I had lapband surgery, I don't know which one you are getting. But I hope this helps a little! Make sure you monitor your blood sugars at all times. (My insurance pays for my strips -- I'm lucky in that respect.) Because I'm on an insulin that depends on how many carbs you eat, I have to take my blood sugar all the time (or at least 3x a day). I don't know if you are on oral medications or insulin or maybe even both. When I was drinking the shakes 2 weeks before surgery, (because I'm a diabetic) I was given a sample meal plan. I would have 5 shakes, sugarfree puddings, sugarfree jello, sf popsicles, fruit in light syrup or their own juices. I did not have problems with lows. But the office also told me to contact my diabetic doctor and let them know what I was doing; that way if they wanted to adjust my medicines they could.