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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by GreenTealael

  1. GreenTealael

    November sleevers here

    We are the 2017 sophomoric class, I think everyone here is doing fantastic and crushing goals! Congrats to you as well and welcome to the boards!
  2. GreenTealael


    Expert level advice right here!
  3. GreenTealael


    You think there's a group discount for plastics? Lol we could all do it together Hahaha
  4. GreenTealael

    I Want To See Before & After Pics! (Cont'd)

    🎉1st Surgiversary yesterday🎉 Last of the Before and After photos for me. Moving forward only Afters because anticipating the future is more interesting than indulging in the past
  5. GreenTealael

    November sleevers here

  6. GreenTealael

    November sleevers here

    🎉1st Surgiversary yesterday🎉 Last of the Before and After photos, moving forward only Afters because the anticipation of the future is much moreinteresting than the indulgence of the past (Both dresses couture,by me)
  7. Get well soon and psst...edibles we won't tell anyone
  8. For my Surgiversary I rewarded myself with a facial peel at Sephora (gratis for beauty insiders) with a friend.

    Highly recommend it!

    Then hanging out briefly at a bar/restaurant where I had lots of water, two chicken wings and met a guy...


    1. Orchids&Dragons


      Sounds like a great way to celebrate to me!

    2. GreenTealael


      It was a lot of fun! I'm trying to do more things I like but never participate in.

    3. sillykitty


      Woot woot ... sounds like the perfect surgiversary!

    4. Show next comments  1,203 more
  9. GreenTealael

    Nov 2018 Hydration Challenge

    Welcome! Are you joining the challenge also?
  10. GreenTealael

    Surgery at 9am! Omg

  11. Congrats on having 5 year plan! I think I need one too.✅ You may be surprised at how everyone steps up when they see you are changing too. Divorce shmivorce, do what's right for your situation. If it's married apart while in Ireland, then go home (just promise to let me visit) My children are pretty amazing but they have their conspiratorial moments too. When hardline parenting doesn't work i then drop of Motherhood and they suddenly see I'm not playing their games, I'm playing Candy Crush and there will be no dinner or mall runs. Suddenly everyone knows what to do and order prevails. Teens. Sigh. But I am thankful that their father and I are not together but parent mostly in unison. You can totally reform everyone in 3 months, or get them in better habits. You got this!! You'll do amazing because you are being thoughtful and focused.
  12. GreenTealael


    So... Friend zoned (I was the zoning committee, Just didn't feel quite right so I asked to remain friends for now) BUT I randomly meet two people out in the wild. The first one at a local Food Co-op, the second while with Friends. I'm opt-in for door #2 I think... This is work... I'm tiredt
  13. This is where minimalism may help. If there's nothing to make a mess of you'll have less issues. Sometimes we just have too much stuff cluttering our lives. Let him buy new clothes and trash the old ones. Eventually if your kids run out of clean clothes and you refuse to do them, they will. They've been playing chicken with you and winning. My kids tried it, hell I probably tried it as a kid too. I digress. The battle with the children, no solutions I can think of. I'm a firm believer in parents as a united front against the tyranny of adolescence. Only paper products after surgery, so less worries for you to deal with. Less stress will be critical to your success. Removing as much before hand will help a ton. You may want to become super protective/selfish about your journey.
  14. Girl... Give your unhelpful crew a wake up call now. Randomly let them fend for themselves from now on. Do your own dishes, clean your own space, let them grow up and see what their new life will look like. They are ALL too old for that type of behavior. Minimalism might help. Only 4 of you so really only 4 items of anything needed (plates, bowls, cups, spoons, forks, etc.), Capsule wardobing your children & husband's clothing, putting everything else firmly away. They appear to be abusing the freedoms of variety and your housekeeping skills. 4 weeks is not bad, you will be able to really recover and adjust to post surgical life You'll probably be knitting as soon as you're not in constant pain. But recoveries are super individualized and cannot be anticipated until it's happening so everything is just prediction. Sorry. Safe Journey!
  15. I would wait a few months until you enter a good grove with food, have superb initial habits, no dependance on protein supplements, can hydrated properly and most of all speak with your team about it.
  16. GreenTealael

    Nov 2018 Hydration Challenge

    Tomorrow is a new hydration day. Crush your goals!
  17. GreenTealael

    No Pain Medications

    They probably never thought to ask about which meds they would get post surgery because the standard is usually what ever makes the patient comfortable Terrible terrible terrible Morphine and the likes do not work for me so I had to really advocate for the meds to be adjusted until I was no longer in constant pain, 1 whole day.
  18. GreenTealael

    You will get hungry

    Some people even wake up from surgery and claim they are hungry! I wish they wouldn't use the elimination of hunger as a selling point for these surgeries. It's setting people up big time...
  19. Hydrate until set meal times arrive. Only eat at set meal times. If is not that time, it's water/tea/ coffee/popsicle time. Hunger is normal. You can feel it an still survive. Stay focused, you can do this! Safe Journey
  20. You could contact your team, tell them your concerns and get their thoughts on how to move forward. Never be afraid to pester them about every little thing. Get well soon! Safe Journey
  21. GreenTealael

    Anyone regretting this?

    Well ... get well soon!
  22. All of my canonical icons fasted... I fast yearly also, it is believed by many cultures to be a purifier
  23. GreenTealael

    One year post RNY!

    👑🎉 CONGRATS 🎉👑
  24. GreenTealael

    🎉1 Year Post Op🎉

    Thanks!!💘 Psst... Jointhe Food before and after photos thread for inspiration!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
