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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by GreenTealael

  1. GreenTealael

    HELP!!! What's Tea with this coping mechanism bs

    Cocaine, everyone's really on coke lol No really exercise does feel good, like energetic sex feels good, you'll see...
  2. GreenTealael

    Beyond frustrated!!!! Just venting

    Squeaky wheel gets the grease CONGRATS!!!!
  3. GreenTealael

    Can you guys give me some advice?

    Oh that price is not too bad Sounds delicious, enjoy!
  4. GreenTealael

    Sweet potatoes

    They were on my plan since stage 2, I don't eat them often like once every month if that (because everything in moderation, right)I eat legumes more often, I'm only 9 months out but at a year out I can't imagine any vegetables being off limits, especially in moderation. Its not the same as a white potato after all, but consult your NUT to be certain. They do push the protein first then vegetables carbs last motto so by that standard you really can't have a ton.
  5. Your body dictates exactly how much you lose, no way around it. You can *help* by: Hydrating properly Taking vitamins, minerals and fiber Getting adequate protein Exercising a little Following your plan closely Stressing less Safe Journey!!!
  6. GreenTealael

    Sweet potatoes

    Are they on your plan?
  7. GreenTealael

    I'm Normal.

  8. GreenTealael

    Can you guys give me some advice?

    Honestly, its really up to you. Personally I would not (seems pricey too), I only shop at stores I can return items to. Early out I found I had to rotate things often because i lost tolerance or desire for them so I could not by bulk of anything. If you think you'll still love them by the end of the month, its your $$$. Have you tried them before?
  9. GreenTealael

    No Immune system 5 years post Op

    Hi there, How often do you see your bariatric team and primary doctor? How often do you take antibiotics? There could be a number of things in play but only medical practitioners can diagnosis. You may need pre and probiotics as suggested but also have a look: https://msutoday.msu.edu/news/2009/msu-professor-studies-links-between-gastric-bypass-immune-system/ Do your own research, Check in with your physicians and ask them to run more extensive testing. Safe journey!
  10. GreenTealael

    Diet without surgery?

    I don't know if it will work for you but this is the sample diet of a person 1 year post op. The challenge for you will be to stick to it with very little incentive , I was nervous about surgery and anesthesia too, had surgery anyway, amazing choice for me. Good luck!
  11. GreenTealael

    Intermittent Fasting

    Maybe different for different people, but I've been doing something similar for a while (unknowingly) where I just don't eat until midday,only eat within a few select hours span, then back to fasting. I've done a much more coherent effort for the last two days, I'm fine.
  12. GreenTealael

    Intermittent Fasting

    Interesting, do you know if he did it for a long span of time?
  13. GreenTealael

    Neri's Journey thus far

    Thanks for sharing your story, i hope you stick around and continue to work towards your all of your goals. I also hope you (and everyone) will continue to seek mental health services throughout your journey because as you will read frequently, the mental part is very instrumental in overall success or struggles after surgery. Losing weight may just be one element in the compound of happiness. Safe Journey!!!
  14. GreenTealael

    When did you start losing hair?

    Google Telogen Effluvium and WLS for some common stories, info etc. Its going to vary widely but usually not immediately after surgery, it takes a few weeks to months to manifest, if its going to happen. Safe Journey!!!
  15. Really nervous? Call your team and see what they say. Likely no problems but you could slow down a bit and not push the limits of your brand new machine (by drinking too much too fast) and create a problem. Hunger is tricky, it can be mental or physical (acid reflux or real hunger), PPIs and the next stage will take care of that. Safe Journey!!!
  16. !!!!!!CONGRATS!!!!!!! ((((((OFFICIALLY))))))
  17. Major difference!!!! CONGRATS
  18. GreenTealael

    Preparing for the dead😮

    First off I just wanted to congratulate you on the click bait lol, very smooth and effective, haha. Second, you will do great. Being in shape prior to surgery helps some people bounce back to a regime quickly, but if not no worries go at the pace your body dictates. I was not in shape prior to surgery and i waited until 4 months post op to join a gym. I'm still just a novice and I work out lightly. Do what is best for you AFTER surgery. Safe Journey!
  19. GreenTealael

    Look what I just saw

    Looks great as an occasional treat but you may soon find out you will have not problem eating those in large quantities compared to pure protein sources and if your are reaching for Atkins candy bars first, that's when the problem occurs. Can't rely on supplements forever, and those can make you want to...
  20. GreenTealael

    Sleeve or bypass

    Push for what you want
  21. You can look for other substitutes that are not sugar chemical derivatives specifically things that contain stevia, erythritol, Reb A or no sugar or substitutes at all, but work closely with your teams for the best outcomes!
  22. Yes , on an as needed basis , mostly through email, in person when on a long plateau or I want to travel comfortably or try something completely new. I want to make sure everyone is aware of what I'm doing so I don't show up with a mystery ailment I could have easily prevented by a little consultation , or reevaluate my goals
  23. GreenTealael

    Questions about working out/ gaining weight?

    I will suggest buying a crockpot , and looking up meals for it. You basically put everything in and set it- come home to good food . But YouTube is also a great place to go for free training advice on how to get started with a program.
  24. GreenTealael

    Sweet Tooth

    Chocolate flavored protein shake to the rescue !
  25. GreenTealael

    Garbanzo Beans

    Definitely work with your NUT, but I guess what they mean is that while legumes and quinoa have protein, they are not the highest sources of plant proteins. You have to diversify your diet quite a bit as a vegan to stay low carb but moderate to high protein. You also want to eat leafy greens (cruciferous vegetables) and maybe some soy. That means doing tons of research, and being prepared to work closely with your NUT on this .

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
