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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by GreenTealael

  1. GreenTealael

    Food Before and After Photos

    If it ain't broke... Lol
  2. GreenTealael

    Food Before and After Photos

    Lol it literally looks like you didn't eat ! Your restriction is crazy!
  3. GreenTealael

    Food Before and After Photos

    Crazy right!?!?!?
  4. GreenTealael

    Pro op

    Hey there, I feel your pain, I too had to take break from the gym for medical reasons and going back was tough like starting over, but it had to be done (although I got a promo deal so i couldn't freeze my membership) What are you eating these days?
  5. If its not constant, sure but if its all the time... There are better/other carb laden vegetables you could have. But enjoy!
  6. GreenTealael

    3 month post op STALL

    It appears it is common for you. Weight loss is very individual (we are individuals after all) and your genetics, habits, diet, SciFi preference, exercise, environment, stress level, bougie size, etc. will dictate your loss pattern. Some people go in a straight down trend, others stair step (me) ,some go down/up/down again. No discernable rhyme or reason. If you are staying on plan your weight loss will pick up again , but be honest with yourself if you've drifted and correct as soon as possible. Safe Journey!
  7. Great post !!! I forgot to mention i also avoided ginger tea for the same reason. Thanks for the reminder that medicinal teas are indeed medicine and should never be taken without proper knowledge of use/interactions. I forget that I know this stuff but other people may not.
  8. GreenTealael

    Zero sex drive...

    I agree with the sentiments of doing it without prior motivation. Not making it a chore but a lifestyle choice. If you can still "O" that is a good sign , keep working at it and look up those social experiments where couples commit to intimacy for a certain period and the effects it as on their relationship on a whole.
  9. GreenTealael

    Non Plain Water Drink Choices

    Vitamin water zero xxx is pretty good (subjectively speaking)
  10. GreenTealael

    Today was a big milestone

  11. GreenTealael


    I feel for you that Alabama heat is oppressive. Up and down stairs can help, sitting and standing constantly, kneeling to standing etc. But YouTube is going to be a great resource.
  12. GreenTealael


    I bought the same DVDs in he dollar store!
  13. Finally a thread I was made for...Lol ALL of them, (Literally ALL I drink a lot of tea) I stayed away from caffeinated and peppermint in the beginning but then I returned to them soon after. I love Good Earth Matcha Maker , Celestial seasonings Red Zinger, Tazo Passion, Harney & Son's Green tea with coconut, Bigelow plantation mint (sketchy name), teavana youthberry , English Earl Greys, ceremonial matcha,etc ... I need tea to be extremely hot almost boiling when I drink it,
  14. GreenTealael

    So miserable with pre-op diet

    Try Pep talking to yourself in the mirror, seriously. Remind yourself why you are doing it. "Ok, body I need you to hit ketosis/ketogenesis so that the fat around my liver disappears making surgery safer, we can do this!" It works, every time I was hungry preop I did this ( I was even required to do the preop diet but I was scared so I did it anyways)
  15. GreenTealael

    4 months post op before & after

    please take your vitamin supplements, some deficiency show up immediately and are temporary havoc and some show up later and ruin your life. Looking good!
  16. GreenTealael

    The regain posts

    Oh I trust my body, I don't trust bread and pasta in my body... I can live without it
  17. GreenTealael

    Feeling fatter than ever...whine...

    I'm totally here for "whine down to the weekend" Body dysmorphia is just f-ing ridiculous. I was just looking at a picture of my now smaller self thinking "my what larger hands and feet you now have" I'm like here we go again...
  18. GreenTealael

    OMG I ate too much

    Determined to make it to goal... I had a bunch of vacations and shenanigans that I need to make up for lol
  19. GreenTealael

    OMG I ate too much

    I NEVER had restriction with yogurt though... I just stopped at the measured amount. Now I need to backtrack
  20. The scale (or being prisoner to it) can make you miserable if you let it. If it causes anxiety you can always take a break from it. I plateau for a month at a time, I can't imagine weighing every day to confirm this...
  21. GreenTealael

    Before and After Pics

    9 months post op 80 lbs down
  22. Alpha Bravo Team COMMANDO!!! Congrats
  23. GreenTealael

    Food Before and After Photos

    I love the visual ! People forget just how much our intake is reduced when we portion small sizes. It looks like we are purposely eating less. But this tells a different story!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
