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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by GreenTealael

  1. GreenTealael

    Finally got a scale

    I agree
  2. Broke down and purchased a food scale, I'm a minimalist and hate having unnecessary items. But I realized that I really needed to weigh my food to the oz. I find that now there's more accountability when it comes to logging my macros instead of eyeballing it. Anyone else using a food scale? All the time? Occasionally?
  3. GreenTealael

    Gym workouts

    I bought a weighted jump rope to work out at home. I jump in time to music When I do go to the gym which is rare I tend to warm up on the treadmill then do a few machines.
  4. GreenTealael

    November sleevers here

    Hit another stall, sigh
  5. GreenTealael

    Pre-Op Diet

    I didn't have a preop period diet, I just had to follow the NUT plan until the day before then just clear liquids and then nothing at all the night before surgery
  6. GreenTealael

    A stall?!? Advice?

    Increase water intake
  7. GreenTealael

    Drinking with straw

    I say do whatever keeps you hydrated
  8. GreenTealael

    Drinking with straw

    I drink with a straw against my NUTs advice ( causes gas because of it, which was not a good enough reason for me to abstain, and i don't get gas) It's the only way I drink cold liquids
  9. GreenTealael

    1.5 years out

    But I think your method of virtually screaming at people and your use of sarcasm and verbal sparring will not win friends nor influence people. Totally agree, Tone of the conversation was distasteful at best
  10. GreenTealael

    Stall at 1 month in!

    Normal, happened to me also. Instead of weighing yourself talker body measurements Contact your surgeon and nutritionist if it lasts longer than 3 weeks
  11. GreenTealael

    1.5 years out

    Nope Have fun
  12. GreenTealael

    1.5 years out

    Thanks for the info Bye!
  13. GreenTealael

    1.5 years out

    All of this may true But im willing to bet her NUT will suggest a low carb diet to get the ball rolling again
  14. GreenTealael

    Post-Op Travel Question

    Absolutely ! Let me know if you find a great restaurant in Amsterdam, it's next on my list...
  15. GreenTealael

    Finally got a scale

    My problem was under and overestimating what 4oz portion actually is. And now I know I was wayyyyyy off
  16. GreenTealael

    Post-Op Travel Question

    Building up your tolerance to dense proteins may be key. Sidenote: While in Paris I had the best salmon fillet at Le Victory off a side street near the Seine , I'm thinking about going back to Paris for a day or two during this trip
  17. GreenTealael

    Post-Op Travel Question

    It will be four months for me, and they are really pushing eating instead of drinking most of my proteins. Something about retraining the digestive track. TBH if I have a premier shake in addition to foods consumed I can reach about 90-100g protein daily. So I will think I'll be OK without them for a bit. Where are you going?
  18. Let the surgical team guide you during decision making but ask tons of questions. Most will not recommend the band because of failure / revision rate
  19. GreenTealael

    Post-Op Travel Question

    I'm going to Italy in March so I asked my NUT the same thing she suggested I focus on hydration rather than Protein She said most places in the world will offer some type of edible protein (poultry, red meat, fish, tofu) so don't worry too much. How far out from surgery will you be when traveling? I suggest talking to your NUT to create a plan
  20. GreenTealael

    1.5 years out

    Roughly how much fluids are you getting daily? You should be close to normal that far out from surgery. Hydration is super important for proper metabolism
  21. GreenTealael

    Finally got a scale

    Absolutely starting to notice this as well
  22. GreenTealael

    Unsure, need help

    It's a part of the process, you will have to make lifestyle changes prior to surgery, EVERY practice requires it and some want proof. You can always get the ball rolling earlybut if you just don't know how, the nutritionist or dietitian will guide you
  23. GreenTealael

    Unsure, need help

    I wish I considered it an option sooner. I was struggling needlessly. Once you feel like this is an option go through the process leading up to the surgery, if at any time you want to stop you can so there is not a huge amount of pressure to commit once you've begun.
  24. GreenTealael

    Weight Loss Stall

    Carefully watch carb intake and keep them to a minimum
  25. GreenTealael

    The best on-plan thing I have eaten lately is...

    Parmesan crisps with salmon salad

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
