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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by GreenTealael

  1. Oh I knew I was an outlier ... I ❤️ kale too much for this society lol
  2. If only my messages were conveyed clearly, BP has it out for me... Double post, mysteries email doppelgänger, vanishing words, errors galore. I'm taking a break
  3. You're a more mature person than me... I still think all of her future children will be wholely cloven foot...
  4. I'm starting to really wonder about what these corporations knew about these foods ... "Melts in your mouth, not in your hands", " Bet you can't eat just one"... Conspiracy
  5. They were made for the heavier you, more space too move/shift with a lighter you? Always possible. I've noticed, and perhaps others can back me up, previous structural issues like spine pain and compression doesn't always go away, some times it gets worse with weight loss. I was told its because I no longer have the cushions that fat provided. Great.
  6. GreenTealael

    Mashed potatoes

    When we begin to believe that potatoes or any whole foods were responsible for the obesity we experienced, we are kidding ourselves. Complex multi ingredients chemically altered tastebud enhancing high calorie hidden sugars partially hydrogenated foods did it. Whats a mashed potato at home in the scope of things?
  7. GreenTealael

    So bummed

    That's right! Don't let anyone play with your dreams...
  8. GreenTealael

    Mashed potatoes

    Your choices only need to be ok with you, i dont believe in virtually police anyone... Only unflavored protein works, preferably pure whey that's used for cooking because it melts right in.
  9. GreenTealael

    So bummed

    Nope, nopety, nope Ask for an e-mail address of every one you speak with , tell them to send you things through email while you wait to receive it and conduct every conversation through email, create a paper trail, or figure out how to record them over the phone. Ask their names, ID numbers and let them know they are being recorded for quality assurance
  10. GreenTealael

    Mashed potatoes

    You called them your go to food, so... Just own it. My go to foods at your stage were curry stewed haddock, mashed white sweet potato (with unflavored whey protein), yogurt and Salmon pâté (I still eat the yogurt and the salmon) CONGRATS !!!
  11. I can't speak to this personally (not knees) but I found that gravity and obesity are like the Cheer team b!+¢hes in high school, always working in tandem to keep you unhappy. Only when one let's up hazing you in calculus can you realize that the other was silently spreading rumors about you to the photog club and that's why you never got prime dark room time. Anyways, the more weight you lose the more strain you'll realize your joints, spine, etc. was really under as it's no longer being stockholmed by fat. Sorry for your pain, have you tried cannabis?
  12. Drink ice cold, The best flavor I've found is Isopure Dutch chocolate, too expensive for me to buy constantly runner up, premier caramel in coffee honorable mentions EAS carb control rich/royal chocolate, premier peaches and cream in almond milk with peach or banana blended or with Good Earth's Matcha Maker tea I realized you can't have all of this now, but come back to it later
  13. I stall when I eat low carb, high carb and definetly when I see a hot guy...
  14. Give me their current work addresses, I'll fix this...
  15. No English tea ? Black (decaf) with cream? Other delicious teas rooibos with cream, chai with cream... The flavors these days will rival chocolate...
  16. GreenTealael

    Intermittent Fasting

    Breaking the fast for a bit, we'll see if I stall out
  17. GreenTealael

    Food Before and After Photos

    Ahahahahaha, Basically You licked your fork and spoon all night
  18. GreenTealael

    Meditation as a tool

    Great post! Thanks for all of the details!!!
  19. Awwwww man guys really I was just joking, super proud of each and every one here, I don't any perfect people in my tribe
  20. GreenTealael

    Food Before and After Photos

    Tofurky open face sandwich Tofurky slices, ryvita cracker, Green leaf lettuce, Dijon mustard
  21. Nooooooo I was totally joking, it helps me to stay grounded, I think it helps others too so food doesn't feel like dirty secrets you eat in your car when no one is watching, yeah I had WLS and yeah I'm going to eat pastry (and yeah I'll be in the bathroom lol) And yeah my water is Icelandic...

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