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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by GreenTealael

  1. GreenTealael

    Water Intake

    Tea, BTW All liquids (broths and icepops too ) can count towards your liquid goals not just plain water. I made that mistake early on.
  2. GreenTealael

    Water Intake

    I find that reminders, alarms, visually pleasing bottles, fancy detox style waters , zero cal hot drinks (basically making it fun) makes it easier I like the true lemon line of water enhancers but it is not sugar free , i think i use the sugar stevia blend but i cant do too much artificial sweeteners and i get enough in my protein shakes.
  3. GreenTealael

    Weight gain and sleeve reset

    Zero calorie Sugar free mixes like crystal light mio even walmart or store brands but not sure about the v8
  4. I decided to do a min sleeve reset because my NUT wanted me to lower my kcals (im almost 7 months post op and was at 1200 kcals ) and summer means summer body lol Here is what happened Did not do the full version because i never went off plan instead i backtracked and enjoyed: 1/2 cup of Cottage cheese with basil and 1 strawberry for breakfast Iced coffee and 5.5oz of caramel premier shake for lunch 1 oz of cashews with 8 dark chocolate drops for snack 4-5oz of Poached salmon for dinner 64-80oz of liquids I did the same menu for about a week slowly adding things back in like salad fruit rye crackers keeping my macros and kcals on point This week i will have cottage cheese for breakfast iced coffee for snack salmon for lunch and chicken salad for dinner So meal prep is important What i noticed is i can detect my full sensation quicker, bowel movements daily(sometimes 2x tmi sorry) weightloss seems to have picked up again, the reset didnt need to be a huge production -seems like you can just decide to start one if you feel like, if i skip nuts im around 700 kcal with nuts 1000 (where my NUT wants my upperlimit at for now.) Just putting this info out for anyone curious.
  5. I decided to do a min sleeve reset because my NUT wanted me to lower my kcals (im almost 7 months post op and was at 1200 kcals ) and summer means summer body lol Here is what happened Did not do the full version because i never went off plan instead i backtracked and enjoyed: 1/2 cup of Cottage cheese with basil and 1 strawberry for breakfast Iced coffee and 5.5oz of caramel premier shake for lunch 1 oz of cashews with 8 dark chocolate drops for snack 4-5oz of Poached salmon for dinner 64-80oz of liquids I did the same menu for about a week slowly adding things back in like salad fruit rye crackers keeping my macros and kcals on point What i noticed is i can detect my full sensation quicker, bowel movements daily(sometimes 2x tmi sorry) weightloss seems to have picked up again, the reset didnt need to be a huge production -seems like you can just decide to start one if you feel like, if i skip nuts im around 700 kcal with nuts 1000 (where my NUT wants my upperlimit at for now.) Just putting this info out for anyone curious.
  6. GreenTealael

    Help....losing to much weight

    Nuts can easily increase your caloric intake HOWEVER please talk to your Surgeon, NUT etc because medical advice is best coming from your medical team there maybe something important that needs to be addressed.
  7. GreenTealael

    November sleevers here

  8. GreenTealael

    Face to Face Friday a little early

    I want to join! 2016/2018
  9. GreenTealael

    Progress pics 10 months post op

  10. GreenTealael

    7 WKs Post Op and Pregnant

  11. GreenTealael

    So Many Medical Problems ignored, is it obesity prejudice?

    Most of these issues are aggravated or appear by weight gain so weight loss is always the remedy. It may not be as simple as prejudice when a doctor gives you this advice ... It's annoying and it's just a hard pill to swallow when you're not ready to hear it (not you personally) You could have been borderline and not qualified for some tests like the sleep study, personally although necessary for my surgery I am left paying for mine because insurance loves to play games.
  12. GreenTealael

    Scared I won't be successful

    I was sooo afraid it just wasnt going to work just for my set of circumstances. I would be in the percent that fail. I had a lot going on health wise , paniciking daily and i kind of jumped right in. I had to take a chill pill. Trust your surgical team, commit to the process and you will do fine.
  13. GreenTealael

    Opinions on peanuts.

    I love them but they are sneaky sliders with high calories so weigh them to the gram and enjoy
  14. GreenTealael

    Weight Loss

  15. VSG on 11/7/17 and i lost 60 something since surgery 75 since highest weight recorded at surgeons office, and almost 100 since my highest weight ever I had no clue how it would go, just glad its gone
  16. Not the same but i backpacked Europe 4 months post op. You may be too new for alcohol but ask your surgeon. I would focus more on cooking your own meals, carrying as little as possible, avoiding getting hit im the abdomen at the club and testing new foods out privately near a bathroom. Enjoy Prague!
  17. Im also 6 months post op and im noticing that the shape you have prior to surgery is the shape you will have after just much smaller (generally) then the resculpting occurs in the gym and this is hard and takes alot of time and effort. Or plastics. Dont get discouraged you can do it!
  18. GreenTealael

    Anyone NOT lose their hair?

    I did tons of research on telogen effluvium and hairloss regrowth and this one was promising , im not out of the woods yet but im hopeful that this is helping minimize loss (and prayer) so i tell everyone i can.
  19. GreenTealael

    Anyone NOT lose their hair?

    I just realized my original comment was not clear... I use LLsyine an amino acid supplement and so far minimal hair loss im 6 months post op
  20. GreenTealael

    Anyone NOT lose their hair?

    dont want to worry you but most people report loss starting 3 months out. Only a few lose immediately idk why and even fewer can claim no loss at all.
  21. GreenTealael

    Anyone NOT lose their hair?

    PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE everyone google the research on LLysine I've put it in every thread about hair loss I could I have been taking it from the start and so far minimal hair loss (plus vitamin and protein levels all good) Don't know if this is what is doing it for sure or genetics or the combination but ...
  22. Nope I wish the offered the DS in my area I would have done that instead (but not the RNY) Love the sleeve
  23. GreenTealael

    Non Scale Victories

    I just realized no longer have to worry about accidentally collapsing my ladder under my weight. I bought it without knowing the weight limit until I got it home and was taking the risks every time I used it.
  24. GreenTealael

    Dry skin and hair

    Use whichever oil you chose while showering. This will lock in the moisture.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
