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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by GreenTealael

  1. GreenTealael

    Humble Brag

  2. GreenTealael

    November 7th sleevers

    Just trying to get all of the nutrition and hydration in has become a full time job (30 mins between meals and drinks is alot to keep track of )
  3. GreenTealael

    November 7th sleevers

    Ughhh, Stalled and frustrated with my eating routine. I need help trying to figure out how to get more protein based calories in. It's hard because I'm still struggling to eat more than 2oz of dense proteins at a time, and by then I have to move on to hydration 30 mins later. I have resorted to using honey in yogurt because it adds calories but does not take up additional stomach space otherwise I'm at about 400 calories and I believe my body is trying to go into starvation mode but honey adds sugars, le sigh. I'm eating about 500-700 calories a day, mostly 60g protein almost 48g carbs. Maybe im doing it all wrong. And ideas, plans, prayers?
  4. GreenTealael

    Bariatric surgery at age 19

    Not in the same age range as you but try to choose activities that don't revolve around food. And if that fails you may have friends that are avoiding you for other reasons...
  5. Hi everyone Been stalled for A little while and need some suggestions to move past it. I'm 2 months Post OP and can still only eat about 700cal , 70g protein daily, less than 50g carbs. I completely understand the dynamics and have embraced my stall, but it's time to move on. Please only helpful comments from people who have experienced it and what worked. Many thanks HW 250 SW 238 CW 210
  6. GreenTealael


    Did you start the process with your previous doctor, discuss weightloss at all? Perhaps they could provide the primary doctor clearance if you have not officially left their practice...
  7. This is a tough subject that really should be discussed with a nutritionist, but I can tell you that the pharmacy sells ketosis test strips. Also I made the mistake of shopping for post OP foods prior to surgery and I have tons of pudding I'll never eat and protein shakes I can't tolerate...
  8. GreenTealael

    Help breaking a stall

    I've never lost that much in a week...
  9. GreenTealael

    Help breaking a stall

    Awwww thanks! I'll try to remember that
  10. GreenTealael

    12 days post op

    I did too and I didn't take benadryl because I assumed it was because of normal healing (like any other itchy cut) so I very carefully cleaned the areas with alcohol and it helped a ton.
  11. Any hair loss? Any remedies?
  12. GreenTealael

    Surgery soon

    Youre interaction with food and eating will change alot because you will become extremely focused on your diet however i noticed that making alot of lifestyle changes prior to my surgery made my transition super smooth and it didnt feel so sudden.
  13. GreenTealael

    Hair loss

    Research iron (ferritin levels) and L Lysine for hairloss
  14. GreenTealael

    Home exercise

    I want to workout mostly at home, any ideas for sites or apps (free) that help you plan exercise? THANKS
  15. GreenTealael

    1 Week to Surgery!

    Safe and speedy recovery!
  16. I can not stand protein shakes unless i have it first thing in the morning, anyone else having this problem?

  17. I had infusions with a Hematologist at a cancer treatment center, so my journey was very safe and it resolved my problems. BUT as with any proceduce routine or not it is best to do dome research and then weight the benefits against the risks (just like with WLS)
  18. GreenTealael

    2 months post op. Sleeved 10/16

    Sleeved 11/7 SW 238 CW 210 I was 270 at my heaviest in 2014 ALSO cant believe the progress
  19. Im from the US, So I do not know how the healthcare system works there but have you tried advocating for IV infusions of Iron? I had the same problem with anemia and it was the only thing that worked for me. And it was this same reason i chose VSG. Also be very vocal about your choice of the VSG above RNY and state why. Hope that helps (from south of the border)
  20. GreenTealael

    dumping with artificial sweetners

    Stur liquid water enhancer is made with stevia But a word of caution Your ability to stomach stevia may change post surgery I used only Stevia in my life prior to surgery and now more than one serving makes me have a reaction now similar to dumping and i was sleeved (dumping usually does not happen with the sleeve) Safe journey
  21. GreenTealael

    Post-surgical issues

    I'm also Almost 7 weeks out Have you tried clear protein drinks or protein waters? Also adding ice or water to those super sweet protein shakes really helps... And not a popular opinion but you may have to buckle down and survive one swallow at a time. Speady recovery
  22. OK so please please please advocate for a change in pain meds. I was non responsive to opiate, they did nothing for my pain no matter how much I got. You may have the same problem but only a change will tell. Breathe deeply don't panic and keep advocating for the best care possible by your team including changes you want to try
  23. GreenTealael

    Scale or no scale

    No scale for me I use them when available like at a friends house or doctors appointment which is not often I hold myself accountable by tracking everything I consume. Bonus I never know about my stalls
  24. Super happy, I had no complications so it was smooth sailing for me Research everything Don't buy too much ahead of time Follow your plan closely Walk even if it's only for a few mins indoors Smile in the mirror even if you don't like what you see yet Track food and water meticulously Don't become a slave to the scale

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
