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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by jct001

  1. jct001

    Diet Soda, Post-Lap Band

    I've been without soda for at least 6 months and haven't missed it until I went to the store the other day. I had surgery on March 18. Went by pop the other day at the store, and without thinking started to reach out for it to put it in my cart. Can't believe I'm craving it. BUT, if you want to see what happens to your stomach when you drink carbonation, stick a balloon on a bottle. The balloon expands and so does your stomach. I just learned this at group last Thursday. Just think of all that gas. Too bad we can't put it in our cars!!!!
  2. jct001

    Type 2s off of insulin/medication?

    I had lapband surgery, I don't know which one you are getting. But I hope this helps a little! Make sure you monitor your blood sugars at all times. (My insurance pays for my strips -- I'm lucky in that respect.) Because I'm on an insulin that depends on how many carbs you eat, I have to take my blood sugar all the time (or at least 3x a day). I don't know if you are on oral medications or insulin or maybe even both. When I was drinking the shakes 2 weeks before surgery, (because I'm a diabetic) I was given a sample meal plan. I would have 5 shakes, sugarfree puddings, sugarfree jello, sf popsicles, fruit in light syrup or their own juices. I did not have problems with lows. But the office also told me to contact my diabetic doctor and let them know what I was doing; that way if they wanted to adjust my medicines they could.
  3. jct001

    Type 2s off of insulin/medication?

    HI! I was banded on March 18; so I am 23 days out. I am on 2 different types of insulin, 1 short acting Humalog, and 1 long acting Lantus. Lantus is being taken 2x a day. My Lantus has gone from 90 units 2x a day to 30 units 2 x a day. My fast acting has been cut in half. Good luck on the 11th! Let us know how things come out!!!!!!!!!
  4. jct001

    March 18, 2008 Banded

    Hi Rklberry and Paula, I too was banded on March 18. At my first appointment with the doctor I weighed 292, before surgery 272, and the dietition 2 weeks later 262. I didn't have the staples they put in and have to remove, I have the ones that dissolve(?). Good luck on Monday Paula08. Today I was finally able to get in a full .5 liter of water within 30 minutes. It usually took me all day.
  5. jct001

    Type 2s off of insulin/medication?

    Congratulations on your decision! I'm sure you're excited. I had my surgery March 18. I was on 60 units of Lantus 2 x daily, that has been cut down to 30 units 2 x daily. I'm on Humalog (fast acting). I'm not taking as much there. But I am having a problem this week, my numbers are in the 200s and not down where they should be. I have a feeling it has to do with that time of month. Again, CONGRATULATIONS!

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