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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by GreenTealael

  1. Oh got it! Try to stress less for sure...
  2. Because you want more or less?
  3. GreenTealael

    Food Before and After Photos

    Homemade? Looking good!
  4. GreenTealael


    Alright. Overhearing my neighbors exercising while I'm reading zombie novels, eye opening. I'm going to give it another try.
  5. GreenTealael

    18 months post op

  6. GreenTealael

    Water Infusers

    I like basil, lemon and blueberries
  7. GreenTealael

    Food Before and After Photos

    Just you wait until I move in!!!
  8. GreenTealael

    7 month stall (need advice)

    Hi, First: LOOKING GREAT Next: You maybe in a long stall, It happens, believe me. What is your water intake level? What kinds of protein are you eating? (Not all are created equal) What are your bowel movements like? Getting enough fiber? Vitamins & mineral? If all if those things are on point, your diet is tight, take a look at this thread Run it past your team first (always tell them about changes and challenges) Safe Journey!
  9. Hey IF 7pm last night to 1230 today Last meal at 6pm No clue about cals , didn't calculate them yet and I'm going to bed early because I'm exhausted from my trifling day. So meals for the day, not featured a kind bar, cashews, coffee
  10. GreenTealael

    Food Before and After Photos

    Pepper seared Salmon w/ wilted spinach and tomato I had 75% then restriction caught up because I had cashews while cooking 😢
  11. GreenTealael

    Food Before and After Photos

    Cottage cheese bowl (homemade) 1cup Cottage cheese, 2 pineapple rings, 1tsp chia seeds, 28g cashews, 1tsp of raisins
  12. GreenTealael

    Surgery in 30 mins.

    You look Ready.
  13. GreenTealael

    Following surgery with Weight Watchers

    Out of curiosity, what exactly lead to the regain? Can you be as specific as possible? TIA
  14. GreenTealael

    Fat Shaming

    I have no suggestions for your situation as it involves work BUT knowing myself I would said "I'd rather be mobidly obese than morally bankrupt", flipped the bird and watched the cinders fall...
  15. GreenTealael

    Surgery postponed......insurance issues.

    Amazing outlook, you'll do great! (When the time comes)
  16. Thanks for the explanation, the honest review, and hopefully the further out you get the better you will become. Get well soon and stick around for the support!
  17. Alright. No more adulting. Burned my nose, broke my espresso maker (officially), stubbed my toe, and cracked my phone screen all before 8am.

    Going back to bed.

    1. TakingABreak


      Ouchhhhh. Virtual hugs for sure!

    2. sillykitty


      I'd definitely be done for the day! Back under the covers and Netflix for sure!

    3. johnsons13


      At least you didn't break your nose and burn your espresso maker.

  18. Can you explain this a little further, please?
  19. And it has begun. I walked a steep @$$ hill in the pouring rain to get chicken tenders... Welcome to hell week. I'm prepared. I did walk and eat so there's exercise involved at least But IF is still in full effect and all previous meals were just plants tbh because I need to grocery shop. How's everyone doing?
  20. GreenTealael

    Food Before and After Photos

    Those eggs literally look perfect.
  21. GreenTealael

    November 7th sleevers

    Oh no, what's going on?
  22. GreenTealael

    November 7th sleevers

    Reviving this thread!!! How's my crew doing?
  23. GreenTealael

    Anyone regretting this?

    Mint is a no and water is what’s making me vomit! My sick of that. I’m trying homemade iced tea but can’t get that taste out of my mouth! Simply can't live without water so don't skimp on it . Try higher quality Waters. I had the same issue with water. Add as much fresh fruit/herbs to infuse with it as you can handle but don't give up on it. Get well soon, we are cheering for you!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
