feel if I can't do it now I might not be able to do it after the band.:thumbup:

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